Pawns of Kings - parts 46-52

Pawns of Kings (46/52)

After adding his own blood to the mixture, LaCroix carried it slowly to his son's room. Once there, Nicholas' eyes had already become a deep shade of amber. Approaching, his son shook his head, scooting back as far as he could.

"Nicholas, this is what you want, isn't it?"

Nick stared at the mug, both Natalie and LaCroix' blood teasing him. "Yes," he breathed, but held back. When LaCroix held the mug out, he felt himself trembling. LaCroix probably saw it, so why didn't he stop? He couldn't take the blood. If he lost it.... He shook his head again.

"It will be fine," LaCroix soothed as he sat on the edge of the bed, gently guiding Nicholas to him and the mug's contents. He brought it to his son's lips, tilting the mug just enough that the blood coated his lips.

Immediately, Nick licked it away and basked in the pure sensation. Soon after, he took a sip, and then another. Then, taking the mug, he drank the blood down slowly, not daring to let a drop go to waste. Natalie's blood did more to calm him than anything else. Or, perhaps it was LaCroix' blood, but he didn't really care.

He felt whole. He felt in control for the first time in over a week. The beast no longer demanded the blood. It was sated for the first time in months. If he had taken this small amount more from Natalie before, he would have almost certainly have either killed her, or put her in serious condition in the hospital.

"The doctor seems to know a great deal. She was correct in that you were depriving yourself of her. She was also correct in giving you more of her blood. Although I disagreed with her choice, I didn't dispute it."

He barely listened to LaCroix. " is she?"

"Sleeping." As his son's concern remained, LaCroix added, "She is weak, but with time and rest she will be fine."

Nick slipped out of the bed. Sliding past LaCroix, he followed the slow heartbeat he knew to be Natalie's. Reaching the couch, Nick stared down on her as she peacefully slept. Yes, she would be all right, but she certainly wouldn't be going anywhere that night. Moving the blanket over, he sat down. Pulling her hand toward him, Nick caught sight of a moderately sized cut, just barely healing over. There was no bandage, no blood either. "You took some of her blood, didn't you?"

"Would you had rather I let her bleed to death?"

"No." Lightly massaging her arm, Nick's fingers were careful to avoid the wound. As her lips curled up into a smile, he stated, "I'm not going into work tonight."

"Yes, you will, Nicholas." Then, with a slight pause, he added, "I will stay here to watch her. No harm will come to her, you have my word." They locked gazes for a second until LaCroix continued, "I have a message for you to deliver."

"To whom?"

"The Mayor."

"Why not just call his office? His secretary could take any-"

"Not this one. I want you to deliver it to keep its contents more protected."

Nick sighed. The sun hadn't even set, and his night was already being planned for him. "Fine. What is its purpose?"

"To meet and discuss a combination of recent events and the topic of our previous conversation." LaCroix closed the distance between then, letting his hand approach the doctor's face. After his son's hand shot up, halting his intention, LaCroix suggested, "Sleep, mon fils. Let your senses settle from the morning's events. She will not wake before sunset, and you know it."

He nodded. Leaving a kiss on Natalie's forehead, Nick walked slowly to his room, glancing back at the entrance to the hallway. He watched LaCroix' fingers lightly touch her cheek before continuing down the hall. He wasn't sure what direction LaCroix' thoughts were leaning. What he did know was that Natalie would be safe here, with LaCroix.


Nick just glared at his desk. He really didn't want to be there. As of late, he was beginning to dread coming to the precinct. Despite the distance, he could almost feel Natalie; feel her heart beating slowly along. He shook the thought away, but couldn't completely dispel it. Her blood, the last thing he tasted, still lingered in memory. It wasn't increasing his hunger, but it was preoccupying him.


He spun in his chair. Janette stood a short distance away. Her somewhat casual attire allowed her to go for the most part unnoticed, although he did catch a few of the detectives glancing her way. "What do you want? I know you don't like the precinct much."

Casting her eyes around the room, she commented, "A little bright, but much less hostile than my last visit. I suppose it will is, after all, a 'working' environment, designed specifically for mortals." Janette paused. "Natalie is doing much better, although I've been sent 'shopping' for food." She cringed, her forehead wrinkling for a moment. "Despite my recent experiences, I'm not sure what to get."


The detective glanced up, focusing more on Janette than her partner.

"What do you like to eat?" Janette asked.

" Junk food, but, that's like."

Thinking for a moment, Janette rephrased the question, "What do you eat when you are unwell?"

"Um...." Tracy looked away, not sure what to say. She knew what had happened, but wasn't aware Natalie was staying with them.

Nick watched his partner's reaction carefully. So, news of his actions the previous night had indeed reached the precinct. "Tracy, please...."

"I don't's not something I really think about."

"That's not the only thing, Nicolas."

He wondered what it could possibly be. Seeing her hesitation, he told Tracy, "Write down a few things for Janette to get. I'll be right back."

Janette led him from the bullpen, and they didn't stop until they were in, presently empty, lockup. Once they had stopped, she handed Nick a piece of paper.

Unfolding it, Nick was faintly surprised to find a print out, and even more to see that it was an email. Scanning the 'to' and 'from' lines, he stopped on LaCroix' email address. "LaCroix received this?"

"Yes, now read it."

Turning back to the paper, he read:

M. LaCroix--I don't think it needs to be mentioned what you are. After all, the whole world knows that. Your disruption will not be tolerated. You will not complete your goal, whatever it truly is. You, and those near you, such as your child and his acquaintances, will pay the price for your transgression. @-,--`--

Stunned, Nick felt his anger rise. Whoever had sent this had a great deal of information. Few outside the Community knew his relation to LaCroix. Only a handful of vampires and fewer mortals knew LaCroix' email address. The rose at the end was a blatant stab at LaCroix, but who would know of its significance besides himself, LaCroix and Janette? Natalie didn't even know. Natalie.... "Does Nat know about this?"

"Yes, and despite her weakness, she refuses to rest."

"And what does LaCroix want me to do about it?"

"You're a detective...use that to find out who sent it. LaCroix has Aristotle working on it, but he has to be careful not to reveal himself."

Sighing, Nick refolded the paper, stuffing it into his jacket pocket. "Is that all?"

"Yes, Nicolas...that's all LaCroix told me."

He knew what that meant. There was more. Later, he would make sure that LaCroix told him when he arrived home. "Get the list from Tracy. Use that, or better yet, go by Nat's place and get some things from her kitchen." Janette nodded, and felt him in the silence radiating from the cement.

Without thinking, he had called LaCroix' place 'home.' At one time, they often resided in the same apartment, house, cabin, or whatever shape their living quarters took at the time. For the past century, however, that had become less frequently the case. Shaking his head, he pushed the thoughts away and headed back to his desk.

Janette was just leaving. But as he approached, she blocked his path. "Did you get the list?"

She nodded. As she moved to kiss him, he turned and she pulled back, a slight pout staring back at him.

"Janette...not here and not now."

"I know, Nicolas, I know. I'll see you in a few hours."

Tracy watched as Janette left. Focusing on Nick, she watched him stare off toward the door. Even though Nick had told Janette to leave, she could see that he really didn't want her to. " is Nat?"


"Nick...everyone heard about what happened between you two. I want to know how she is, as a friend of both of you."

Sitting, he nodded slightly. He would tell her, even though he really needed to do what LaCroix wanted. He sat, stating, "Natalie's fine. What Janette came to talk to me about is this..." He passed her the piece of paper.

After reading through the text, Tracy just stared at it with confusion. "It's obviously a threat, but why are you so concerned?"

"We don't just give out our email addresses to anyone. LaCroix' a bit tighter with it than some."

"How about you? Have you checked your account recently?"

"Uh, not yet." Nick quickly got into his account and sure enough, a message with the same subject as the one LaCroix had received sat unread in his inbox. "Damn," he muttered.

At that, Tracy stood, coming to stand behind him. Seeing the bold words, she asked, "May I?" glancing to the keyboard. When her partner nodded, she opened the message and another threat stared back at her, this one clearly composed specifically for Nick. "Has anyone else gotten one of these?"

"I don't know. Janette doesn't even have an email account as far as I know." He was about to shake his head, but realized there was another possibility. "Antonius."


"Give me a minute..." Nick picked up the phone, dialing the Italian's number. Asking Antonius to check his email, he felt his anger rise when the younger cursed colorfully after a moment. After telling him to call LaCroix, Nick put the phone back. "Antonius got one as well...same subject."

"So...what are you going to do?"

"I guess talk to Reese, try to get him to deal with this carefully. I don't want any of this to get out if possible." He took the note back, hitting print. He glanced back at her, and then walked off to get the printout before someone else saw it.

Pawns of Kings (47/52)

Entering LaCroix' apartment, Nick found the main room empty. "Nat?" Following her nearly normal heartbeat, he found both Nat and LaCroix in the kitchen. Once he could see Natalie's face, he knew why the elder vampire was there. She really didn't look like she wanted to eat. Her fork picked lazily at the plate of rice. What surprised him was his sire's concern, but he shook it off.

If she saw him, she didn't make any indication. Turning to LaCroix, he silently asked him to leave. Once he had, Nick took a hesitant step closer. "Nat?"

She slowly ate another bite, a piece of chicken slipping in with the rice. "LaCroix told me what you wanted me to do," she softly stated.

Nick felt his heart beat twice in rapid succession. Even now, he wasn't sure what to do. They were getting closer, which didn't leave too many choices. "And...?"

"I know you don't want to see me get hurt, but I'm not going to break."

"But with the threat-"

"Forget about that, Nick. I'm not leaving. You know that. Besides, where would I be more safe than right here?"

He'd never even thought about that. Letting the corner of his mouth quirk up, he asked, "Forgive me my insane thoughts?"

"They already have been, Nick." She picked at her food for another second. Then, trying to suppress a smile, she asked, "So...what was with calling LaCroix Lucien? I don't think I've heard anyone call him that, except you, that is."

"It was-"

"Unusual and unexpected. Just keep it private. That goes for both of you," LaCroix said, appearing in the room and shooting a glare at his son. "In public, I will not tolerate it, not even from Nicholas."

Natalie focused on the two standing right next to each other, their gazes locked. She poked her fork noisily at the food, and they turned to her. "Well then," she began, pausing for a second. "Lucien...." she said, letting the name roll off her tongue, watching him fidget just enough for her to notice. Then, she sobered. "What's your plan?"


"Yeah, you know...'plan.'"

"There is none."

"So, there is nothing to stop mortals, whether hunters or everyday people, from making, and possibly carrying out these threats. Right?"

"They know our purpose. That is enough."

She stood, approaching LaCroix, halting just within his reach. "It is not enough. If I didn't know what was really going on, I would view the breakaway you're doing as being an overthrow of what appears to be, at least to the majority of the population, a working system. All of the information out in the open is indirect."

"And what do you suggest?"

"A press-conference." Seeing his anger flare, she kept her ground. As he tried to move away, she grabbed his arm, eliciting a green-gold glare. "It would be a direct presentation of your opinion. It would also answer questions that haven't been answered yet."

"A press-conference would increase the possibility of an attack."

"It would also decrease it." For a moment their eyes were locked, then LaCroix glanced at her grip. She released his arm, after which LaCroix turned and left the room. Following, she asked, "So...what do you think?"

Nick came up behind Natalie, being careful about not getting too close in fear that his hunger might flare up again. "I think it's a good idea."

LaCroix spun, his eyes still green-gold for a moment. As the blue returned, he nearly hissed, "Yes...I suppose." With a displacement of air, he stood next to Nicholas. "You will arrange this 'press-conference,' then." He took a step forward, stopping next to the mortal. Leaning over slightly, he whispered, "And you will accompany us as you seem keen on the idea."

"Fine, although I don't know what use I'll be...."

LaCroix glared at her, then turned and left the room, starting off down the hall.

"Well, that suggestion went over well."

"It's a good one, though. It might be just what we need to break free of the Council." Nick bowed his head, his expression quickly sobering, coming back to their original conversation. "Nat? I nearly...nearly killed can you-"

Her fingers stopped his words. Then, letting them rest on his lips, she whispered, "Shh, everything will be fine. I love you, and I will not allow our differences to stand between that. You have to do the same, Nick. You have to stop treating me like a mortal, like I'm some piece of ultra-thin glass." He let her hand drop, placing it on his shoulder. She waited for a response, hoping that he would say something. "Nick?"

"I...." He paused, pulling away slightly. "You still...after everything?"

"Yes, Nick. How couldn't I?"

"But-" He couldn't continue, as Natalie had leaned forward and kissed him. She pulled away, leaving him wanting more. Silently, he stood as still as he could, his eyes lightly closed. Opening them, he saw Natalie through an amber hue. She was beautiful...her hair taking on a golden flare, as did her skin and eyes. When she moved to kiss him again, he returned it. As they kissed, he felt her caress his fangs, enticing him further. His hands held her body tightly to him. One slipped under her shirt, feeling the warm flesh of her back.

As he pulled away from the kiss, Natalie moaned, but one sensation was quickly replaced by another. His lips started just below her ear, kissing down the side of her neck onto her shoulder. They stopped for a moment, hovering just above her skin. Then, he began the process again, this time moving downward. He stopped several inches below her collarbone, and then pulled away. She looked up at him, staring into the golden depths and prepared to protest. His lips on hers prevented her action, and then he again pulled away.

He smiled. Giving her one more long, passionate kiss, he told her in a barely controlled timbre, "Not now, Natalie.... You must recover before we try and push this. Please."

She breathed deeply in an attempt to calm her senses...but it didn't do much good. Natalie nodded in response, her eyes still locked with Nick's. Slowly, they faded to blue, at which he gave her another kiss. Breaking apart, he backed up a step, letting his lips quirk up into a fanged smile. A moment later, he started slowly toward his room. She stood there for several minutes before sitting on the couch, leaning back in the cushions and letting the last several minutes play themselves over and over.


From his room, LaCroix leaned against the door and smiled. All he had to do was wait. Nicholas would soon be his. He could feel the boiling emotions and needs within his child. Eventually, his son would need to act on those emotions.

The fate of Natalie, however, was still untold. She was a mortal who was becoming ever closer to both his son and the Community. Several years before, he never would have considered allowing her into his life in this manner, staying at his apartment during the day, completely enthralling his son....

His curiosity was piqued...would she ever ask Nicholas to bring her across...? Sooner or later she would want more than the abrupt end they had settled with tonight. But, he could wait. He had all the time imaginable.

Pawns of Kings (48/52)

One week and two days later:

"Nicholas, I am not going in there with you. Publicity unnerves me."

"You don't have to, Antonius. I want you to watch the precinct during the press conference. Make sure the Council doesn't take advantage of the situation."

Antonius glanced at the others in the alleyway: LaCroix, Janette, Natalie and, his focus of attention, Nicholas. "I hope this works. If it doesn't, it could mean a whole new host of problems." With that, he took off, leaving the others to their business.

Moving behind Nick, Janette argued, "Antonius is right, mon Cher...this is madness. We are exposing ourselves needlessly to the mortals."

"But, it also has it's advantages," LaCroix stated. "It will very likely give us the advantage we need in all of this."

"I still agree with Antonius. This could be a mistake. This is too is worse than those meetings...I will not-"

LaCroix held her arm tightly, preventing her from leaving. "You will accompany us, Janette. You will not speak of this again until we have returned to the Raven. Now, proceed," he hissed, indicating the way out of the alley and the direction of the building's main entrance.

Watching Janette obey the command, Nick following close behind her, Natalie caught LaCroix' arm before he could do the same. "Did you have to do that?"

"It was necessary. If our uncertainty is visible, the mortals will sense it. We do not need that."

He started off down after the others, nearly leaving her behind. After a second, she followed, hurrying to catch up to the others. Rounding the corner, it was only a matter of seconds before a crowd of people surrounded them. They slipped inside the building, at which the noise suddenly stopped. Peace, at least for a moment. Heading into a small conference room, they found Reese waiting for them.

"I hope this has the effect you want, Nick." The detective nodded. Reese took in the four, each of them were wearing mostly black or some other dark color. It was strange seeing Natalie with the three vampires, and he noticed that she seemed calm in their presence. If he were in that position, he certainly wouldn't be able to keep a level expression. "It's been explained that any questions relating directly to any of your private lives, either past or present, can be completely dismissed. Remember that this is a forum to explain your reasons behind your actions, and those are the questions you should answer." Reese paused, focusing on Natalie. "I don't know what, if any, questions you might be asked, Dr. Lambert, but the same policy goes for you. If a question is too intruding or inappropriate, don't answer."

No one made a sound: not a shifting of weight, an audible breath, or even the start of a response. Nick, in an attempt to release some of the tension, asked, "So, is everyone ready?"

Nat and LaCroix nodded nearly in unison. After a moment, Janette reluctantly did so as well.

"I'll tell them you'll be out in just a few minutes," Reese said as he stood and left.

As the four glanced between one another, Nick and Natalie's gazes met. She could clearly see the worry on his face. Approaching, she assured him, "Everything should be fine. We're going to be in a room with who knows how much security. If anyone tries anything, they'll be caught."

"You know that's not what I'm concerned about, Nat. I'm worried about what the reaction to this will be." Placing a kiss on her temple, Nick left the room, heading toward their destination with the others following.

They slipped into the back corner of the room. After a second, they received a glance from the speaker: the mayor. He wrapped up the introduction, after which the four stepped up onto the bright stage.

Natalie and Janette hung back, standing near the back of the stage. LaCroix stood purposely at the podium, Nick only a couple of steps away. LaCroix focused on the audience, scanning the crowd. He stopped on a young man, his hand patiently raised.

After making eye contact and receiving a nod, the reporter stood, asking, "What is your relationship with the others present?"

Stiffening slightly, LaCroix stated, "Please elaborate."

"What are your relations with the others present? Are they friends that you have acquired?"

Catching a movement to the side, LaCroix turned toward Reese, who was gesturing him to keep his silence. He considered doing so, but knew that sooner or later it would be discovered. "Nicholas is my...son. Janette is another member of our family, and Dr. Lambert is an acquaintance."

The man sat down. LaCroix turned his attention back to the sea of reporters picking another--a woman. "What are your approximate ages, and those of your Council's members?"

LaCroix locked gazes with her for a moment. At least this knowledge was partially public. The Council would not be thrilled, but then, this conference wasn't for their benefit. He answered, another question quickly taking its place.

Nearly forty-five minutes later, Nick took up the answering. The third question made him freeze.

"Could you detail the event that began this breakaway? We have heard the results, but not the reasons behind them," one of the audience repeated.

Nick felt Natalie take a step closer. He forced himself to collect his thoughts. After a second, he answered, "It was an attempt to keep us, specifically LaCroix, from acting against them." After a moment of silence, he explained everything: the children's murder and his memories of the same, all of the way through to the Council's offer that turned out to be a trick and the weak link they had established.

"Then, those children were considered pieces in a game? They were killed without mercy, to-"

LaCroix sent a chilling glare at the speaker, sending them back into their seat. He turned to his son, who had turned almost white. These memories did not need to be relived. "If you will excuse us," he said, leading Nicholas from the stage and into the hallway.

Natalie, slightly stunned, ended up at the podium. She began her own answering of the limited questions she could, hoping Nick and LaCroix would be back soon.


Arriving back at the Raven about two hours later, Natalie sighed in relief. Her questions had mostly been about her relation to Nick and the other members of the Community. Only a handful of those questions had been answered in her attempt of stalling for time until Nick and LaCroix had returned.

Once they had, the questions continued; personal questions occasionally popping up, at which they usually went to the next question.

Letting her eyes wander across the room, they stopped on Nick, who had immediately gone to the couch upon arriving. He sat in its corner, creating a silent tension in the room. Nick had received the brunt of the 'personal' questions. He'd been through enough lately, the reporters' proddings only making things worse. On the way back, Nick had refused driving, simply handing her the keys and getting in the passenger side. Now, he sat staring blankly across the room.

Slowly approaching Nick, she sat next to him. "You okay?"

"Fine...really...just don't ask me to do that anytime soon. I should have expected the questions. Besides, it showed that we really do have emotions," he said, attempting a smile.

"Grief is for the weak!" Coming to stand before the two, LaCroix added, "I would have thought you would have learned that by-" He stopped, hearing a knock on the door. Behind it, stood three mortals...none of whom he immediately knew the identity of. He stalked to the door, pulling it open. On the other side, he found Reese, and by his guess, two other detectives. He waited for the mortal to speak. When he didn't, LaCroix asked, "And what brings you here, Captain?"

"Two murders. At the end of the press conference, we found two victims, both drained."

"And what does that have to do with us?"

Reese paused, focusing on the group. Meeting LaCroix' gaze, he answered, "The victims' time of death corresponds to the time that you and Nick were away from the podium. At the moment, there is no charge against either of you. It is simply routine questioning."

LaCroix' eyes flashed amber. "I am not-"

"It is just routine, LaCroix. It shouldn't be any trouble at all. If they don't have any evidence, they can't hold us."

Setting his jaw, LaCroix turned, settling his gaze on Janette. "Remain here and watch Natalie. Nothing is to happen during our absence. If we are not back by sunrise, Natalie will be staying the day." Turning to the doctor, he didn't receive the expected refusal, but a slight nod, which he returned. Locking his eyes on first Reese, and then the accompanying officers, LaCroix exited with his son, the three mortals following nearly on their heels.


LaCroix paced the length of the interview room like a caged animal. He was tired of all of the running around. First, they'd been taken to a conference room, and then Reese's office. Now they were in one of the interview rooms. He and Nicholas had been at the precinct for well over an hour. So far, no one had spoken with them, the only mortal in the room being a guard to keep them put. He nearly scoffed at the picture that formed in his mind. As if a mortal could keep him in this room.

The door swung open. LaCroix stopped his travels just behind his son, watching Reese and Detective Vetter enter the room. "What grounds are we being held on?" he demanded tersely.

"For your own protection." Reese paused, breaking the glare that had settled on him upon entering. "You are not being charged with the murders, but are currently the only suspects."

"Do you seriously believe either of us are stupid enough to drain a mortal and leave their body in plain sight, let alone two?" LaCroix waited a moment, then stated, "If you have nothing, Captain, I suggest you release us now."

"No," Reese said, shaking his head. "To me, it looks like a setup. One of the security tapes, specifically the one for the crime scene, has been tampered with--a section of the recording was cut out. Could this have something to do with the messages you received?"

Both vampires considered the possibility. Then Nick answered, "I don't think so, perhaps.... Natalie. Natalie and Janette are back at the Raven." He stood, walking to the end of the table. "I'm going over there."

Reese caught a hold of Nick's shoulder before he could slip past. "Your partner is going with you. You will remain in her sight at all times, understood?" Receiving a nod, he continued, "And if something has happened to Natalie, that makes this a police matter, and you *will* report anything."

"And LaCroix?"

Facing the taller man, Reese stated, "He will remain here until you return unless something happened at the Raven."

LaCroix stiffened at that, but he would do as the mortal instructed. However, if there was something wrong, that might very well change.

Nick again nodded and quickly left the room, Tracy hurrying to catch up. He kept his pace out to Tracy's car, holding out his hand for the keys. Reluctantly, she gave them to him. Soon, they were speeding out of the parking lot.

After a few minutes, Nick felt his connection with Janette change. It wasn't a call for help, or an intense emotion, but a dulling of her presence that had alerted him. Pressing his foot harder on the accelerator, he took a right-hand turn, completely forgetting about the blinker and nearly taking out the curb.

What felt like an eternity later, the car pulled to a quick stop in front of the club. Before Tracy knew it, Nick was at the door. Once again, she found herself running to catch up. She barely reached the main doors before they closed, by which time Nick was already going up to the apartment. "Nick! Wait up!" she called, taking the stairs two at a time. Pushing the apartment door open, she froze. The room was a mess. After a short moment, she focused on Nick and caught sight of Janette, lying still on the floor. " is she?"

"Unconscious...she should be fine, but I want to take her somewhere else."

Tracy nodded. Her eyes darted around the room once again. Janette was there, the room's contents a mess. Yet, there was something missing. "Where's Natalie?"

"Not here," he softly stated. Raising his eyes to her, they momentarily flashed gold. "Why didn't I see it coming sooner?! If she had come to the precinct, she would have been safe, both her and Janette would be fine."

"Nick, don't-"

"I know, I know. It's not my fault that this happened." He sighed, turning his attention back to Janette and brushing a strand of hair out of her face. "I want to get her somewhere safe." Picking Janette up, he started for the door.

"Nick? Where are you-"

"I'll be back as soon as I can. I guess you should call Reese...tell him what happened."

She nodded, watching as her partner carried Janette out of the apartment, hoping Nick would get back before Reese arrived.

Pawns of Kings (49/52)

Tracy stared across at her partner through the others on the scene. Nick had returned seconds before the arrival of Reese, LaCroix, and several of the officers from the precinct. Glancing at those present, she knew these were those Reese trusted. The only one missing was Natalie. She glanced around at those from the morgue, and her eyes settled on Grace, who was heading in Nick's direction. Following, Tracy wondered what had either been found, or if Grace was going to let some steam out.

"Where is Janette?" LaCroix asked his son, his voice carrying its usual icy and demanding tone.

"At your apartment."

"We are *in* my apartment!" he hissed.

"The other one. The one I'm not supposed to know about. The pe-"

"Good. She should be safe there until we can return."

Grace popped up, and with a faint smile told them, "You won't be able to return anywhere until you've been cleared of the murders."

"Reese said he believed it to be a set up."

Glancing toward Nick, she reminded him, "But those tapes could have been altered just as easily by you two."

The detective considered the statement. Yes, that was absolutely true...they could have, and there was no proof of just who had done the tampering. Trying to think of some way that Grace could help and convince her of their innocence, he threw his mind over his previous cases. Then, it hit him. "What is the distance between the marks on the victims' necks?"


Nick smiled at Grace, explaining, "A vampire's fangs are a set distance apart. Unless it is the same as one of us, we're off the hook."

"What was that about being 'off the hook'?" Tracy asked, stepping up behind Grace.

"Let's ask Reese...I think it will work, unless the killers thought of that. If so, it might dig us in deeper."

"What's that you wanted to ask me?"

Nick cursed to himself, and caught a smirk from LaCroix. "Just an idea." He paused, trying to let things settle. Since he and Tracy arrived, he had been busy. Flying Janette to LaCroix' other apartment had taken up much of his energy, and he was getting hungry. "Right now, I'm getting something to drink...too much going on."

He slipped away to the kitchen before they could comment. He weaved easily through the officers, each of their eyes settling on him for a couple of seconds. Pulling a bottle out of the refrigerator, he took a large swallow of its contents to the surprise of those present. As he prepared to take another, he tasted something that shouldn't be there. He abruptly had an uncontrollable need to gag, and went for the sink. Nothing came up, the damage already having been done.

Feeling slightly lightheaded, he could feel LaCroix approaching. "The blood, it''s been drugged I think. I...I don't feel...I feel dizzy...."

As his son leaned back against the counter, LaCroix' anger boiled. 'How dare some one do this to me!' he nearly spoke aloud, but first there was Nicholas. Damn all of the mortals that were gawking at them...he needed to give Nicholas his blood to help filter out whatever else had been in the bottle.

Pulling him from the counter, LaCroix took his son from the area. Slipping into the first empty room, he shut the door behind them.

Nick could feel the sensation increase, his surroundings starting to spin. "LaCroix...I...."

"Shh..." LaCroix whispered, holding Nicholas close to him and guiding him toward his own neck. "Drink from me, Nicholas. Let my blood dull this...."

Surprisingly, Nicholas had needed no other coaxing words, and LaCroix' lips parted as he felt Nicholas' sharp fangs dig deep into his flesh. As his blood was pulled for him, he did everything he could to keep Nicholas calm.

LaCroix forced himself to keep his own control as well. He wanted to return the action despite the poison that flowed in Nicholas' blood. It would intensify their link and more, but he knew Nicholas would not permit it. He wanted his son's blood just as much as Nicholas currently needed his. They had not shared blood for a long while, and he suspected it would not be wise to push the situation as he'd tried in the past. True, they had been on relatively good terms the last couple of weeks, but he was still waiting for his son to return. LaCroix let Nicholas drink, his eyes narrowing as the latter's emotions met his own.

He felt his son strengthen, the blood being pulled quicker from him than before, and a second later the younger pulled away. Meeting his son's eyes, LaCroix watched Nicholas turn quickly to the wall. "Nicholas...?" he asked, completely unaware of what caused this action.

"I'm not ready for that, LaCroix, not yet.... I want this situation resolved--completely--before any discussion of my returning is made." Nick caught his father's surprise. "I will not deny it, I cannot, but neither am I entirely ready. Give me some more time."

LaCroix watched Nicholas spin on his heel and head for the door. He was a bit stunned. His son had sensed his thoughts in the blood...that was the only explanation. The younger was indeed returning to the Community.

Yet, even as Nicholas left the room, he could feel his son's weakness. He wasn't entirely sure if it was from the bottle's contents, or from his blood.


Catching sight of her partner as he paused at the hall's entrance, Tracy watched him lean against the wall. She met up with him as he pushed away from the surface, fully entering the room. "You okay?" she asked, regretting it as a glare shot her way.

"I'll be fine. It's not easy to harm immortals, you know."

Tracy nearly spoke, but thought better of it. She knew exactly what he was getting at--Natalie. "Reese wants us--you, me, LaCroix and Grace--to go over to the morgue and try to clear you two. In the meantime, they'll continue here...see if they can find anything." He didn't answer, and as LaCroix approached, she watched Nick stiffen.

"That will be fine, Detective," LaCroix answered, having heard the conversation from the hallway. "Make sure the investigation goes no further than the main room and the kitchen...nothing else is to be touched, moved, removed-"

"I get the point. I'll go tell Reese before we leave. Grace is already on her way, so I'll drive you two over in just a couple of minutes."

As Tracy left, Nick commented to LaCroix, "I'm surprised you didn't insist upon staying."

"I want this over with. You know that. We should be cleared of this in short while, shouldn't we?"

Nick held firm under his father's stare. They had a chance of not being cleared; he knew that. He didn't need LaCroix to remind him. Hopefully, all of this would be over soon.


"Found it," Grace exclaimed, entering the room holding up a small metal measuring device. "Okay, let me see 'em."

Hesitating at the eagerness from Grace, Nick let his fangs drop. Carefully, she measured the difference between his canines, the metal points just grazing the tips of his teeth, forcing him to concentrate to keep the remainder of his control. He pulled back as soon as she was done, moving a few steps to the side. Natalie knew how sensitive a vampire's teeth were, and he had to remind himself that Grace didn't.

"Thirty-five millimeters." She turned to LaCroix, stating, "Your turn."

He shot her an icy glare through narrowed, faintly golden, eyes. She stiffened, and he let his eyes return to normal. "Be careful, or..."

She didn't have to ask what would happen. Grace knew exactly what those sharp pointed teeth were used for. Carefully, trying to avoid getting closer than was necessary, she took the measurements, and then a couple of steps back. "Thirty-four millimeters."

When she just stood there, LaCroix waited. Grace made no further comment. "And what does that mean?"

"You're off. The marks on the victims were thirty-one millimeters--both of them." Grace turned, and started writing on a piece of paper.

LaCroix was about to speak, but was interrupted by Detective Vetter's cell phone, and he glared at her until it had been answered. For a few moments, she answered a few questions...mostly with yes/no answers, and then, abruptly, she hung up.

"It was Reese. We're supposed to head back to your apartment. I guess they found something."

LaCroix met her eyes for a second, and then started for the door with Nicholas and the mortal right behind him. Hopefully what they had found wouldn't mean much to the mortals...he wanted to keep this matter within the Community as much as possible.


Arriving back at his apartment, the two vampires were immediately left in a sea of faintly organized confusion while Tracy went to get Reese.

As the Captain advanced, he held out a plastic bag containing a once folded sheet of paper. "We found this under one of the other bottles. No one knows what it says. One of the officers said it looked like it might be Latin."

Snatching the bag from the mortal, LaCroix read through the familiar language. "It is Latin," he stated after several minutes, a stern look on his visage.

"And?" Reese asked after a long second, his impatience clearly noticeable.

Nick carefully took the note, looking through the words. It wasn't the Latin he knew, but LaCroix probably would have grown up with it. Despite that, he could make out the gist of the message. "LaCroix is supposed to meet them...they want a deal from us in exchange for Natalie, along with one-million dollars."

"One-million?" came Reese's incredible response.

"American, if I read it right. Plus, I think this is supposed to happen during the day. LaCroix?"

The elder vampire met his son's gaze and nodded. "Yes, and the only difficult part will be the last term."

"What about the money?"

Turning back to Nicholas' superior, LaCroix stated, "That won't be a problem. Besides, I don't think the money is the key issue."

Reese held in his frustration. He didn't want to be pushed out of the situation, which was the direction LaCroix was already heading. Natalie was just as important to him as any of his detectives or officers. "When is this exchange to take place, and where?"

LaCroix took the note back from his son, putting it in his coat. "Noon tomorrow. As to where...better if it is not known."

Reese watched the vampire, studying the cool, unemotional expression. Without commenting on the note being evidence, knowing he wouldn't get it back anyway, Reese stated, "That's less than twelve-hours from now."

"The money won't be a problem, and I believe Nicholas may be able to provide the other solution."

"I'm going with you."

That broke LaCroix' calm. "No, you aren't, Nicholas. I do not know the consequences of that. Considering the instructions do state that I am to come *alone,* I do not believe it would be wise. We don't want anything to happen to Natalie, now do we?" He locked gazes with the younger, his vision turning gold. "I will organize the money and you will get whatever is needed to get through this daytime meeting." Turning to leave, he once again met Reese's eyes. "I will be at Nicholas' loft, and that is where I will remain until leaving for this exchange."

After several seconds of silence between the three, Nick gave a glance to Reese and Tracy before turning to leave as well.

"Nick?" Reese said, catching hold of the detective's shoulder.

"Don't come by until ten-thirty or eleven. And, please keep this between as few people as possible. I know this situation is in both jurisdictions, but Natalie is considered a member of the Community. Technically, we should deal with the matter, but LaCroix is allowing the cooperation. However, I know he won't allow any interference on your part, and I don't think it would be a good idea, either. Everything will be ready no later than eleven."

Neither Reese nor Tracy could get a word of protest out before he was gone. They looked to one another, each wondering just how everything was going to work out and fully aware Nick spoke the truth. LaCroix wouldn't allow any interference on their part, not if it went against something he'd planned.

Pawns of Kings (50/52)

Nick sat starring off into space as he had for the past several hours. The money sat on the table in a black leather briefcase. He had signed for it, as LaCroix had requested on a short note he'd found upon returning home.

LaCroix had been asleep as he'd arrived back. The note had also stated he didn't want to be disturbed. As a result, Nick was becoming impatient waiting, not wanting to chance irritating LaCroix. Glancing at his watch, he knew it was late enough. It was ten-thirty, and Reese would probably be arriving soon. He couldn't see his Captain just waiting at the precinct until this was over. Tracy would probably be there as well.

Slowly and quietly he ascended the stairs, not making a sound as he entered his room. LaCroix lay rigid in his bed, the covers smoothed over his form. Nick stood midway between the door and the bed, watching his father sleep.

Earlier, he'd just barely caught something LaCroix had said...almost dismissing it as a fluke of his mind. But, he *had* heard it.

'We don't want anything to happen to Natalie, now do we?'

That's what LaCroix had said. The 'we' he was sure meant LaCroix and himself, but it wasn't normal for LaCroix to use that word...not when talking about a mortal. Yet, it made perfect sense. He'd seen it over the past days and weeks. It was in the release from the bargain he'd made for Fleur and in the small actions LaCroix had made; whether they be a touch on her face, or an extension of his protection. LaCroix had allowed her near free reign of his apartment. He had even been concerned when she didn't want to eat.

LaCroix was becoming closer to Natalie, and there was nothing he could do about it. How close that could eventually be, he didn't want to think about. Not right now.

Nick silently closed the distance. Without a hint of hesitation, he placed his hand on LaCroix' shoulder. He didn't back up as LaCroix sat up, focusing quickly on him with a golden gaze.

"You need to take the Litovuterine. Reese might be here soon, so we might want to take care of it now. I'll be downstairs."

Nick slipped out of the room before LaCroix was fully awake. Getting the Litovuterine-D he'd taken from the morgue and readying a syringe, Nick felt LaCroix come up behind him.

"What must I do?"

Without turning, Nick stated, "Lie down on the couch or the floor, and roll up your sleeve." He sensed his father's hesitation. "It's won't be able to control it."

The elder vampire held the other's gaze, knowing full well the truth of the statements. When Nicholas had taken the Litovuterine, he had felt his son's pain as clearly as if it had been his own. Nicholas had taken a risk to keep himself hidden from the mortals. He would do this for both of them. Natalie was the main focus of his son's attention, and as a result, her safety was in his interest. Besides, he found his own thoughts straying to the mortal of late. Not daring to show a spark of emotion, he nodded.

As LaCroix complied, lying on the floor, Nick turned and approached. He knelt next to LaCroix, slightly uncomfortable. Receiving a nod, he injected the Litovuterine.

LaCroix closed his eyes as he felt the drug enter his bloodstream. For a moment, there was no difference. Then, as his heart beat, spreading the Litovuterine throughout his body, he felt the pain. It centered in his abdomen, feeling as if he were being eaten from the inside out. He rolled to his side as the pain ripped through him, keeping his jaw shut tight in an effort to remain silent.

It felt like minutes as the pain remained, not increasing, but certainly not ceasing either. Slowly, it began to fade. After a moment, he felt his chest tighten, at which he took in a deep breath. As the tenseness disappeared, he became aware of his surroundings. He could feel the cool air around him, its movement nearly chilling him. A cool hand rested on his arm--Nicholas' hand.

He could hear Nicholas mumbling about something...that he shouldn't move for a moment...or something to that effect. Ignoring the sounds, he sat up. In an instant, he felt the room spin, the shapes distorted. As it stopped, he focused on his son.

"LaCroix? How do you feel?"

"Weak...the's still there...."

"The pain will go away in a few minutes. The weakness won't, though. It's from the absence of the vampire, or so I assume." Nick stood, helping LaCroix to his feet. As the elder man swayed, Nick steadied him.

LaCroix pulled back from the gesture, nearly losing his balance on the way to the couch. Once seated, he leaned back and let his attention fall on the briefcase. "There was no trouble getting the money?"

"None. It's all there, all in American bills and ready to go." Nick stopped upon hearing the lift start up. His attention, however, remained on LaCroix. The other waited for him to continue, not aware there were two mortals on their way up in the elevator.

The door slid open, LaCroix' attention snapping to those entering. He stood slowly, trying to avoid the dizziness he'd felt the other times he'd moved. Meeting Reese's eyes, he kept his gaze until he could visibly see the man's nervousness. At least he hadn't lost all of his abilities.

Reese looked away. Noticing the already used syringe, he knew this was, more or less, a mortal LaCroix, although he couldn't tell any difference. "I'm letting this be in your hands on one condition, LaCroix. You will wear a wire to this meeting and we will listen. If something goes wrong, one of us will take some kind of action."

LaCroix' anger simmered. Faintly, he wondered if he should have demanded full control of the situation. After all, Natalie was as much of a member of the Community as any vampire in the city, and he had no wish for these mortals to ruin everything.

Watching the vampire, Reese continued, "We will not make any move until there is need for it. Hopefully, there will not be, as by the time one of us arrives there will probably be nothing we can do. You will have full control of the situation."

Calming somewhat, LaCroix considered the order with distaste. He did not wish to wear any such device. At the same time, he was fully aware that he would be unable to contact even Nicholas if something were to not go as planned. "Fine. I will do as you wish. However, any conversation will, if possible, not leave those present. Understood?"

Reese tried to keep his calm under the piercing, frozen glare often directed at him. "If it can be kept that way, yes. But, I can't guarantee it. I brought all of the equipment with me. We should probably get it set up."

LaCroix didn't comment as Reese turned and left, undoubtedly retrieving the mentioned equipment. He really didn't feel like arguing at the moment. The Litovuterine was making him tired and he felt just as weak now as he had several minutes before. Nicholas had been right about that, just as the pain was nearly gone.

It was now nearly eleven. In an hour he would arrive at the meeting place to make the exchange and whatever deal they had in mind. Soon after, Natalie would be returned to him--if everything went according to plan.


LaCroix stood in the bright sunlight, trying to avoid its painful rays. It might not burn, but it hurt his eyes far more now than it ever did when he was mortal.

It was nearly one. They were late. As he waited, he wondered just who was meeting him. It could not be one of the Council, or any vampire for that matter, unless they too knew of a way to beat the sun. It had to be a mortal.

He saw a man standing a short distance away, just close enough that he could make them out amongst the blinding light. When the other didn't approach, LaCroix moved to meet him. With every step he could feel the wire pull on his skin. He hoped this device wouldn't be detected.


Although it was a statement, LaCroix nodded in response. "Where is Doctor Lambert?" The man nodded behind him, at which LaCroix followed the indicated direction. Another approached, holding her firmly in his grasp, a gag preventing her from speaking or screaming. He noted that she appeared dazed, as if just waking from being sedated.

He could feel his anger burn inside him. It was a kind of anger that usually only manifested itself when Nicholas was involved, but this time it was more. The kidnappers had taken Natalie. Even though she was mortal, the Council knew that she was, more or less, under his protection. If they harmed her, they would pay.

"You have the money?"

"Yes. It is as requested. Release her, and you shall receive it."

"First, the matter of the deal.... If she is returned, you will either accept the actions of your Council, or this will not be our last meeting."

"I will accept no such deal. We will make your exchange. The Council will be dealt with separately. You have no place in our discussions."

"As you wish," the man said, nodding to his colleague.

LaCroix watched as Natalie was brought closer. "Release her first. Then, you will receive your payment."

There was another nod, at which Natalie felt her arms relax. A moment later the gag was removed, her lungs filling with fresh air. Before she knew it, she was being pushed towards LaCroix. He caught her easily, holding her possessively. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched a briefcase being exchanged, realizing that was her ransom.

"Since you have refused to make the deal, you will receive a warning from the Council."

"Which is?" LaCroix asked. Then, following the man's gaze, he could just make out the end of a weapon. After a moment of hesitation, instinct hit. He tried to get out of its range, but a second later he felt an impact in his side.

Pulling the dart out, he could feel whatever it was starting to take affect. Suddenly, the sun seemed warmer and brighter. His skin felt like it was on fire, burning in the light. He could feel his nature return as it was seemingly revitalized with the dart's contents.

It felt as though he'd just tasted another vampire's blood. Perhaps it was something in the dart, or perhaps it was his own blood renewing itself in his body. Whatever was in it was counteracting the Litovuterine Nicholas had given him.

But, right now that wasn't important. Shooting a crimson glare at the man, he flew toward shelter with Natalie gripped firmly against him.

Once out of the sun, he released her and collapsed to his knees in pain. It felt like a combination of when Nicholas had given him the Litovuterine and something he was much more familiar with--hunger. His short time in the sun had caused his skin to feel like it had spent the last few moments being scorched in an oven. He needed blood to heal the minor burns he'd received in the last few seconds that he'd been outside, and he needed it now.

As the hunger became overwhelming, he focused on the mortal. He could hear her pulse beating quickly in his ear. Her lips moved as she spoke, but the words were inaudible to him. She approached closer, stopping just in front of him. A couple of heartbeats later, he felt her fingers on his cheek. He turned into the light touch, his lips meeting her palm for a mere second before she pulled away. He closed his eyes, trying to focus.


He looked up to her, her form sitting in a red sea with her heart at its center.

Natalie could see the need in his entire being. His skin had burned in several places, its normally smooth surface blistered. Yet, he didn't have the blood he needed to heal. On top of that, he had a starved look, which she knew wasn't going to go away on its own. She moved closer, repeating her previous action. "You're need-"

"No!" He pulled her hand from his face, but didn't look away from it, nor did he release his hold. "I will wait...."

"LaCroix...take it. Nick should be on his way, right? LaCroix?"

"Nicholas is coming...I can feel him."

"And how long will it take for him to get here? It's day, as I'm sure you're aware. You took the Litovuterine, didn't you?" She watched him, the hunger mixed with pain still being the dominant emotion. "You need blood, LaCroix. The pain and burns, not to mention your hunger, won't go away until you've fed."

He pulled her hand back to his face, pulling in its wonderful warmth and the scent of her blood.

Natalie kneeled, "LaCroix, take it. I'm aware of the risks. I would do the same for Nick."

After looking away for a second, he met her eyes. There was no fear or regret behind their depths. Perhaps a tinge of nervousness, but that couldn't be blamed. In a quick movement, he pulled Natalie toward him, turning her so that her back was to him. His arms wrapped around her waist. One hand tilted her head to the side, leaving her neck fully accessible.

For nearly a minute he just held her there, his fangs pausing inches above her skin. He marveled at her. She was willingly giving him her blood. Once, they had been enemies. Of late, they had become something else. What that was, he wasn't yet sure. Right now all he knew was that her blood was calling to him, her even pulse reeling him in.

Not able to wait any longer, he struck, pulling the sweet liquid from her veins. As he felt the edge of his hunger back off, he continued to drink, although slowly. A feeling of complete exhaustion suddenly came over him, and he ceased his task. Holding Natalie close to him he laid down on the cement, feeling the world disappear....

Pawns of Kings (51/52)

It had taken twenty-five minutes for Nick to get to LaCroix and Natalie. Tracy, who had driven him, stayed several steps behind him as they entered the building he knew they were in.

Nick proceeded cautiously, not entirely sure what to expect. Getting slightly closer, he was rewarded with a mortal heartbeat--Natalie's. He let out a breath, relieved that she was alive.

As they had left his place, he had felt LaCroix' need. Shortly after, he had sat stunned as he felt LaCroix take Natalie's blood without resistance. At the time, he didn't know how to feel. He still didn't. But, at least Natalie was safe. That's what really mattered at the moment.

Catching sight of them near the far wall, he could see them spooned together. LaCroix, apparently sleeping, held Natalie firmly to him. Natalie, however, appeared awake--at least partly.

He continued his slow approach, finally kneeling as he reached them. Reaching out, his fingers lightly brushed Natalie's forehead. She smiled at his action, at which he repeated it. "Are you all right?"

She nodded. "I think so...although I don't remember anything after I felt LaCroix' fangs. It was so fast...."

"Other than that?"

"I'm fine. Nick, those that took me were mortals, but I think I saw one of the Council last night."

"What do you remember?"

"They drugged me at LaCroix'. The next things I remembered were waking up in a car, and then seeing LaCroix out there, in the sun. I thought I was dreaming for a moment. Don't really remember what happened then, either. It's all a blur."

Nick turned his attention momentarily to LaCroix. He could see where there were recent burns, some of which were only beginning to heal, others that had already done so. Through their bond, he could still feel LaCroix' hunger, but it wasn't nearly as demanding as it had been twenty-five minutes ago.

Repeating his earlier action on LaCroix, he felt the elder vampire stir for a fraction of a second before returning to his deep sleep. "We should get LaCroix somewhere safer. He'll need more blood when he wakes. And need rest. I also want Grace to check you over."


"Please, Nat. You've lost so much of your blood in the last week and a half. I don't want you overdoing yourself and making things worse. I'll have her come by the loft, okay? Nat?"

"Yeah, that's okay, but I feel fine," she mumbled. Actually, she felt better than that, even with the blood loss. Her mind focused on the hands that still wrapped around her. The situation wasn't all that uncomfortable, but it was awkward. "Could me a bit? LaCroix seems to have a pretty good grip while he's asleep."

He tried to manage a smile, if only for her benefit. After a moment, Natalie was standing, first being fussed over by Tracy, and then being led out to the car. Nick followed, carrying LaCroix. As they reached the entrance, he placed the coat he'd used for his own protection against the sun over LaCroix. The sun wouldn't be a problem for him until they were on the road. They headed back to his apartment in silence, his attention split between LaCroix and dodging the sun's bright rays.


LaCroix had been restless the entire ride back. Even after they'd arrived and he had been taken to Nick's room, he wasn't sleeping peacefully.

At his request, Grace had come shortly after their arrival. She had only left a few minutes ago. She had checked Natalie over twice at both her own and Nick's insistence, despite Natalie's statement that she felt fine. In the end, Grace had found nothing amiss. Even the tiredness from blood loss that should have been present was absent.

Immediately upon Grace's departure, Natalie had headed upstairs. He hadn't immediately followed, instead deciding to listen to the tape. After twice through, he stopped. From the tape it was clear that LaCroix had done nothing wrong. Natalie had freely offered her blood to him. LaCroix had simply accepted. With the hunger, no other choice could have been made.

Heading up to his room, Nick found Natalie sitting on the edge of the bed. Even though he'd been completely silent upon entering, she turned his way. " you know what to do when he wakes? It might be a while, but-"

"I know. I'll have blood ready. You won't be here, will you?"

Pushing the ease at which she'd known and the certainty in her voice away, he told her, "I'm taking care of this. Only Reese and Tracy are to know what I'm doing...I'm going to the precinct for a little while. I will meet with the Council tonight. I'm hoping this will be the last time."


Nick had left the precinct as night had fallen. Hopefully, his plan would work. He didn't even go through it in his mind, fearing Aha would be able to sense his thoughts, although their link had faded substantially.

He approached the house that the Council had been using as their base. As he reached the door, it was immediately opened for him. He entered, not thinking if his arrival was anticipated by what he was, or the link. Being led into a room, he found all five members of the Council present.

Aha's eyes lit up, a faint smile on his lips. "What brings you here, Nicholas?"

"I think you know that answer."

"You mean about Natalie?" Aha asked. With a slight pause, he continued, "It wasn't my idea. Lucius seems to have taken an interest in this mortal. It was a convenient means."

"And those that carried out your work?"

"Will never be found. They delivered the emails, helped with the kidnapping, and set up the meeting. They failed to get Lucius to agree to the deal, their minds being more concerned with the money. They have served their purpose. I can always get another group to help. These mortal hunters were willing to side with a vampire to have another, better chance at killing those like Lucius. It had been pure luck that Lucius had survived their assassination attempt, but they broke with greed."

"And the money?"

"Will be added to our own funds."

Waiting a moment, Nick asked, "What was in the dart?"

"You mean the warning? Just a taste of our blood, that is all. We knew Lucius would have to take the Litovuterine to get through the day, and we also know what its effects are." Aha watched the younger vampire's eyes go wide at that. Sensing the genuine surprise in Nicholas' thoughts, he explained, "The older the vampire, the less time it takes for the drug to wear off. Lucius would only have been able to survive the day another thirty, maybe forty minutes before the Litovuterine lost its effect. The dart's contents, vampire's blood, merely set his system out of equilibrium, bringing his nature back to the surface sooner. Quite simple, really."

Nick took a few steps closer, but stayed out of any of their immediate reach. He remained as calm as he could at the news of the assassination attempt being the event which caused the Council to hire those mortals. "And the two at the press killed them as well?"

Aha remained silent on that, at which one of the other Council members, probably the second in command, spoke, "I did. It served its purpose. We needed free access to the Doctor."

Approaching, Aha let his smile become more sinister. "You know you can do nothing to stop this, Nicholas. Lucius may be stronger than many of us and you may be a close second to him, but neither of you are a match for the entire Council."

"I've already stopped it."

The smile disappeared, all but Ningal looking to Aha. The head of the Council let the gold in his eyes become visible. This was not expected. Nothing had been done. This was just another attempt to get the Council to break, but something about the confidence in Nicholas' voice prevented him from speaking. Not only that, but searching the other vampire's thoughts, Aha found hints of a plan. Even now, he couldn't tell just what Nicholas was hiding, but something was there.

"Our conversation has been recorded. If those recordings are taken or destroyed, their copies will remain. Not only that, but there are mortals who have listened to the conversation. Unless you plan to kill everyone who was in the 96th precinct tonight, you can do nothing. This 'control' of yours is over!" His vision burned amber as he came face to face with the elder vampire.

"It is over when we agree it is over, and it is not!" Aha stated, circling the younger vampire. As had been mentioned to him, Nicholas was indeed foolish, but the Roman had failed to mention the younger vampire's cleverness. "A wire. That's it, isn't it? You're using the mortals to aid you."

"But, I am not using the trickery that you have!" Nick fixed his gaze on the other. "A vote will be taken. If that vote is unanimous, then you will return to Europe and your lives. The Council will then disperse."

"And you expect us to obey a vote by one ci-"

"Several cities. They will be those with the largest Communities." Nick turned to leave, but was stopped by Aha's voice.

"And when will this 'vote' take place?"

Nick considered this for a moment, and then answered, "Tomorrow night, an hour before dawn." Leaving both the room and the house, Nick took several breaths of the cold night air, glad he was still in one piece. Then, gazing a few seconds into the night sky, he took to the air.


Once the recording had been copied and was safely hidden away, Nick left the precinct for his apartment. LaCroix was still sleeping at the moment, but he could feel the elder vampire starting to stir. Entering through the skylight, Nick found Janette waiting impatiently. "What are you doing here, Janette?"

"Trying to find out what is going on! You could have called and told me what was going on, but no, you just leave a note with 'stay here' written on it!" She closed her eyes, pushing away her anger. Getting down to her reason for coming, she stated, "Nicolas...I cannot stay here if I am to be ignored. As soon as this mess is over, I am returning to Paris and remaining there."


"I am not needed here, mon is long past time for us to part. Natalie is yours, and, perhaps LaCroix' as well. I will not interfere. I will return to the apartment, but you must promise to tell me of events."

Nick stood, watching her silently leave. She was right. They should have parted before, but he couldn't let her go. He never could.

Heading up to his room, Nick stopped just inside the door. Next to LaCroix lay Natalie, sleeping soundly. His father's arms were wrapped gently around her, pulling her closer. Janette must have come up here. That's why she'd said what she had.

Stepping closer, Nick ran the back of his hand across her cheek. A second later, he let it brush against her neck. Pulling his hand away, he could see her confusion as she woke, noticing LaCroix' closeness. As she moved out of the grasp, LaCroix stirred.

Silently, he met the elder vampire's hungry gaze. Nick spotted the bottle next to the alarm clock and passed it to his father. Once it had been returned to the table, Nick hesitantly asked, "I need your address book. I'm organizing a vote of no confidence against the Council. To do that, we need the other city Elders on the continent to take our side."

Once he had replayed Nicholas words, LaCroix responded, "I will contact them. What is this 'vote' to entail?"

Nick then explained what he planned. That the cities to be contacted would have a high number of their kind, and that one of each city's tribunal members would be in Toronto at the specified time to make their vote.

LaCroix kept a smile to himself. Nicholas had done well. With a fair number of vampires with a decent amount of combined years, the Council couldn't counter the vote without creating a bloodbath they would almost certainly lose. If the Council disregarded this vote, they would condemn themselves. He wished he'd thought of this plan. "It will be done. I will cast Toronto's vote, if you don't mind."

Nick nodded. He had expected the elder vampire to ask for that task. Besides, he would have to go if for no other reason than to make sure the Council didn't change the conditions of the outcome.

Pawns of Kings (52/52)

Nick stood in the background as the room became silent. It was time for the vote. It was quickly decided that the two sides were 'the Council', and 'the Community.'

LaCroix, second eldest of the nine non-council members not counting his son, pronounced his vote first, sternly stating, "The Community."

Six others quickly followed, each taking the same side as LaCroix. That left two others to choose. One, a delegate from Atlanta, took his time. After meeting LaCroix' solid glare, he finally pronounced, "The Community." Seconds later, San Francisco's city Elder replied with the same.

The vote had been unanimous as required. Nick held in his joy as he watched the majority of the Council become furious at the outcome. Only Ningal remained calm in response to the ruling.

LaCroix locked gazes with Aha, firmly stating, "You no longer have any power here. Leave."

At first, none of the Council made any movement. Nick held his place, as did the others. Then, slowly, the three he still didn't know the names of left.

Seconds later, Ningal approached him. "You are not weak, Nicholas. Never let anyone tell you otherwise." With that, she left, and only Aha remained.

"You have won this, Lucius, but I will meet you again. If you blunder thi-"

"I am not known for making blunders, nor shall I be in the near future! Perhaps we will meet again, and perhaps we will not. I prefer that we do not. Now, get out of this city!" LaCroix' eyes flashed scarlet, the Council member's mirroring him.

Then, without another comment, Aha suppressed a snarl, and left.

LaCroix let his eyes glint with victory. Now, they were no longer the Council's pawns. They were free to make their own choices. Looking around the room, he could see that the others present seemed satisfied with the result.

As the others left, he exchanged nods and the occasional word. The entire time, LaCroix kept Nicholas, who stood in the back of the room in the shadows, on the edge of his attention. Once the others had left, he approached, only for Nicholas to leave. He followed quickly, following their bond into the sky.

Several minutes later, they arrived nearly simultaneously on the loft's roof.

"LaCroix..." Nick started, but looked away. He couldn't think of anything to say.

Keeping his place, the elder vampire felt awkward at the silence. After momentarily glancing away, he spoke, "I congratulate you on your plan, Nicholas. It seems to have worked."

"I shouldn't have tried it, though. Aha could have seen through it before I even arrived. It was a chance."

LaCroix faintly shook his head. Nicholas was letting his guilt get in the way...and there was absolutely nothing to be feeling guilty about. "If you are to return to my side, you must-"

"I know. And I'm not blaming myself for anything. Just thinking aloud. I couldn't really think about all of the pieces. If I did, Aha might have picked up on my thoughts and seen them for what they were." He glanced at his father, then entered through the skylight, LaCroix remaining on the roof.

Inside, he met both Natalie and Janette. Nick stood, his mouth moving slightly, not sure what to do. Janette approached him, a glimmer of determination in her eyes. As she made to kiss him, he turned away, stopping her advance.

"I'm leaving at sunset. I do not plan on returning for a while. Au revoir, mon Chevalier." Nick kept his stance as the air moved slightly at her departure.


He didn't dare look at Natalie. He could still feel the vampire lurking from Janette's words.

"Nick? I-I know you will always love her. I won't deny that to you. I understand your relationship with her, if only on the surface." She stopped the protest on his lips with her finger. "You said we would try to deepen our relationship. I know that now isn't the time, but I'm not letting you back out of this." He didn't speak. "Do you want me to stay?"

Yes, he did. Deep down, that's all he wanted. He didn't want her to ever leave him. But, he needed a break. He needed to try and figure out what was going on with LaCroix. He knew he was drifting back to LaCroix, and truthfully, he didn't want to stop it. He wouldn't. But, he also wanted to know LaCroix' intentions concerning Natalie.

Finally, he shook his head. "Not today, please...I want to be alone for a few hours."

"I'll see you at work tomorrow night, then?" she prodded, the tone of her voice betraying her emotions.

"I'll be there, if that's what you're asking."

His even words made her pause for a moment. "You could sound a little more...I don't know...enthusiastic?"

"When I'm almost assuredly going to see the Commissioner sometime tomorrow night? I haven't exactly been following the rules, or even working much the last few days. Neither has Reese, for that matter."

Natalie kept her distance, but assured him, "I'm sure everything will be fine. It has to be." After receiving no answer, she started for the door, asking, "I assume this will also be made public, won't it? The break-away from the Council, I mean."

"Yeah, it will. That could be good or bad. I'm not sure yet." He did his best to smile. "It should be fine. I think even the Commissioner is getting used to least a little. After all, he's not trying to get Tracy to transfer anymore."

She returned the half-smile. "I'll see you at work, then." After a slightly awkward pause, she started to the door, not looking back as she got in the elevator.

After Natalie's heartbeat no longer pounded in his ears, Nick looked up at the skylight. He could just see LaCroix on the other side, looking down at him with a sinister smile. Then, a second later, he was gone.


A week later:

Nick slumped onto his couch. The past week had been...unexpected. It was just a boring, ordinary week. There had been a few articles in the paper and a few short sections in the news, but everything had been relatively quiet.

Tracy's father had never confronted either himself or Reese. Marks was, and had been since the incident outside the precinct, much more accommodating. He'd even apologized a couple of nights ago, thanking him for saving his life. That had surprised him more than anything else.

The precinct treated him like any other detective, and he was glad. It almost didn't even seem like vampires were real to the mortals...but that was also the one thing that was different. His coworkers now knew why he worked at night, why he was always first to the scene, and how he sometimes knew more than he should. He was a vampire--that was no secret.

Both Natalie and LaCroix had backed off, letting him sort things out. In truth, he didn't know if that was helping or making things worse. Closing his eyes for a moment, he focused on his memories, trying to remember the times when he and LaCroix had been able to get along. There were many, and he found he couldn't think about just one of them.

Feeling a familiar presence, a smile became visible on his lips. He opened his eyes to find LaCroix standing a short distance away, as he had expected. "Now, I'll come back. I want this peace to last, LaCroix. I don't want it to be tossed aside with our differences."

"I will not allow that to happen. You know that."

A shiver ran down Nick's spine at the tone. Yes, he knew that as surely as the sun would rise. "I want to know what you intend to do about Natalie."

"She is your...friend. No harm will come to her."

"But, what is she to you?" he countered, and waited for the response.

The question caught LaCroix slightly off guard, not expecting it until one of their later conversations. He'd been trying to find an answer for himself, but it hadn't yet shown itself. "She is family. Nothing more."

"I don't believe that."

"Believe what you will."

Nick glared back. He wanted an answer and he was going to get it. "Are you...attracted to her?" His father looked away, but he wasn't going to let this go. "I want an answer, LaCroix," he pushed.

The elder vampire considered his response for several moments. "Yes," he stated, making Nicholas tense. "I suppose I am attracted to her. But, I will not interfere in your relationship with her. She is...yours." LaCroix took several steps away, heading toward the elevator. "I believe she is also visiting this morning...."

Nick listened as the lift ground to a halt. He watched as Natalie exited, her pace slowing upon seeing LaCroix.

Natalie paused, her attention fully on the elder man. Then, turning to Nick she planned on saying something, but didn't get the chance.

"I will take my leave...." LaCroix spared a long glance at Natalie. With a nod, he stepped into the elevator.

Once the elevator had finished its decent, Natalie commented, "Is it just me, or was that a little strange?"

"About the elevator?"


He shrugged. "I'm not sure I really care right now."


A grin spread across his lips. "Right now, you're the only thing on my mind." He stepped up to her, his expression softening slightly. After a long second, he kissed her lightly on the lips. "I'm still not ready to try anything more, but I don't want to be away from you." He kissed her again, deepening it, letting his nature through as much as he dared. Holding her at arms length, he asked, "Will you stay the day?" He glanced down momentarily before meeting her eyes again. "If only so I can hold you?"

As she nodded, he kissed her again, and he led her over to the couch. He pulled her with him down onto the couch, holding her tightly against him and placing a feather-light kiss on her forehead. As her head rest just beneath his chin, he could feel her warm breath on his neck. Although it made him want more, he didn't let himself give in. This was a time for them to be together in peace. He didn't want to ruin the moment.

Closing his eyes, he savored her warmth, listened to the rhythm of her heart, letting it relax him. He felt a familiar prodding in his mind. Looking up, he could see LaCroix just on the other side of the skylight. A smile just barely graced his father's lips, but it was clearly visible to him. Letting his own smile grow, he watched LaCroix' mirror it, and then the other was gone.

His lips brushed against Natalie's forehead again. At the action, he felt her arms tighten around him. He could stay there for eternity, but knew that that wasn't possible. There was work, both their lives, and he knew that LaCroix would still be around, making suggestions at the very least. They might not be outright, but they would still be there, telling him the best way to lead his life.

For now, he had everything that he wanted: Natalie, being able to do something important with his time, and being on good terms with LaCroix. It's more than he'd had in a long while. He was going to keep this as long as he could manage. Slowly, the smile softened as he felt Natalie's breathing change as she fell asleep. In another moment, he felt his senses fade as he drifted off into his dreams of the future.


Well, that's the end of 'Pawns of Kings.' I hope you enjoyed it, and yes, there is more coming....'Blood of One's Desire' is the third story in the series. ;)

Please let me know what you think, I really want to hear from my readers. Thanks for reading!