Hey all, this chapter is also dedicated to the one, the only tiger002. Tiger, again thanks for helping me with these chapters. I'm thankful to him receiving these chapters and putting his own magic touch on them to make them better.

Also, on a side note, if anybody has any suggestions as to what I can do to make this chapter and future chapters better. I'm begging you to tell me.

Chapter 9 – Good Bad News

Disclaimer: I don't own the Suite Life series or any characters from the shows.

Cody twitched in his sleep, trying to identify the bothersome ringing in his ear. Looking down, he realized it must have been his cell phone, feeling the annoying buzzing along with the piercing ring.

He realizing he must have passed out again, though upon waking up this time, he felt better. The memories were still present, but they had started to fade, and no longer were tears threatening to pour out his eyes.

Groggily, he dug in his pocket and retrieved the buzzing, ringing annoyance, mostly just to make it stop.

"H- Hello?"

The answer was relaxed but laced with urgency, "Cody. I've got some bad news."

Oh, God. Zack.

"It's your," The voice paused as if wanting to chose appropriate words, "It's your uncle. The trial's being pushed up. It's going to be in a few days."

Cody breathed a sigh of relief. He hadn't even taken the time to register who it was talking to him because he was waiting for somebody to tell him his brother was in the hospital. Now that he knew Zack was okay – at least for the time being – Cody took the time to realize the voice on the phone matched with that of Kevin Johnson, the state-appointed lawyer who was handing the case.

"And that's bad news how?"

"Cody, I thought the trial was going to be in a few weeks! We have almost no time to prepare! I've got a million things to do. I need you and your brother to go to Arbour Hospital so we can talk to your mother. We need to work on finzlizing statements, go through a stack mile high of legal procedures and many other things I'm sure I've forgotten."

Cody sighed sarcastically, "Well you can tell that to Zack."

Kevin didn't understand, "Well, put him on then."

"No. Zack pushed me over a table, knocking me out cold, and then stormed out of the door."

Keven dismissed Cody's comment with an unseen shrug. With the case coming up, he didn't have any time to care about any personal problems they had. His job was to make sure justice was served, not to play Dr. Phil "Oh, well. We need you two to come as soon as possible. Please. Isn't there any way you can contact him?"

"I've tried his cell, but he's not answering. I'll leave him another message and tell him to meet me there, okay?"

"Do what you have to do."

Cody nodded, as if Kevin could see, "Alright, I'll see you in a few."

"Okay." Kevin hung up without a formal word of goodbye.

Cody got up and grabbed his wallet and keys before heading to the bedroom to take a couple Tylenol for his head. It didn't hurt as bad as before, but he knew the legal proceedings would take their toll on his mind. Without further distractions or complications, slipped his shoes on and headed down to the parking lot where he drove off to meet his mom and overworked lawyer.

In the car Cody attempted to call Zack's cell one more time. There was still no answer.

When prompted by the computer voice, he left a message, "Zack, it's me. I'm not mad at you… well I am, but just listen. Kevin called. The lawyer. The trial's been pushed up to a couple days from now. He needs us to meet him at Arbour as soon as possible. Just please go there when you get this. I'm not in the mood to be calling you for the rest of the day." He paused for a while, "Love you, Zack." Even though he was angry at his brother, righteously so even, he still loved his brother, and wanted to make sure he knew that.

The inside of the meeting room was exactly how he remembered. Bland walls, boring table, furniture probably older than him. The air was the familiar slightly humid and dank. However, unlike the normal sense of gloom that filled the building, Cody heard two laughing voices, seemingly filling the room with a golden light.

When Cody walked in, he was surprised to see his mother and Kevin, engaged in a bout of laughter. They joked and rocked in their seats until their faces were red, oblivious to Cody's presence. There was no mistaking it, from every small touch of the arm to the eye contact, there was an almost regretful attraction. They both knew they had no business being attracted to the other.

Cody cleared his throat to bring attention to his arrival. He took a seat next to them and slumped down into the old upholstery, seeking comfort.

"Didn't get a hold of Zack?"

Cody chose not to answer the question. He didn't understand when people asked questions they already knew the answer too. He could have easily responded with a quick-tempered, sarcastic remark, but that just was something Zack would so. He found that silenced worked just as well.

Kevin sensed Cody's thoughts and cut to the chase, "Right. So the trials been pushed up to Monday. You two will have to miss your first day of school. The point is, we've got two days to finish three weeks of work."

"Well don't expect Zack any time soon. We may as well get started."

Zack got Cody's message. He got all four of Cody's messages.

The first three had been mostly expressing feelings towards what had happened. Zack found it oddly comical that the first message was considerably more accusing and intolerant than the third. The fourth, however, was interesting.

Zack considered the possibility that Cody was making excuses to see Zack. He thought about not answering and not going, maybe even just going back to the Tipton. But, blame it on twin telepathy, he could feel Cody's annoyance and anxiousness and decided it would be best to drive out to Arbour. He knew Cody was hurt, but it wasn't like him to come up with a blatant lie like that, and if it involved getting rid of Tim for good, he'd do whatever it took.

What's the worst that could happen?

When Zack arrived at Arbour he was guided to the meeting room, from which he heard a collection of voices. Easily distinguishable was that of his brother.

He entered the room, not making eye contact with anybody, and took a seat next to Cody. He would have sat on the opposite side of his brother and the two others, but that would mean sitting awkwardly far away from the center of the conversation.

Kevin, the lawyer who held the key to their future, was seated next to his mother. In front of him, multiple folders were laid out containing various papers with messy annotations and illegible notes.

The meeting carried on for the next few hours. Kevin did most of the talking, working with the twins to create their statements that they would present. To Zack, it seemed that there was enough evidence to lock him up. Their well thought out, rehearsed statements were just icing on the cake.

By the end of the meeting they had completed their statements and gone over a few protocol points and the procedure for the trial. Despite the day's work getting done it was plainly obvious to everybody in the room that Zack and Cody were tense around each other.

Brother to brother conversation was limited, only what was needed to add to the case. No jokes or witty puns were shared. There wasn't even a playful slap on the back. Instead they talked sparingly, using only thought-out sentences, hardly making eye contact. Normally Carey would have said something but she decided that they were old enough to work out their problems on their own. That, and they had too much work to do.

Zack and Cody, as well as Kevin, all left at the same time, leaving Carey to be brought back to her room. Thoughts whirled through her head. Her boys had a fight. She knew they had to work things out quickly and maturely if they wanted to have a successful trial. If they continued the way they were they'd make mistakes. Mistakes that Carey didn't know could be fatal to her two sons.

So this chapter was mostly just a plot-advance chapter. With the trial coming up things'll get interesting. With Zack, Cody, Carey, and Kevin all in the same space will it make them more vulnerable to the mysterious criminals. Next chapter we'll get a closer look at the villains.