Name: Faith Marie Christensen

Age: 25

Lives: Toronto, Canada

Info On The Story:You'll figure out a lot about her later on in the story but she checked herself into the Center for Addiction and Mental Health because she was addicted to cocaine and became suicidal. She doesn't trust anyone so when Adam Gontier checks himself in he'll do anything to get close to her. But will he mess it up by making a mistake?

"We'll come by on Monday to visit you and see how your doing,"Neil said handing the bag to Adam. He nodded and gave his band members a hug. The famous rock star waved goodbye and walked into the Center for Addiction and Mental Health with the cool air hitting his face. The old lady looked up from the front counter and sent Adam a smile.

"Hello. You must be Adam Gontier?" He smiled at they little grey haired lady.

"Yeah." She nodded at him and told him to follow her. Adam sighed, ready to turn his life around. His Oxycontin addiction started to become worse by the day. He would put his life in jeopardy by walking into the worse of worse neighborhoods to just get his fix.

"Your just in time for therapy. Just a heads up they make the newbies share their stories." Adam smiled at the old lady and walked into a small room and saw a circle of chairs with people sitting there, with two seats empty.

"Welcome. Have a seat," a man with a bald head said pointing to a seat. Adam set his bag down next to the chair and sat down with a groan.

"Are we waiting for someone else?" Adam asked nodded to the empty chair across from him. The bald man nodded.

"Her name is Faith. Always have to be late." Adam nodded and looked at the people that sat around him. He was glad that he decided to become clean. Not for him but for his band. That was his life and he couldn't fuck that up.

"Fuck you too dick," someone yelled walking through the door to the small room. Adam saw a girl with long black hair walk in. She wore a black hoodie, skinny jeans and flip flops. Adam guess she was Faith. She looked at everyone but her gaze stopped at Adam. Adam could tell she wasn't happy that there was a new person here.

"So nice of you to join us Faith," bald man said. Faith just flipped him off and sat down.

"Yeah well at least I showed up. So who's the new guy?" Adam could tell Faith had an attitude which attracted him to her.

"Adam Gontier,"he said giving her a small smile.

"Lead singer from Three Days Grace is in rehab? What for?" she said giving him a smug look.

"I've been addicted to oxy cotin for about 4 years. I decided to become clean for my band." Faith had a look on her face that said she could care less.

"Faith so a little respect for him. Adam what made you start using?" the bald guy asked.

"Just dealing with being on the road all the time and the stress of trying to think of songs." He nodded but Faith just scoffed at him.

"Whats your problem Faith? Your judging Adam when you don't even know the whole story. At least he doesn't cut whenever visit hours come and he realizes no one comes for him,"a blonde said. Adam saw something flare up in Faith's eyes and he could tell he was about to pounce. She stood up and in a split second Faith was pounding her fists into the blondes face. Adam pulled Faith away from the blonde and saw blood pouring from her nose. Faith removed herself from Adam's grasp.

"Fuck you. Stupid fucking bulimic cunt," she screamed holding her middle finger in the air and walking out.

"Don't worry about Faith, Adam. She has quite a temper." Adam nodded at the bald man and sighed. He wanted to know the reason why she was so stubborn. The only thing he knew about her was that she was a cutter. That would explain the sweater.

"I'll show you too your room sweetie,"the old lady from earlier said. Adam nodded grabbing his bag and followed her down a hallway with a bunch of doors. "Welcome home. If you need anything just let me know." He nodded his thanks and set his bag on his bed and looked around. A single bed with a mirror next to it and a dresser across the room then a nightstand next to the bed.

"Great room,"he said sarcastically.

"I know. But you'll get used to it I guess. I've been here for 3 months."

Adam turned around and saw Faith. "Yeah. That was some brawl back there."

Faith smiled. "Fucking bitch always annoy the hell out of me. Complaining about how her eating disorders ruined her marriage. And I'm sorry about the attitude I was giving you. I don't trust anyone around here."

Adam nodded then sat on his bed. "Was that chick back there telling the truth?"

She just looked down. "I have to go. It's almost lights out. See you tomorrow at group." Then she walked across the hallway to her room but didn't close her door. That was until he realized she didn't have a door. I guess they didn't trust her. He just wished that he'll be able to make her trust him. Something about her just kept pulling him towards her.