HAPPY BELATED AKUROKU DAY! I started this story a long time ago and felt like publishing the prologue to see what people think. I've been so busy for the past few months that I haven't gotten anything done and I feel HORRIBLE! But I will start again, beginning with this story.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of the Kingdom Hearts characters or Final Fantasy characters that will be seen in this story. I only own the plot.

WARNING! This story will be VERY dark. It will contain yaoi, both willing and unwilling. (Meaning there will be some rape and molestation in it but also the good, consensual kind) If you can't handle it then go read something else. I don't want people flaming me because they didn't read the warnings.



The midwife jumped, startled at this outburst from her king. Out of all the reactions she had imagined, this was not one of them. The king wasn't known to be the most caring person but she thought he would be happier to hear the news about his sons.

"Your majesty," she began, taking a hesitant step forward. "What is the matter? You have two healthy, beautiful baby boys. Twins are a blessing from the gods. They-"

"Silence!" The midwife stopped talking and backed away. She had never seen the king so furious before. He was always so calm and collected, even in battle. She just didn't understand why he was so upset.

The sound of a door opening made her turn around. Two maids exited the birthing room, each smiling down at the small bundles in their arms. They stopped smiling quickly though as they saw the furious king walking towards them. The midwife looked over at the king's advisor pleadingly, hoping he could do something. The man sighed and followed the king.

"Which one was born first?" the king growled at the maids who clutched the babies to their chests in fear. They both hesitated and looked at each other, causing the king to shout, "I asked you a question!" One of the babies squirmed in the maid's arms and began to cry, soon followed by the other.

"Your majesty," his advisor said softly. "Calm yourself. This isn't behavior fitting of a king." He put a hand on the king's shoulder, only to have him shrug it off and ignore him.

One of the maids stepped forward slowly, pulling back the blanket to show her crying baby. It was swinging its little arms around, upset so the king acted on an impulse and reached out to him. One of the tiny swinging hands latched onto one of his fingers and as he watched, the baby calmed down. Two big blue eyes blinked up at him and his heart melted at the sight. He even smiled as he saw the small curls of blonde hair, so like his own, on top of the baby's head.

"This is your first born," the maid said, relaxing slightly as she saw the king smile. The king stayed like that for a second longer before he frowned and turned towards his advisor. The maids and the midwife watched them walk down the hall, whispering heatedly. The second born was still crying uncontrollably as the maids tried to console him. The midwife took him in her arms to quiet him just as the king and advisor came back.

"I will be taking the second born," the advisor said, holding out his arms. The midwife took one look at his mournful face and took a step back, hugging the crying baby to her.

"What are you going to do with him?" she asked, accusingly. She looked over at the king to see that he had taken his first-born in his arms and was wrapped up in him.

"Your name will be Ventus," the king said with a smile. The midwife snapped back to attention as the advisor stepped forward to take the baby.

"Don't you dare!" At this, the king's head snapped up and he glared at the midwife.

"You will give him the second born now or I will have you hanged for treason," he growled furiously. The midwife froze, letting the words sink in. She couldn't save this child. She had 3 of her own at home, counting on her. Her heart broke as she let the advisor take the child out of her arms and walk away. The child had never done anything wrong, he had only been born into the world a little too late.

"Good," the king said once the advisor had left. "Now you will go in and tell the queen that there was a complication and one of her sons didn't make it." The midwife didn't move, still staring off after the advisor. The king growled. "NOW." Blinking back tears, she turned and slowly made her way back into the birthing room.

Turning back to his first born, the king smiled and rocked him back and forth. His heart saddened a moment later as he heard his queen's distress at the loss of her son but he knew it was for the best. Twins were a blessing in a normal family, but in a royal family it was a curse. If they were both kept, it would cause complications and so the king felt justified in his actions. He sighed, walking towards the birthing room to console the mother. With a beautiful baby boy like Ventus, he thought, she had no reason to mourn for long.

Meanwhile, the advisor had snuck out of the castle, unseen, just as his king had ordered him. He felt sick at the thought of what he had to do but he had no choice. He would do anything for his king and childhood friend, even if it meant abandoning his second born in the middle of the forest. Pulling his cape close to him, he rode as far away from the castle as he could. His orders were clear. 'Take him as far away as you can and abandon him were no one will find him.'

He rode for hours, knowing it was well into the night before he stopped. Dismounting his horse, the advisor looked down at the little prince. He had stopped crying some time ago and finally fallen asleep during the ride. Watching that peaceful face as he slept, the advisor felt a pain in his chest as he thought of leaving him here for the wolves to find.

"You there! What are you doing in this forest so late?" The advisor jumped, looking up to see a man on a horse just a few feet away. He had been so wrapped up in the baby that he hadn't even heard him approach. The bundle in his arms woke up at the yell and began crying again. The man, obviously a hunter by his clothes and weapons, got down off his horse and approached.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize you had a sleeper there," he said sadly, looking at the baby. The advisor stayed silent, trying to calm the baby down without success. "Here, let me try." Without waiting for an answer, the hunter took him in his arms and rocked him gently, speaking soothingly. It didn't take long for the little prince to fall asleep again. The hunter gave a sad smile and looked on as he slept.

"He's beautiful," he whispered softly. His voice caught as he continued on. "My... my wife and I were supposed to have a son. A few weeks ago." The hunter reached down and brushed off a leaf that had landed carefully on top of the baby's blonde curls. "He was stillborn though... and the midwife said my wife can't have anymore children. It broke her heart. She has been sick with grief since then." The advisor watched the hunter carefully.

"Looks like she wasn't the only one heartbroken," he said, thoughtfully. The hunter looked miserable as he watched the baby in his arms.

"Yeah, I guess so," he said with a sigh. Looking up, he held the baby out to the advisor. "Here, you should get him back to his mother." He was confused when the advisor shook his head.

"That baby isn't mine," he said, thinking quickly. He couldn't very well tell him who the baby was or what he was ordered to with it. He had to think of something quick. "I... I found him nearby. He had been abandoned in the forest." The advisor thought it was best to stick close to the truth. The baby was going to be abandoned in the forest after all. "I was going to see if I could find a home for him in a nearby town or something and then you came along. I'm sure you will be a wonderful, caring father. He may not be your real son but maybe he can help heal your broken heart as well as that of your wife. You seem to need him just as much as he needs you."

The hunter stood there in shock for a moment, trying to process what had just been said. The baby had been... abandoned? And this man wanted him to raise it? At first he felt anger at the thought of anyone discarding this beautiful life like it was a piece of trash. But then he looked down at the sleeping baby and he was filled with joy. This was his son now. And he would take care of him as if he was his real father. He would raise him like his real father should have.

"Thank you," he whispered, filling his eyes water as he looked back up at the man. "Thank you so much."

"There is no need to thank me," the advisor said softly. "I did nothing." The hunter shook his head.

"No, you did everything. You must be a messenger sent from God to bring him to me."

"I'm not sure I would go that far," the advisor muttered, feeling guilt rise up in him. If anyone had been God sent then it would be the hunter. If not for him, the baby would probably be abandoned in the middle of the forest right without a hope in the world. "I-I really must be going now. It's late and I have to get to the capitol by morning."

"What is your name?" the hunter asked suddenly. "I must know your name before you go." The advisor froze, as he was about to mount his horse. His name? He couldn't give that! Searching blindly through his mind, he said something random before continuing to mount.

"Roxas," he said, pulling himself onto the horse. "My name is Roxas. And now I really must go, but good luck. It was wonderful to meet you." The hunter smiled.

"It was wonderful to meet you too, Roxas. My name is Zack, by the way." He waved as 'Roxas' rode away from him and then turned to his own horse with a smile and looked down on his little bundle of joy. "Roxas, huh? How do you like that name, little buddy? I don't know about you, but I like it! Unless you want to be little Zack jr!" He laughed softly, careful not to wake little Roxas up. "I don't think Aerith would like that very much. Besides, I don't think 'Zack' is a good name for a blonde. So Roxas it is!"

He carefully climbed onto his horse and turned it around, heading home. He couldn't wait to see Aerith and tell her the good news! He knew it wouldn't be easy but he felt like part of his heart was already mending and he knew soon hers would as well.

It makes me cry... it really does T_T

Well I hope you liked it so far. I won't be updating very often because I'm a busy person and I'm going to try to update my other story first because it's been sooooo long. :(

But please review! Tell me if you have any ideas. I already know how I want the story to go but if you have a really good idea I might bring it in and dedicate a chapter to you! And I answer all reviews in the next chapter I post. SO tell me what you think! ^_^ btw if you can guess who the king, his advisor, or the queen is then I will dedicate a chapter to you!

EDIT Ok I guess it's going to be really hard so I'll give you guys a hint: they are all final fantasy characters! I'm sorry to my first reviewer who didn't get the hint before you guessed! You may guess again if you want to!