Happy New Year to you guys ^^. I wish to you a good year. I know it's a little late, but hope you enjoy this chappie, which might reveal something.

Chapter 17: My Mission

Danny and Zweilous entered a small building that gave entrance to a large bridge. Umbreon correctly guessed it was yet another bicycle route.

"We must jump to the grass." Said both heads abruptly, surprising Danny.

"But why? Didn't you say a Gabite would be south from that city?" He asked. Zweilous nodded.

"Yes, but we have already reached the destiny. He lives in a cave that is blocked from sight by this bridge. The cave is right under this part, so you just follow me." He got close to the right part of the bicycle route and jumped, falling in some tall grass underneath. Umbreon gulped a bit, noticing the height was considerable, but shook his head and also jumped. Because Zweilous hadn't moved ever since he landed, Umbreon accidentally fell on top of him.

"I-I… sorry about that." Apologized the embarrassed gray cat as he got down from the dragon's back and helped him back up. The right head just gave him a weak smile.

"Now, the cave is to your left." The left head told him as he signaled him with one of his paws. Danny took a quick glance before accepting to go inside and walking towards the cave. If Danny had been paying attention to his partner, he would have noticed Zweilous was just staring at the cat as he walked inside, without making a single move. The cavern was very dark, but due to Umbreon's good sight, he could actually distinguish his surroundings. There were several big rocks blocking the path.

"Um… Zweilous… are you sure this-" He didn't finish the sentence as he felt a strong hit in his back. When he turned around he noticed the entrance was gone because of a rock in front of it. In a worry he tried tackling it, but it was set in place.

"Zweilous! Can you hear me?" He exclaimed and put an ear to the rock, trying to get some noise from the other side. However, he couldn't hear clear words.

"Umbre… Worry… Hel… Wai…" And after that there was no more voice. Danny sighed frustrated, but remembering the reason of why he was there he decided to keep on without the dragon. He concentrated as best as possible and pushed with force the middle rock, miraculously moving it. With a smile in his small muzzle and walked down the only possible way: To the left. When going downstairs he spotted a kind of muddy waterfall covering a rock nearby. It wasn't a good idea to step on it as that only made him trip.

"How am I going to get through? The cave is blocked and this strange water, mud, or whatever is it, is very slippery for me to walk. I can't stay here, for it can be late to rescue Piplup." He complained as he tried his best to run and get past the rock, without any success. A weak cry from behind caught his attention. It was a small blue dragon with sharp but small fangs, a large fin it's head, and it's belly was red. It also had blue stripes that went through it's back and it's ears.

"Gi-Gi!" It kept crying as it felt Danny's paws. Umbreon smiled weakly, quite happy that he wasn't alone in the cave.

"Are you lost?" He asked, but the Pokémon didn't seem to understand him, so he just kept crying.

"Don't worry, I am going to help you." Danny lowered his head to gently pat the dragon, but a roar made him gasp and back up a bit.

"Don't dare to touch my daughter!" A voice echoed, but not even Danny's good eye would help him locate the enemy. All he felt was sharp slash in his back, but by the time he turned around the enemy fled.

"Gi!" The small dragon cried again, this time in a happy tone. Umbreon looked back, and he finally spotted the attacker: A dragon that looked somewhat similar to the blue dragon, but it had two sharp claws in the end of it's like wings. It's eyes were yellow, a tail and a fin in it's back with a small triangle on it. With that aspect, Danny thought he was seeing a shark with paws.

"Why are you in our territory?" The dragon asked as he put a claw in front of Danny's face.

"I didn't come to fight. Sorry, I think I got to the wrong place." He tried to be as gentle enough with the apologize to calm down the dragon without success. When the Pokémon got a closer look at Danny he gasped.

"Aha! I get now why you are here! You came to take away my baby Gible, didn't you? You will have to go through me to even put a single paw on him!" He growled angrily as he ran quickly towards Danny and kept slashing him.

"P-Please! I just c-came here for a G-Gabite s-scale!" Hearing that the dragon cornered the poor cat to a wall, threatening him by putting a claw in his throat.

"Why you need a scale from me?" Gabite asked, giving Danny a deadly glare.

"So you are the Pokémon Gabite we have been searching for." He gasped when he felt the tip of the dragon's claw touching his neck. "F-Fine I will explain! A friend of mine got poisoned, and the only way to get him back to normal is to get him a scale from you." He explained while shivering a bit. The dragon's eyes were very scary to him.

"And what if I don't believe you?" Gabite pushed more Danny, crashing the wall in which the cat was.

"M-My friend will d-die! P-Please" He explained as he struggled to break free. Gabite threw Umbreon away.

"I am not falling for such a stupid trick like that." Danny got up and barely dodged the dragon's bite. By giving a look around, Danny saw the Gible had disappeared, probably scared to death. Umbreon had tried to speak nicely to Gabite, but seeing things wouldn't go his way, he thought of attacking back.

"I certainly do not want to fight you, but I will have to." He focused and managed to release a dark beam from his small mouth. The dragon didn't have enough time to avoid the attack, and gasped from the strong pain.

"You! I knew you didn't come to help your friend, you big traitor! The dragon got enraged and fired blue flames from his mouth. Danny gasped from the sudden attack, feeling as if he was burning, but after checking his gray fur he noticed he was fine. With that small check up, Gabite took advantage and started sending kicks to Umbreon. Danny stood up in his hinder paws and sent small punches to the angry dragon, while avoiding most of his attacks. Gabite used one of his thin arms to protect himself from the damage, and with the other stabbed Danny's ribs. Even though it really hurt, Umbreon was still standing in his paws. An unexpected blow from his right made him lose balance and quickly fall. He had to move a bit his face to look at another dragon, very similar to Gabite, but seemingly bigger and more fierce.

"Gabite, are you ok?" The big one asked. Gabite gave a quick nod.

"Yes dad. This… Dark Pokémon entered our territory and gave me a stupid excuse so that he could take away my child." Danny took advantage of Gabite's distraction to slowly get up and bite his leg hard. Fortunately, one of his scales came off easily. The big dragon roared angrily when he saw what he did to Gabite.

"You will regret messing up with Garchomp!" He said as a blue aura surrounded his whole body, then attacked Danny's mouth, but couldn't get him to release the scale. Danny wanted to explain he wanted the scale, but that would make him let go of the scale. He felt a blow to his right again, but couldn't see due to his closed eye.

"You are such a pathetic Pokémon!" Both dragons shouted in unison and kept attacking with their strong tails. A hit in his stomach made him let go of the scale; he fired several dark beams, being surprised to be able to release them with such ease now, but most of them failed their objectives. At each attack his rage increased because he knew he couldn't stay there while his friend died from poison.

"Stop…" He started in an angry tone, surprising both dragons. "Stop…. STOP!" That last scream changed from an angry to a painful one. His left eye started stinging strongly without real reason. All he wanted was the pain to go away, but the more he thought of it the more it hurt. The dragons looked each other very worried.

"This is it, right?" Gabite asked, very scared. Garchomp nodded.

"Unfortunately yes. We must go before-" In a sudden a wall collapsed to reveal a black and blue dragon with six large wings, had two heads instead of hands, and his face was showing off a deadly glare. He opened his bigger mouth and let loose strong sound waves, hurting the dragon's ears. Without saying anything else they fled into the depth of the cave. That wave also affected Danny because of the increased pain.

"Umbreon! I'm sorry for coming this late!" He said worriedly as he grabbed the gray cat, put him in his back and flew away from the cave.

"W-Who are you?" The cat asked weakly, managing to resist the pain for a bit.

"Don't you recognize me? I'm Zweilous… well… that was some ago, now I am Hydreigon. This is my last evolution which I reached by accidentally going into a Luminous cave that made me transform." He deeply explained. Umbreon was about to say something, but the pain in the eye increased once more, and all that came from his mouth were pained screams. He screamed the hardest when his eye opened up, revealing a blue pupil instead of the usual yellow one.

"The…the scale…" He said weakly as he turned back. "I let it… go… please… get… it…" Hydreigon blinked surprised. That was the first time Danny saw the dragon blink, as the black skin covering his face had opened up.

"We can't!" He screamed as he kept flying, each time faster, towards a dark mist. The pain slowly subsided, but Umbreon forced it to close.

"Umbreon…" The cat moved his ears agitated when he heard a voice that wasn't Hydreigon's. The dragon was more focused into flying towards the dark mist.

"Umbreon…" The voice kept ringing in his head, and he was frustrated because he didn't know who was calling him, but decided it was just his imagination. After crossing the dark mist Umbreon gasped at the sight. Everything was very dark, and he could see some flowers that seemed dead. Also, some portions of land were the other way around.

"What… what is this place?" He was puzzled as why he was taken there.

"You will find out." What's all that the dragon replied as he slowly flew through the strange dimension. It sent a shiver to the cat's spine, but he didn't say anything. He even saw a waterfall going upside instead of the usual downside. Some land was floating, and there was a black hole at the bottom. That sight reminded him of the Ghost Zone, but in a strange way. Finally they reached 3 solitary rocks, in which Hydreigon landed. He placed Danny in the one that was closer to the nothing.

"Now you explain everything to me!" Said a confused and angry Danny. Hydreigon sighed.

"Just look ahead, and your answers will be solved." Umbreon did as he was told, but everything he could see was the blue aura that surrounded the whole place. He was about to complain, but a large silver snake with red and black stripes in it's belly, 6 black wings with red claws at their ends, 6 paws and several gold rings surrounding it's body. Umbreon could barely see it's small red eyes.

"Master, I brought him as you told me." Said Hydreigon as he lowered a bit his head in a respectful way.

"Thanks Hydreigon; you have been doing a great job." The snake thanked as he gave Danny a glare. The cat was more puzzled, but decided to just hear to find out more information.

"Finally, after several attempts to catch you, I have you here, in front of me. Now I must introduce myself. The name's Giratina, and this is my domain, the Distortion World. I have been forced to live in here for years, but now with you help that will be over." Umbreon blinked surprised.

"Help you? What? First explain me-" A strong squeeze forced him to shut up. It was Hydreigon's tail.

"Thanks Hydreigon. Now, a strong Pokémon thought that I was way too dangerous to completely fulfill my real mission, so he put me here and gave me a stupid mission. I don't understand him, nor his definition of strength, but I will show him how wrong he actually is by getting out of here and taking revenge. You will be my most great help." That Giratina's explanation only puzzled more the gray cat. Which Pokémon was he talking about? Why he would need his help? Which was his mission? He couldn't ask any of the questions because of Hydreigon's tail covering his mouth.

"Be a good Pokémon and accept to help this condemned Giratina, who was forced to live a harsh live, completely alone and without a friend to help." Even though his voice was kind, Umbreon noticed something wrong in it; he couldn't be that sure of what. All he could do was send a glare at the snake, who sighed.

"Oh, I thought you would help me out by the good means, but fine. Hydreigon, let him go. Let's teach him a lesson." Hydreigon was hesitant at first, but he obeyed his master's orders and stopped wrapping Umbreon. Giratina opened up his mouth and let go a blue aura, quick enough for it to strike Danny with great force. He gasped and fell down.

"Master… why would you want him to help you? Just… look at him! He is very weak, and all the time I have spent with him has given me that perspective. What's so special about him?" Hydreigon asked, clearly disappointed by the fallen cat. Giratina laughed a bit.

"You sometimes ask so much questions, my dragon. That… I will explain to you in some other occasion. Meanwhile, let's weaken this Umbreon, got that?" Hydreigon just nodded weakly and opened his 3 mouths. He let loose strong sound waves towards Danny. He tried covering his ears to make the attack useless, but a Tackle from Giratina made him receive the waves and scream. Umbreon was tired of just being attacked all this time, and decided to use a Dark Beam, but when he opened up his mouth, nothing came out.

"Surprised?" Mocked Giratina with a smile. "I'm not going to explain you right now, but you can't attack us." Umbreon growled and focused on dodging each attack, but as it was a 2 on 1 fight, he couldn't be exempt of the moves. He had tried tackling Giratina, but he would disappear and attack his back. Also, having his left eye closed wouldn't help at all, but he was very scared of something wrong happening if he made the decision of opening the eye.

"You are a persistent cat, it seems. I think it was an excellent choice of my part, just imagine how perfect you would be by my side, helping my cause. We will have to fight in order to get a new member." Giratina said, almost proudly.

"Why you want my help? Are you the one who has been kidnapping Pokémon?" Umbreon had ignored all what Giratina said. The snake turned serious.

"You also seem a curious cat, but I'm not going to tell you any information until you join us. It's your decision." The gray cat growled and started thinking in everything that had happened to him. Because nobody had really helped him, or just for a short time, he knew nothing about Pokémon, so he was totally clueless of what dangers he was facing right now. Giratina suddenly made doubles of itself and sent several blue auras to the thoughtful cat. Umbreon wasn't able to react, but those spheres and the annoying waves from Hydreigon left him weak in matter of seconds. Even though, he wouldn't faint.

"My, my. I can't believe a legendary Pokémon like me and a strong dark dragon together can't make him faint. This may take longer than we expect." Giratina said seriously as his copies disappeared. Danny was no longer able to stay on four paws, just lay on the ground, but he wouldnever give up.

"That's right, never give up." Said a feminine voice coming from far away. Giratina growled.

"Damn it, I recognize that voice." He cursed as he looked up, and all directions. Hydreigon gasped.

"Don't tell me it is she." He worriedly said as he also looked around. Danny gasped in surprise when he noticed he started glowing. Hydreigon heard him and tried grabbing him, but it was late as the light took Danny away.

"I knew she was still there!" Complained the large snake as he lowered his head. "Guess we will have to make a back-up plan." The dragon nodded as he followed his master through the dimension.

When the light disappeared Danny blinked several times, finally opening his left eye. The place he was in was very peaceful, with beautiful environment and a fresh scent going through.

"Where…am I?" He asked puzzled.

"Marine Resort." Replied a feminine voice… the same voice Umbreon heard while being in the dark dimensions. He bolted right up and looked around. He spotted a strange but beautiful Pokémon looking gently at him. She was a mix of lilac, blue and yellow, with mysterious purple rings surrounding her body. Also, she had a purple gem in her forehead and her head was shaped like a crescent moon.

"I am Cresselia, the Lunar Pokémon. I have been searching for you." Her words were all time gentle, making Danny feel comfortable and supported for the first time.

"Do you know me?" He asked. Cresselia nodded.

"Yes, you are the chosen one to help us with this darkness serious problem."

Cliffhanger! Well, I think that solved some of your questions… or gave you even more. Sorry if it was a little rushed, but I thought it was time to reveal most things; I am finally reaching the most exciting part :D. Thanks for the support guys ^^ (48 favs and 42 alerts yay!) Please review ^^.