This is NOT PRussia. let's get that out of the way now.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Go call up Himaruya Hidekaz if you want to own Hetalia. Himaruya-san made it.

(Warning: Prussia speaks nearly entirely with a heavy German accent. 'Vas' is usually 'was' but when it means 'What' I write 'was' as 'vuz'.) Enjoy.


(From here on out, I don't even pretend that this is accurate history. Though it is accurate that Iran is the child of Persia and Russia is Prussia's child. Siberia used to belong to it's own country known as the "Siberian Federation" Nowadays China and Russia fight over that area. Politically not militarily.)

Prussia and Young Germany walked up the path to where the little boy lived.

"You idiot." Germany snapped. "Vas do you mean he's yours?"

"Like I said, mein bruder, he ist mein son!" Prussia smirk. "Zhe fruit of zhese awesome genetics! My boy, Nicholas."

"How? can't have kids, can ve?" Germany asked with a puzzled expression.

"Of course ve can!" he nodded. "Ancient Egypt vas Egypt's mother, zhen zhere's Ancient Greece, Persia, Rome and of course our fader, Germania!"

"But countries don't live long after having children!"

"Zhat's not entire true, bruder," Prussia shook his head. "Persia is still alive."

"Yeah, but he's dependent on Iran!" Germany shook his head too. "Do you vant to be a satellite state?"

"Ja, that's never going to happen," He laughed. "I'm too awesome! Ah, here ve are."

He knocked on the door of an impressive mansion. A little boy opened it. The boy's hair was a mix of platinum, silver and tan blonde hair. He had lilac colored eyes and a bright smile.

"Popi!" he smiled hugging Gilbert's waist.

"Hallo, mein son, how have you been?"

"Ok, I guess," The boy shrugged his shoulders but didn't break the hug. "The jerks from the vest have been bothering me. And that China guy keeps trying to make me speak his language. But I want to be moya own country...Isn't that so fader?"

"Ja, you'll be dein own country one day, and du vill be very strong." He ruffled the boy's hair and smiled. However, Germany could see that Prussia had no intention of giving up the territory that Nicholas represented.

"Say Nikki, mein son, vere is dein bruder?" at this Germany quirked an eyebrow.

"Oh, Siberia?" Nicholas tilted his head to one side then the other. "Hmm...Ah, I think he said he vas going to visit the vest girl...ah, Ukraine." He nodded and smiled.

"Ok," he narrowed his eyes. "Ukraine is a good girl. She vill not hurt your bruder nor help anyvone hurt him."

"Popi, why would anyone want to hurt him?" Nicholas asked gently.

"Because, I am on of the last big empires mein son, Zhey vill try to hurt him or you to hurt me. Zhey vill try, but Prussia is too awesome! He vill not allow zhem to hurt his favorite boys!" He ruffled the boys hair. "Let's get somezhing to eat, ja?"

"Can I have vodka, popi?" Nicholas asked eagerly. "can I, poluyista? I am almost as good as you now!"

"Nein, I don't zhink you should get into your bruder's drink. But you may have some of my bier." he nodded then glared. "VAS DO YOU MEAN AS GUTT AS ME? You're not even tventy!"

"You're setting such a gutt example, bruder," Ludwig rolled his eyes.

"Oh vere are mein manners, Nikki, zhis is dein uncle, Ludvig," he introduced. "He is mein not-as-awesome-as-me little Bruder."

"Privyet." Nicholas smiled. It was the creepiest thing Ludwig had ever seen.

"Uh, guten tag..." he nodded with a slight twitch under his eye. Why did he have to be related to problematic people?

Siberia staggered into his house with Ukraine's help. She was still apologizing profusely.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know Poland would do that!" She whimpered. Tears streamed continuously down her face. "And Lithuania is usually so nice! Poland is a bad influence on him. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have invited you over!"

"It's fine. It's fine. Yekatrina!" He all but growled. He grasped her shoulders and his expression softened somewhat. "Yekatrina, it's not your fault." He kissed her forehead. "Remember vhat ve talked about ok?"

"Of course, Siberia!" She nodded. He wiped the tears from her face and kissed her again. this time on the mouth. "I'll keep my promise if it comes to that."

"I pray to God above that it von't," He smiled.

"Big brother!" A voice chimed. The two turned to find Nicholas standing in the doorway. The boys eyes showed pure happiness at his brother's safe return. This soon faded into a slightly horrified look as he took into account the blood splattered on his older brother's coat. There was a bruise under his left eye, his lower lip was split and he was leaning heavily on Ukraine.

"Hello, Little Russia," Siberia smiled.

"Ah, Big brother?" He ran over and pressed his face into his brother's stomach. He cried into the coat. "A-a-ahhh, Big brother is hurt! I don't vant big brother to die!"

"hah," the older brother smiled. He dropped to his knees and hugged his younger brother. "It's ok. This is nothing. I von't die from this. Don't cry little Russia! Nikki, come on. Yekatrina has cried enough for both of you!"

"B-but, but, oh..."he sniffled pressing his face into his brother's shoulder.

Ukraine watched. Indeed these two were brothers. Siberia looked almost like an older version of Russia. There were only a few key differences. Siberia's hair was pure white, silver really. His eyes were the same color as Russia's but were a slightly different shape, a little more almond shaped due to the greater Asian influence on him. He was very tall with broad shoulders. When standing, Russia who was tall for his age only barely came to his stomach. Siberia was also a foot and a half taller than his father, Gilbert.

"Siberia..." The boys looked at the door. Gilbert was standing there with Ludwig. Gilbert rushed over to his elder son. "Who...Who did zhis to you?"

"Popi, it's fine, I-"

"Who did zhis to you?" he repeated.

"Look it was just Poland and some of his brothers but Poland's a jerk anyway so vhy vaste our time vith him anyvay?" he shrugged. "That Lithuania guy was there too, but he didn't attack me. He just didn't help either." He protected Lithuania due to Ukraine's sister's fondness of the younger country.

"Zhey vill get zheir's," Prussia nodded. "For now, how about a hot meal, some Vodka and a nice hot bath?"

"That sounds good," Siberia nodded. "Come on Ukraine. You'll stay and have supper vith us, von't you?"

"Um, alright," she nodded. "But only a bite. Natalya is still locked in her room."

"She'll be safer there," Siberia assured.

Now, the author must point out to the reader that Ludwig was indeed right when he claimed that Gilbert, Nicholas and Siberia were problematic people. In fact, Things were not as simplistically perfect as they seemed. Gilbert, for all his fussing was a terrible father. (I mean seriously, who gives a fourteen year old with the body and mental stability of an eight year old, beer?) From their training sessions Nicholas had a scar on the back of his head from the place were his skull connected to his spine and down to his left shoulder blade. Another crossed through the middle of that scar down to his right hip.

Anyone who knew about the scars were amazed by the fact that Nicholas survived when all were (accidental) killing blows.

He was also a bit neglectful. He would go away for months-sometimes years-on end on campaigns against the rest of Europe.

Nicholas and his older brother were left to fend for themselves. Siberia, more and more often was out on his own campaigns against the other Europeans and the occasional Turkish or Mongol horde. The Chinese were also bothersome.

More and more often, Nicholas found himself in the huge mansion, undefended and alone. Heck, if not for Ukraine and her sister's bountiful harvests, he would have starved by now.

One day, Nicholas was sitting out in the snow, building a fort to wage an imaginary battle with his brother when he returned home that evening with their father. (Gilbert was returning from beating France. But then who hasn't?)

Nicholas hummed a sweet tune, the lyrics of which have long since been forgotten by time. A shadow was cast across his work. "Bruder! Popi!" He smiled then faltered as a tall-ish blonde man drew a long sword and pointed it right at his unprotected throat. "You're not-Who are you?"

The other man's emerald eyes glittered dangerously and he smirked. The wind picked up from the west to his back and caused a pink ribbon tied in his hair to flutter. Russia was distracted for a second.

He then noticed the smaller boy standing behind the blonde. He was beautiful there was no other word. He had messy brown hair in a reverse bob framing his soft, pale face and the most beautiful green eyes that Nicholas had ever seen. They were as green as the forest and as green as his mother's had been. His mother, Kiev.

"You're Lithuania," He nodded to the boy who was his probably going to become his little brother if his father and brother's campaigns went well. "You're Liet. Natalya loves you, I think. You're going to be my little brother very soon."

The Pole smirked as he drew his sword up over his head then with frightening speed slashed Nicholas across the chest in a crescent shaped arc. "I will never allow you to have my littlie brother!" Blood splattered on his chest and stomach making the green uniform brown. Blood splattered on Liet's pale skin bringing out his forest green eyes.

Ivan's eyes widened as blood spurted out; staining the snow red. He fell to his knees; hands moving over his heart as if to hold in the blood. The organ slipped into the snow between his fingers. He choked and coughed on the blood and bile rising in his throat. This mess was soon expelled, further staining the once pristine snow.

Poland continued laughing loudly. Lithuania looked around his brother to the crying, bleeding boy laying in the snow. His own eyes filled with tears, he hated seeing anyone in pain. That's just the kind of gentle person Liet was. This boy was obviously dying.

The Russian reached out towards Liet. His vision was going. All he could see was the piercing, compassionate green eyes filled with tears. He reached towards those eyes. His mother's eyes.

"Ki-ev..." The Pole stepped on his hand and smirked. He looked up at the Pole standing on his hand. "What are you-" His head slipped back down into the snow. He slipped into blissful, painless oblivion.

"Poor kid," Poland sighed. "He's like, actually cute. He would have been strong had he lived. Oh well, we're better off without a lot of Half-Prussian bastards running around. Come on Liet."

The boy nodded and followed silently at his brother's heels. Tears continued to stream down his face.

"I'm zo proud uf du mein son, zhat iz a very imprezzive campaign!" Gilbert laughed. "Ludvig and I haff alzo been quite suzessful."

Ludwig just rubbed his temples. Gilbert was already through several barrels-yes, barrels-of beer and was starting to lose the ability to speak coherently and any thread of sense he might on the off chance possess.

Siberia nodded as he drank vodka calmly from a flask. He relished the burn of the 'Russian Water' as slid down his throat and the warmth that bloomed across his chest. It strengthened him to General Winter's influence on his tundra.

Ludwig, looking around them-looking for a distraction from his alcoholic brother and by-standing nephew, noticed something odd.

"Hey! Isn't zhat Poland and Lithuania?" He pointed. Not four hundred yards from them Poland was sprinting through the woods with Lithuania in his arms. They were coming from the direction of Russia's house and they were covered in blood.

Prussia instantly sobered up. "Verdamt! Vas have zhey done now?"

"Popi!" Siberia pointed in the direction they came. He quickly returned the flask to the pouch on his belt. "Vhat about Nicholas!"

Prussia's eyes filled with a desperate pained look Ludwig had never witnessed in them. "MEIN SON!" He about screamed. Prussia broke into a frenzied sprint, Siberia close at his heels and Ludwig bringing up the rear.

Prussia was almost out of breath by the time he reached the house. He ran in through the black wrought iron gates. Usually he found their menace comforting on a return trip. Today they were maddeningly ominous. There was nothing amiss in the front yard except for some footprints in the snow and some red drips of blood.

He panted softly his head whipping back and forth. Scanning all around.

"Ah, the backyard..." He breathed running around back. The snow was crimson under his heels. He stopped and stared. Tears burned their way down pale cheeks. His crimson eyes becoming red-rimmed and blurry through the salty water. He moved forward, his legs moving sluggishly as he trudged through the snow. His navy blue slacks growing black as they were soaked with snow and blood. He fell to his knees in the worst part.

"No...nonononono...oh please no,...nonono NEEEEEEIN!" He cried. And then, he screamed.

Siberia and Ludwig were stalled at the gate. Ludwig noticed something else in the snow. He crouched down and ran his fingers through the material.

"Siberia..." He touched the light black powder mixed with the now.

"Da, I see it." He shifted uncomfortably. "That looks like Chinese gun powder from a firebomb."

"I bet zhis whole place is rigged." He left the slushy mixture slide off his gloved palm and stood.

"Just a flaming arrow would set it off." Siberia murmured.

"We have to varn Gilbert," He narrowed his eyes.


The two exchanged looks and ran around back.

They found Prussia kneeling in the snow. He was sobbing and screaming incoherently in German. He was covered in ice and snow. Cradled in his arms was Nicholas. His eyes were shut, his skin deathly pale and he was covered in blood. There was blood on his face, hands, chest and staining both sides of his mouth.

His clothes and skin were torn along a crescent shaped cut along his chest. He wasn't breathing.

Siberia fell to his knees beside his father. His arms reached out toward his beloved little brother.

"No...nyet, Nikki...Come on Nikki... Get up, Bruder...polyuhsta...Get up...Nyet" He sobbed. "this is my fault...It's my fault...If I'd come straight home...he wouldn't have been outside! He wouldn't have been alone! VERDAMT! DO YOU HEAR ME POLAND?" He screamed standing abruptly. "HEAR ME! I WILL KILL YOU FOR THIS! HE WAS MY BROTHER! HE WAS JUST A CHILD! YOU MONSTER! I'LL KILL YOOUUUU!" He panted; his silver bangs hiding his tears, his throat raw and sore from screaming. He turned back to Prussia and Germany when a voice stopped him. Well, not so much a voice as an amused laugh.

"What do you want?" Siberia demanded as he met the white haired old man's cold, dead grey eyes. "Haven't I suffered enough?"

"Oh, Siberia, I don't have to do anything and still you are so amusing to me." General Winter cackled. "I thought you should see something." He knelt and grasped a clump of snow and ice and threw it at the other.

Siberia caught it one-handed and was about to crush whatever it was until he felt something odd. He brushed the snow off. In his hand was a small frozen, ice encased heart. But it was still beating. His eyes widened. He turned to his father and snatched his beloved brother away.

"Hey!" Prussia snapped.

"There's still time," Siberia breathed hopefully. He checked the wound, widening it slightly with his fingers to peer inside. His brother's heart was not in his chest. It was in his hand.

Siberia smiled (kind of dementedly), and slipped the organ back in place.

"Vas are you doing?" Germany asked as he watched.

Siberia smiled. It was going to be ok, he could already see that Nicholas' wounds were beginning to heal. He took off his coat and laid it on the ground. He placed Nicholas on top of it and removed his shirts. He began ripping them into strips for bandages.

"You know we have medical supplies in ze house, ja?" Prussia asked in a sort of distracted way. "You don't have to do it that way. I'll go get them."



"The house is rigged to set off some Chinese firebombs if you open the door."


He diligently continued his work. He washed the blood off with melted snow and began treating the wound. From the pouch at his belt, he now pulled medical supplies. He threaded a needle and sewed the wound shut. He began bandaging the boy's chest. He was now breathing and making small noises of pain. He was still as deathly pale as before.

Siberia, finished and satisfied with his work nodded and packed the things back up. He then gathered the boy, coat and all, into his arms and stood.

"Look, we need to take him to Ukraine, Yekatrina has better facilities to care for him right now." Siberia stated his eyes an icy shade that wasn't uncommon to see in him. "Then we can stock up and prepare to wage war on Poland."

"Ja," Prussia nodded. He led the way towards Ukraine's house.

Ok, that's the end of this one. The last part will come soon. Its at Ukraines house, explains what happened to Siberia, Why Prussia is a sattalite state, and why Natalya/Belarus loves Russia.

If you didn't get it, Nicholas IS Russia/Ivan. You'll find out more about that in the next segment. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia. Himaruya Hidekaz does.