I woke up with loud music blasting in the background. I turned to my roommate, Liz, who had the same confused look on her face that I did. Macey, my other roommate, turned off the light as I turned off the loud, booming stereo, which was when I noticed the four shadowy figures leaned against the wall. Bex laid in bed with her pillow pressed against her ears, waking her up has always been a challenge.
Nick, Zach, Grant and Jonas were laughing there asses off. That was Bex's cue to get out of bed. In less then a minute we each had our boyfriends pinned to the ground. Jonas made it easy for Liz to tackle him, he was always so afraid of hurting her. Grant had given Bex a harder time, but bex went for the "sensitive" area and as he screamed in pain, she had used his pain as an advantage and pushed him into the wall and onto the floor. Macey played even dirtier than Bex; she had started off kissing Nick because she knew he wouldn't be able to resist that. She then pushed him to the ground and sat on top of his chest with his arms pinned down under her knees. Zach didn't dare hit me, but he dodged all of my punches. When I went for a roundhouse kick, he caught my leg and placed me on the ground. Then I swiped my foot under his legs and he fell and hit the ground. Hard. I quickly got in the same position as Macey. Bex and Liz were already in that position.
Macey was the first to ask, "Why did you guys wake us up at 3 AM?"
Nick looked at her and responded in a smug voice,"I'll never tell."
We all looked at our boyfriends, "Zach?" I asked
"Jonas?" I heard Liz say
"Grant", bex said in a sexy, seductive voice.
Grant had to bite down on his lip to not answer that. Liz looked at bex and asked if she could hold Jonas for a second because she needed to use the bathroom. All of us girls knew what Liz was really doing but all of the guys looked confused. 48 seconds later, Liz came out of the bathroom with a jar of wax and depilatory strips and with a slight smile, said "Guys, last chance before we wax you, why are you here?"
The guys looked at each other with a worried look on their faces. "Umm" Grant started but didn't finish his sentence. Macey looked at him with a raised eyebrow and said, "Since grant volunteered himself, he should be interrogated. Bex will you do the honors? "
Bex proudly answered, "I'd be delighted to."