Title: A Pirate's Life For Me
Author: Jamiexh
Pairing: Rachel/Quinn, Brittany/Santana
Disclaimer: Ryan Murphy owns Glee.
Rated: R/NC-17 (PG-13 this part)
Summary: Inspired by the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disney World. "When Rachel bought the blonde haired beauty in the wench auction, she never expected to actually fall in love with her."
Quinn saw the boat come in. It was huge, similar in size to the British Naval ships that her father would show her and her older sister, Margaret, all the time. But, this ship was different. There was no British flag proudly on display, instead a black flag with a skull and crossbones. She knew what this meant…pirates.
Quinn was taught to fear pirates. Her father, Governor Russell Fabray, told her that they were evil people set on destruction. He always assured her that the British Navy could take care of any pirates that try to attack their province, but they never anticipated Captain Jackson Berry and Quartermaster Elias Berry.
Sure, they had heard about the infamous pirates Berry. Elias Berry came from the Prussian empire and met the fellow African pirate, Jackson Angria, on Tortuga. They met, fell in love, and were an unstoppable force. They lived in sin, as her father would say, and Jackson eventually took Elias's last name, which just made it worse in her father's opinion. There were rumors about the Berrys being so ruthless that they stole a girl and both raped her until she bore them a child and then they killed her.
But, the British Navy was unprepared for the attack the Berrys led. They gathered several groups of pirates and took over the province. The navy never stood a chance and neither did they.
Quinn saw Jackson and Elias Berry once before she lost her freedom. They took her father away before instructing another pirate called Schue to auction off her, her mother, and her sister with the other women of the province to the pirates. They were bound in ropes and sent over to the street where a bunch of pirates were gathered. A banner was strung out over their heads that read "Wench Auction."
Girls were sold in front of her. Some went for as few as three pieces of gold, while others as much as fifteen. Her sister was to be sold next and Quinn had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach.
"The eldest daughter of the Governor of the province," Schue started. "She's a fine piece of ass, mateys. Let's start the bidding at 5 pieces of gold." Margaret was quickly sold for eight pieces of gold. Quinn was up next.
"The youngest daughter of the Governor Fabray. She's an unmarried virgin. Pretty lil' lass. Bidding starts at 10 pieces of gold."
Quinn quickly surveyed the crowd. She didn't want any of these men to own her. Then one particularly nasty looking man called out "10 pieces."
"10 pieces from Corkscrew."
"12," another pirate rang out.
"12 from Puck."
"15," Corkscrew countered again.
"17," a third pirate called.
"20," Corkscrew countered again before Schue could announce the bid. Quinn got a good look at Corkscrew. He was old. Probably older than her father, and missing some teeth. He had a scowl that made her wince, and she could tell just by looking at him that he was not going to be a good person to be owned by.
"20, from Corkscrew. Going once, twice."
"30 pieces of gold," a feminine voice called out. Quinn looked up at the girl who was standing at the top of the stairs where the bidding pirates were sitting. She was short, with tan skin and dark hair. She had on a white shirt that left the tops of her breasts uncovered underneath a red jacket. She had on long black boots and a short black skirt. She stood with a tall, skinny, blonde companion, who was wearing a black and white striped shirt with tight black pants.
"Sold," Schue quickly announced, "to Nostra Stella Berry."
'Berry,' Quinn quickly thought to herself, 'couldn't be related to Jackson and Elias.' She quickly searched the crowd again and sure enough, Jackson and Elias were at the top of the steps on the opposite side from Nostra Stella and her blonde friend. The two male pirates had her father in chains. Russell Fabray must have just watched his two daughters get sold and his wife was up next. The two male pirates gleamed with pride.
Nostra Stella Berry worked her way towards her. At first, Quinn was glad. This girl could be her savior. All those male pirates were out there to rape her, to take her virtue. But, this was a girl. Maybe she'd be different.
Nostra Stella pulled at the ropes to lead Quinn away. "Come on, wench," Nostra Stella commanded. Quinn held still. The abruptness of the brunette's tone scared her. For one second, Quinn believed she saw compassion in other girl's brown eyes, but it was quickly masked by anger.
Nostra Stella reached into her jacket and pulled out a pistol. "I said, come on, wench." This time when she pulled on the restraints, Quinn followed along. "We're going back to my room on La Baja," the brunette girl informs the crowd. The blonde girl looked like she was going to follow them, but a quick shake of the brunette's head and her companion halted.
Quinn cried seeing her father struggle to reach out for her as she passed him and the Berrys. And even though her tear filled eyes, she could see the smile exchanged between the Berrys and Nostra Stella. Quinn thought this girl would be her savior, but she was wrong. Nostra Stella Berry was the daughter of Jackson and Elias. Quinn was in deep shit.