YAY! I'm on chapter three already. :3 HAHAHAHAHA, I was all eating a granola bar when I was typing the last chapter, so I think the 'z' key isn't going to be working right. Sorry Yuu.


Warning: Um… minor language and violence, like last time :3

Chapter 3

She was sitting on the side of the road, a rugged baseball cap covering her closed eyes, and leaning against a building wall, her light snoring echoing through the emptiness. Her snoring ceased when the daylight peeked through one of the strands of hair she had. She remembered; that boy! She'd be able to meet him today! It was possible that they'd become friends within the day, and she'd be able to be around him and his sweet, spicy scent. Ahh, it rejuvenated her spirit so wonderfully. She sighed, thinking of him more. He was warm and soft when she "accidentally" bumped into him yesterday. His eyes, though they were furious at first, were astonishing when they softened that moment hers met his. And his big, bushy, spiky orange hair. It was so unique, creative, pretty. Overall, he had a rosy maroon aura she liked.

Suddenly a new scent wafted in the air around her. She sniffed to make sure, then found out it was definitely that certain scent. She got up and followed it, for it called her.

Wolves and lunar flowers mixed, you know.

Or, better yet, lunar flower maidens.

Ichigo snapped his eyes open and sat up from his bed. He panted, easing his panicked heartbeat a bit, and then pondered about what his nightmare was about anyways. Huh, guess the real Ichigo is back.

He groaned, stretched, and rubbed the back of his neck, looking out of his window. He started remembering all that had happened the day before; the dream of the wolf, Keigo's "harmful insults," and that girl with the wolf's eyes. He swallowed, then lay back in his bed and looked at the clock on his desk.

He sighed, for he had about an hour or so until he had to get to class. He scratched his head and closed his eyes, listening to everything for a split second.

The whooshing of the morning breeze fluttering his window curtains nearby.

The not-so-peaceful snoring of Kon.

The muffled chatter down in the kitchen.

And… the tap of someone landing nearby. That noise muted out the whooshing and made Ichigo snap his eyes back open. He sat back up to face the intruder.

It was that girl. She had jumped onto his windowsill, and was squatting on it, her nose twitching frequently.

Ichigo, despite that look she had, scowled at her and snapped, "What the hell are you doing? What do you want?"

She didn't reply. Her nose continued twitching and her eyes widened, gazing at his closet. She inhaled deeply, her eyes not leaving her targeted spot.

Rukia slammed a closet door open. "Ichigo? What's-" She saw the girl and fixed a furious gaze on her. "Hey, you! You are intruding! Leave now!"

The girl ignored Rukia's words, and instead jumped off of Ichigo's windowsill, and headed for the closet, gently pushing Rukia out of the way so she could climb in it.

Rukia turned red. "That's where I sleep! Leave it alone! If you mess it up, I swear, I will…"

The girl emerged from the closet, a confused look clouding her young face. She jumped out of the closet, and looked around his room.

"…Where…But I…I could've sworn…?" Her soft voice whimpered, she still facing everywhere at a time.

Ichigo growled. "Look, I don't know what you want, but I don't feel like handling intruders right now! So get out!" He put his hand on her shoulder and tried guiding her back towards the window.

She growled fiercely, and her eyes were misted with rage. Ichigo took one look into those fiery eyes and let go of her shoulder, almost like a reflex.

"…I thought she was here. But she isn't. I forgot, she's gone…" Her suddenly sad voice made Ichigo grumbled in irritability. What was with her, was she PMSing and she had these side effect mood swings or something? Or was she just a plain psychopath? He didn't care. He just wanted her to leave before he got too freaked out.

The girl faced him, realization in her face. "Wait, you're the guy from yesterday, right?"

Ichigo blinked. "Y-yeah, that's me."

"Oh yeah, huh? Hey, sorry for bumping into you like that. Those kids can get you riled up!" She smiled.

Rukia stepped in. "Why are you here, may I ask again? And who is 'she?' What do you want?" Her voice was filled with rage and chill severity.

The girl looked at Rukia. "It's really hard to take you seriously when I'm bigger than you."

Rukia growled. "What did you say?" She lunged at the girl, who jumped back, back flipped, and flew out of the window… laughing.

Ichigo ran to the window and looked around.

There was nobody anywhere near his house.

He huffed, for all of this was starting to get to him. Was she a soul? No, she had no chain on her chest. She didn't have the aura of a Soul Reaper, either. What was she?

It sent a chill up his spine, because he was certain that she wasn't human.

She landed next to a lamppost and smacked her forehead with her palm and groaned.

"Ah, I'm such a fool!" She growled to herself in wolf language. "Why is it whenever I think I found her scent, I go berserk and search for her?" She scratched her head. "Maybe Kiba-san rubbed off on me."

The female looked at the sun and determined it was almost time for her to get to the high school. She smirked and mischievously rubbed her hands together.

"I bet those older humans will be fun…"

"Ichigo!" Kon snapped, kicking his ankle, trying to knock the much taller teen down. "Why won't you tell me?"

"Because I don't want to, Kon. Now shut up." Ichigo picked the stuffed toy and threw him into Rukia's closet. He squeaked lightly as he landed, then he growled and watched Ichigo leave the room. Then he sighed and nuzzled into the pillow he sat on.

"Damn that human… not telling me what happens when girls randomly jump into his room… I'm so mad, but…" He inhaled the pillow. "…Ahh… Nee-san's scent is so lovely…." He hugged it with soft and plushy love.

Ichigo walked the pathway to school, his head abuzz with thought.

He remembered how Rukia had left early for unknown reasons, and how his father had "supposedly" heard a ruckus the past night. And then how Yuzu had asked him if he was feeling okay. Karin had added a snide comment to that afterwards.

He also continued thinking of… her. He didn't know why, but what she was had him in some sort of pickle. He knew it shouldn't be any of his business, yet… he was curious. It was hard to explain, really.

As he entered the school grounds, Keigo walked up to him, that usual Keigo look on his face.

"Hey, dude! I forgive you for how you were yesterday, ya know, what with how you are OBVIOUSLY going through changes, and-" Ichigo's fist met his face.

"Oh, shut up! It's not like that…!" He blushed and glared at the Keigo who was rolling around the floor.

"Yeah, yeah, SUUUUURRRRREEE-" Ichigo punched him again.

Mizuiro walked up to them. "Hey guys, have you heard? There's a new girl coming today." He sighed. "I hope she's at least seventeen…"

Ichigo looked at him. "A new girl?"

"Yeah, the people who have met her say she's fun to be around with; she has a contagious positive aura. Or so I've heard."

Keigo stood up, rubbing his forehead, which was now bruised. "Yeah, I heard about her too! Someone said her eyes are amazing."

Ichigo jumped. Eyes…?

Mizuiro looked around him. "Oh, that must be her."

Keigo followed his gaze and Ichigo did as well. His face clouded with realization as he saw her-

It was that girl!

She had a lazy look to her stunning eyes, and her bag was hanging over one shoulder, a paper or two peeping out of it. She was looking around and tried to get the attention of the teens around her.

Ichigo blinked. Why was she here? Did she plan to kill him, like in his dream, to those thugs? He swallowed and studied her more.

Then she noticed Ichigo and happiness brightened up her face. She trotted over, yipping, "Hey! Nice to see ya again!" She giggled and stopped right in front of him, her neck craning so she could meet his eyes; she was much shorter than him.

Ichigo scowled. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

The girl blinked and no other emotion was on her face. She closed her eyes and smiled.

"I seem to be, er… lost. Can you help me find 9th grade, group 3?"

Ichigo flinched. "You mean, my class?"

The girl's grin widened. "We're classmates? Awesome! Almost like the real thing, huh?" Ichigo didn't know what she meant, and he was sure she didn't, either.

She held out her lightly skinned hand. "Allow me to formally introduce myself. My name is Gabby. But people call me Elle." After a few moments, she shook her hand further out to him, beckoning him to take it.

He placed his palm within hers and shook. "I'm Kurosaki Ichigo."

She laughed. "What a cute name!"

He growled. "It's not cute! It means 'the one who protects'!"

She opened her grey eye. "Really? Good, because that makes much more sense."

Keigo took her hand delicately from Ichigo's grasp. "Asano Keigo at your service, my lady." He tried to kiss the back of her hand, but she jerked it away before he could even breathe on it.

"Yeah, nice to meet you…" She held her hand and looked at Mizuiro.

He smiled. "I'm Mizuiro. Nice to meet you, Elle." He bowed formally at her. She looked puzzled, but she bowed back. Then she faced Ichigo.

"Hey, do you mind, if I walk with you to class? I'm kinda new to this place." She shrugged and smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of her head.

Ichigo rolled his eyes. "Sure. Fine by me."

Elle nodded at him. "Okay! Thanks!" She stood there smiling, but it faded, and she blinked. Then she asked, "Hey, erm… how long until class starts?"

Ichigo looked at his watch. "About thirty minutes. Why?"

She threw her fist into the air and barked "Yes!" Then sat down, got out a pencil and paper, a clipboard, and started drawing on it. Keigo sat by her and watched her pencil work, and Mizuiro just leaned downward to peek. Ichigo remained in his place, his arms crossed and his gaze directed the opposite way. It remained like that for about fifteen minutes.

"It's done~!" She squealed a victory so suddenly it made Ichigo jump, and he turned his eyes back to the trio. She put down her pencil and beamed at the clipboard, admiring her work.

"Woah! What is it?" Keigo asked, his eyes on the clipboard.

"What do you think it is?" She chimed back, her eyes reflecting her happiness. Ichigo couldn't help but feel troubled; he actually wanted to see what she drew. He decided he could see it later, if she would like him to-

"Oh, Ichigo, would you like to see it, too?" Her eyes met his again, and a shiver went down his spine. He looked away, scratched his orange head and mumbled "Well, a little look wouldn't hurt."

She giggled and turned the clipboard towards him. Ichigo looked at her work with astonishment.

It was a canine of some sort - a wolf, maybe - with ruffled fur and sore eyes. It was covered in battle scars and had a gaping, bleeding wound in its side. In its mouth was a flower, drooping and sad, and it was torn up at the end of its thin stem. The canine was walking in snow, and behind it was a mountain and the Northern Lights. In the dark grey sky was written Japanese kanji which said "Search for Paradise." All of it was expertly shaded.

Ichigo stared at the picture. Elle chuckled and put the clipboard down. "Glad you like it!"

"Elle… how did you learn how to do that?"

A sparkle lit in her eyes as he said her name. "I dunno. I just practiced, I guess."

"But… its almost professional work! You could become rich with your art!"

She smiled. "Thanks, Ichigo!" Then she blinked in shock. "Oh man, shouldn't we get to class?" She threw the clipboard into her bag, stood up and quickly walked down the hallway. Ichigo arched an eyebrow at her, and then looked at his watch. It was… almost a minute till class started. Oh, crap! He followed Elle to his classroom.

Elle was sitting in an empty seat near the back, which was wise, for his teacher didn't pay any attention to the ones in the back. She had that piece of paper in her hands, and a sad look glazed her eyes. Ichigo sat in his seat but kept peeking back at her, checking if she was okay.

Wait, what was he doing?

Elle sighed and put the memory away. She could feel Ichigo's gaze bore on her every few seconds or so. She smiled; she was happy he cared about her at the moment. That was how it all starts out, right?

She looked out the window and watched the birds singing. One had landed on the windowsill, chirping.

Hi Elle!

Elle smiled. "Hello, little one." Her wolf language wasn't heard by humans, so she was safe talking to other animals.

The little bird flapped its wings. What are you doing in Human Territory?

"I had some stuff to take care of. Don't worry."

But Elle-san! You can't get tangled up with humans again! Remember what happened… I mean, how could you forget?

Elle showed her teeth and snarled. "Don't you dare freaking think that I'll EVER forget that! Or else you'll become my new prey!"

The bird flew away in a hurry.

Which was good for her. She didn't need to remember what she had done.

Lunch came by quickly.

Orihime, Tatsuki, and their little gang of gals were grouped where they usually were. The dudes were at their usual spot also. Elle sat in a lonely corner near nobody. She nibbled on her lunch occasionally, and when she chewed, she scribbled on another piece of paper on the ground.

Ichigo tried eating, but he wasn't that hungry, really. He just watched her. He saw her every move, every bite, every pencil-swish. She looked up at him and smiled, then waved, then bit into her sandwich again.

He turned away, blushing. Why did he feel like watching her oh-so-closely? Was he turning into some sort of stalker-type? He felt stupid and embarrassed. Stop looking at her, Ichigo. Stop looking.

Elle finished her lunch and walked over to Orihime and them.

"Hi!" She chirped. "I felt kind of lonely over there, so I decided to visit randomly. Hehe….."

Orihime giggled. "Sure, you can sit here if you'd like!"

Chizuru blushed. "You have beautiful eyes…!"

Elle smiled back. "Thanks! You're hair is awesome!" She sat down next to Tatsuki.

There was a chatter of some sort afterwards, then Elle decided to add a new topic.

"Is there going to be a full moon tonight?"

Orihime pondered. "Yeah, I think so. Why?"

"YAY! I get to revive!" She leapt up and threw her fists into the air in some sort of victory, her face filled with happiness.

"What do you mean?" Tatsuki asked.

"I get my strength from the full moon. Actually, all of us do."

Their eyes widened. "HUUUUHHH?"

Elle sat back down. "This is a secret, okay? A VERY SPECIAL secret. You mustn't tell anyone about it…"

The gang nodded their heads in understanding and waited eagerly for her to talk about it. Elle pushed on the suspense by saying nothing at all and looking around.

She sighed, then whispered, "I'm… a Wolf."

Ichigo tried perking his ears at what they had been talking about. All he knew was that whatever Elle had said, it brought shock to all of them.

"No way!" One said.

"It's true!" Elle held up her hands, trying to emphasize what she spoke of.

"It can't be true- you look nothing like one!"

That got Ichigo curious. He tried to listen in a bit more.

"But it is. In fact…" She smirked playfully at the girls, "…you all have a portion of wolf in you."

The girls simply stared at her for about five seconds, then threw questions and comments at her.

"No way- it's just a fairy tale!"

"Are you serious?"

"How can that be true?"

Elle smiled. "Have you heard of that story?" The girls stared at her blankly.

She chuckled. "About how humans came to. It starts a little like this, I think." She sat criss-cross Indian style on the ground, her wondrous eyes closed to help her memory. "A long time ago, when the earth was young, beasts from long across the universe came and destroyed it, burned it, used it as its plaything. Mother Nature could see the damage being done, and she sent out warriors to fend off the evil. Those warriors…" She opened one eye here, "…were Wolves.

"They fought bravely against the evil, and healed the planet, then tamed one of the beasts into what is now referred to as 'Man.'" The girls oohed and aahed, but remained attentive to her.

"I tell you now the words of Red Moon… from the Great Spirit was born the Wolf, and Man became its messenger. In other words, the human race was created by wolves. See, they had their human form, and their true wolf form. But, within time, they lost sight of the wolf side somehow, and we wolves can see that. It's how we blend in by taking advantage of our human side and cloaking it over our animal bodies."

They blinked and continued listening. Elle didn't even seem to notice Ichigo was hearing in, too.

"You ever heard that phrase of a 'Red Moon?' It's a sign that the apocalypse is coming." The girls gasped for a moment, then were silent again. Elle smirked and continued.

"The Red Moon symbolizes how we wolves need to return home, to our world, instead of this crappy human one." She shuffled a bit at the word "human."

"Where is…their home?" A girl asked.

Elle looked into the crowd, then at the sky, and barely whispered, "Paradise…"

"Huh? What's Paradise?"

She looked back at the crowd. "It's a world where wolves reign supreme. The wolves are the protectors and healers of the world, so when the Chosen Wolf and his comrades left to open it, the world fell apart."

"Did they ever find it?"

Elle paused at her story, and looked down, and remained silent for a long time, her dark grey hair covering her face. The girl who asked the question shied back, hoping it didn't offend her.

"…No." She lifted her face back up, depression clouding her eyes for a second, but they returned to its usual young happiness. "So, that's about it!" She giggled.

Ichigo narrowed his eyes and bit into his sandwich.

Her eyes clouded with memory at that girls question. It all flew back to her suddenly, how and why she left when they needed her. She sensed their troubles, yet turned her back. They called to her, and she perked her ears the other way.

She was disgusted with herself after finding out what had happened when she couldn't sense them at all anymore. It was eating her alive, but telling the story made it die down just a bit. She hated not being herself around these…humans.

One day, she just might make it to Paradise… with him. She had high hopes of it.

((This may be a better way to speak in OOC or whatever. :P Sorry for abandoning this story, the idea was like… dead for a while until I got into Bleach again. So… stay tuned or… something. :P))