Author's Note: So I first of all apologize for the extreme absence in updates.

Jasper's POV:

I was so excited after Bella told me we would be having our third child that I couldn't sleep as I lay next to the love of my life. I ran my hand through her hair as she lay curled on her side next to me and smiled when she sighed happily in her sleep.

In the back of my mind, the thought that Edward could be back around Seattle, stayed but didn't overpower my current happiness. I couldn't wait to feel our baby kick beneath my hands. I couldn't wait to find out if we were having another boy or another girl; If the baby would have my blonde waves or Bella's brunette locks; her chocolate eyes or my own shade.

I couldn't believe that she had been pregnant at the time of my attack. We were so lucky that the stress had not caused a miscarriage and I was so grateful for that. I was glad to have my memories mostly back so I could relish this pregnancy instead of still being in denial that my family was really my family.

As I continued to muse on the events of the last 12 hours I finally brought my thoughts back around to the arrest of Alice earlier. I would have to ask Paul in the morning what she claimed as her reasoning for the attack and if she had rolled over on Edward.

I sincerely hoped that this would all be over with soon. I really was doing well- healing, mentally and physically- and we were slowly settling back into a routine. I doubted we would be truly relaxed until Edward was in police custody but we were as comfortable as we were going to get.

Finally at about 3:00 AM I found myself slipping into sleep.

Bella's POV:

I was up, showered and out the door by 6:30 to head to work for my day shift. It felt nice to be back on the ward and caring for my little babies. I had missed it because it was something that had been my sanctuary for so many years- yes of course there were sad times and frustrating times but being able to help a small child get well enough to go home, supporting parents through the hardest days they'd likely experience during their children's lives.

"Bells!" called a familiar voice as I rushed to the staff room after parking and heading into the building.

"Katie!" I called back mimicking her exuberance "You on days today?" We both worked day, evening, night rotations and she'd recently switched back to our unit so I wasn't sure if she was getting off or coming on shift.

"We're both in cubby A" She smiled widely and hugged me as soon as I had shrugged off my coat. Our unit was split into 'cubbies' in each cubby there were up to 8 babies at a time, 4 per nurse. The unit had 4 cubbies in total but currently we only had 16 infants in our care so each nurse only had 2 infants to care for. It was awesome when we had fewer babies- partly because it meant that less babies were sick enough to need us and also because it enabled us to give more one on one care to those who needed it.

We headed to the nurses station and listened to report from the night before heading to greet whatever parents had spent the night or arrived early this morning. Day shifts were busy because the first hours of shift were spent communicating with the doctors who would round on their patients and the rest were usually spent getting our little ones whatever tests or procedures said specialists had ordered and as always just reassuring the parents that their little ones were holding on and getting bigger and healthier.

The infants in my cubby today were a pair of twins, identical girls born 10 weeks early to a very worried set of parents, who Kate was caring for, a little boy born 11 weeks early, whose single mom was there every moment she could be and a little girl born 8 weeks early with a tumor on her liver whose father had been left a widow after her traumatic birth. The poor man hadn't been able to bring himself to be near her in the week since her birth though we all hoped that as time went on he would come around.

Rounds went quickly with our head neonatal specialist taking the lead today and pretty soon Kate and I were left in our little cubby with only our 4 charges for a rare change. The little girl under my care, who we were calling Hope as her father had yet to name her, was due for surgery later this afternoon so I would be prepping her and then handing her off to our very talented surgical team. Trent, my other charge, was almost ready to go home after having been with us for almost 12 weeks- probably one or two more days and we could do his carseat test and then send him on his way.

Kate's little ones, Emma and Carleigh, were probably about half way through their stay having been in our care for the two weeks since their birth- both were good weights, and were having very little problems with their growth- all we were waiting on was the pair of them to start bottle feeding a little better than they currently were.

I love my job. We get to take care of innocent lives and see them through the trials of the first days and weeks of their lives. I was so grateful that I would get to be in contact with so many children and that this job put Charlotte in my grasp. This job led to my amazing family.

I held Hope closely to me through a majority of the morning praying that her little body would pull through the surgery she was expecting when all of a sudden I saw a head of straight black hair shyly poke around the corner into our cubby and realized it was Hope's father.

I gave him a small smile and gestured for him to come closer. He did so tentatively until he was arms reach from his small daughter.

"Do you want to hold her?" I asked softly trying to avoid spooking the obviously skittish man.

"Sadie," he said so quietly I almost missed it before he strengthened his voice and repeated himself "Her name is Sadie Elizabeth Hope."

"That's a beautiful name," I said.

"Her mom picked the name Sadie before she even knew she was having a girl," he half choked, half sobbed "And Elizabeth after the woman she will never know and Hope because I've heard you all call her that and she should remember the wonderful people who were there for her when I couldn't be."

I didn't say anything knowing it was completely unnecessary for me to do more than hand the little girl to him.

"Thank you," He said abruptly as I turned to pick up my other charge.

"You're welcome," I said sincerely and left the man to bond with his young daughter.


As much as I loved my job I was thrilled when I finished giving report to my relief. I was looking forward to going home and holding my own two miracles and seeing my husband.

Kate linked arms with me as we headed to the parkade and asked "Big plans for your days off?"

I grinned widely but didn't tell her about the ultrasound I would be having tomorrow. "Esme and Carlisle were talking about a family dinner tomorrow night."

"Ya, Tania and Irina are in town so we are all going to be there," Kate sighed. She adored her sisters but wasn't all that close to them because they were like night and day in personality- aside from their amazing luck and taste in men. Kate always felt a little overshadowed by her sisters.

"Is Garret coming?" I asked, referring to her newest boyfriend who I was pretty sure was the one for her. She just lit up every time he was brought up.

"I asked him," She said smiling broadly "It would be the first time that he met Tanya and Irina. They've been so busy the last 3 months gallivanting through Italy that we've hardly talked."

"Well tell him he will have back up!" I joked "Jasper, Emmett and Paul will all be there so if he comes it should be a good time!"

"I'll pass that on," she said giving me a quick hug as we reached my car. "I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Bye!" I yelled as she continued on her own way.

Jasper's POV:

I groaned throwing my car keys on the table by the door. I was only on desk duty but I was sore today. I was frustrated also.

Today I'd learned that while the detectives on the case had questioned Alice well into the night all she'd admitted was that she had been the getaway driver during my shooting. She refused to tell them where Edward was and she refused to tell them what had instigated the attack.

I breathed in as deep as I could with my chest being so sore and smelt a wonderful smell. Biscuits and stew. What smelt like my mama's stew. God I loved my wife.

I came round into the kitchen and saw Bella stirring a pot on the stove, her long curls tied into a loose bun on her head, wearing yoga pants and one of my shirts.

Cole was sitting by the kitchen table playing with a bunch of storage containers banging them with a wooden spoon and babbling happily.

And the one who drew my attention like a moth to flame was my beautiful, blonde daughter as she stirred a big bowl of what looked like biscuit dough as she stood on a chair near the counter. She had on a mini apron that Sue had made for her and a smudge of flour across her cheek.

These individuals were what made my life whole and happy.