What happens when you throw two energetic twins with the hittain pair? Love,Hurt,Chocolate and stuffed toys.

It was another boring day for Hikaru and Kaoru as they awaited for Host Club to open. Said red headed twins sat comfotrably on the window sill of one of the many windows in Music Room 3. Everyone was already there-though Mori-sempi and Honey-Sempi and graduated last year-and it was just a matter of time before Kyoya would annonce the opening.

Suddenly the doors bursted open. In the door way stood two girls both looking very alike with the same shoulder lenght choppy black hair and copper skin. However the one on the left-whos hair was parted that direction as well-wore a pair of white skinny jeans and a light gray lacy tank top. While the one on the right-whos hair was parted that direction-wore baggy black jeans and a tight black tank top with a long sleve red fishnet shirt over it. The one on the right also had several piercings on her ears and one on the left side of her lower lip and also wore alot of black eyeliner and eyeshadow around her eyes-while the left one had her ears pierced once and wore little eye liner and no more.[1]

The twins took all of this in quickly before the foolish Takami cut off their veiw. They pouted in unison before looking at each other. Then they quickly stood-And Vanished!

"Hello Ladies,"the 'king' of the host's said, "Your welcome to our club-but I'm afriad we aren't letting in costumers just yet."

The two looked at each other for a moment before speaking. "We aren't here," began the right girl in an english accent[2]. "To be Your customers." finished the left girl with the same accented voice-though a bit higher.

The blonde looked at them for a moment before saying, "Then may i ask-what brings you here?"

The two looked at each other again only this time with a smirk before replying. "We are the Telchines[3] Sisters Typhon[4] or Ty,"Said the right girl stepping foward once and pointing to herself.

"And Anake[5] or Annie." said the left girl taking a step forward and repating the gesture as well.

"And we," they said in unison before simaltaniusly streching one arm up and one fowrad, "Want to join the Ouran High School Host Club!"


I know it was short-just an inro for the greatness to come. -Review and you get a cyber cookie-

[1]-If you don't understand the discription ask and I'll explain better.

[2]-Completly unelegant way to say they are british.

[3]-Telchines-Fabulous Creature in greek mothology(basicly could kill anything with a 'poison look' and went around pulling pranks till Posidan flooded them out-now they mess with people on the coasts. (And japan is an island 0_o))

[4]-Basicly the most bad-arse demon in metholgy(scared the crap out of the Gods and nearly killed Zeus but decided clubing seals was more fun)

[5]-A deity who birthed the Fates and Adrasteia.

(^^^Google 3-5 for a better discription)

-Vermillion Envy