Granny Smith Apples


Disclaimer: Don't sue for the characters...

Even though I've dreamt this dream at least a thousand times, I can never tire of it.

I sat a top of the train station tower.

I hear a crunch, and turn to look at my side.

There sat my child hood-nemesis, Seifer Alamasy, crassly eating a green apple.

He bit into it again, and again, achingly slow.

And I watched, vaguely wondering how a fucked up person like Seifer could eat an apple so damn sensual.

When he was finished, the juice was dripping all down his neck and fingers which were licked clean expertly. His wrist flicked toward the edge, tossing the core over.

He looked over at me, lips forming that god awful, sexy smirk of his, the one that sets my blood aflame.

Even in the dream I felt my heart stop.

"Enjoying the view Chickenwuss?" His voice was husky and his eyebrow arched.

And that's where I wake up, with a painful hard on.

Always feeling guilty and confused when I take care of it, groaning "his" name.

Like wasn't I supposed to hate him?

I've been having these dreams since Seifer went away this summer, probably on vacation or something.

Damn him.

My summer was ass because I couldn't get enough sleep.

Being the person I was, I thought I could keep this to myself, but this is getting out of control.

So this morning, and at least 2 am, I got up and texted Olette to meet me at the sand lot.

Pullling on white skinnys, flip flops and a thin white hoodie, I lazied my way out the house.

A/N: So... Read and review... plez tell me what you think. lolz. And yeah it's short... it's a prologue... what of it?