Rated M for Adult Situations and Language... y'all know the drill with me.

If it ain't got sex, it ain't mine.

A huge, no ENORMOUS thank you goes out to Mist, you are the best beta in the world. I couldn't ask for a better one! *hugs and wolfie kisses*

Chapter Banner:


"Jacob!" Emma screamed as she came and Jacob groaned as he watched her body shake. He watched himself slip into her body, his fingers digging into her as her body clung to him as he pulled from her. He pushed into her one more time before his eyes drifted shut and he emptied his seed. He slipped from her, pulled the condom from his body and tossed it in the trash. He fell to the bed, his breath slowly returning to normal.

"Stay." He looked at her before he sighed and moved to sit on the side of the bed. He felt her move and felt her body press against the length of his back. "Please Jacob, stay the night." He shook his head and he saw her blonde curls out of the corner of his eye. "Why not? Why won't you stay with me?" She pulled back, her pouting only made her French accent more pronounced.

"We've talked about this." He stood from the bed, her nails raking down his back gently as he stood and pulled his jeans from the chair beside the bed.

"No, you told me. We didn't talk." Emma moved stood on her knees and reached out to him. "Come back and we will talk all night." She smirked as she pulled on a belt loop on the back of his jeans. Emma watched him as he slowly pulled his black t-shirt over his head and she knew she had lost him again for the night. She sighed and wondered when she would ever learn. She settled back on the bed and folded her hands in her lap, unconcerned with her nudity. "Is there someone else?" She looked up at him and saw the tense set of his shoulders. She had asked this question before, and she wondered if the answer would be any different this time.

"I've told you, what we share," Jacob sighed. How do you tell someone that you can't love them because you are irrevocably tied to someone else who doesn't, wouldn't maybe even couldn't love you back? "I'm not looking for a forever."

"Who said I'm looking for a forever either?" She asked her voice breaking on the last word.

He turned and looked down at her. He bent kissed her forehead and left the room, making his way out of the apartment.

He stared at the city as it flew by the taxi window. The more he thought about the last few hours the more restless he felt. He wanted things to be simple, he wanted to be happy. He grinned a sarcastic smile, no. He didn't want to just be happy; he wanted to be happy with her. He shook his head, he hadn't been enough for her. She had left, left him and everything else behind and had never looked back.

He felt his own pang of guilt as the annoying little voice in his head screamed at him that he had done the same thing. He had packed up and left. He closed his eyes as he remembered his home, the one he shared with his father. It was nights like this, when it was raining that he missed it almost enough to throw everything he had worked so hard for away, turn tail and head home. But he knew that he couldn't, that he wouldn't. It didn't matter now, she wasn't there anymore but everywhere he looked he saw her. He also knew that it didn't matter where he went, she would always call to him. She would be the only one who would ever be the one for him. He thought back to that day, the day he imprinted on Bella Swan and he couldn't help but smile. He had every intention of telling her, spilling everything to her but Sam, he sighed, Sam had said it wasn't the time, that the time would come.

But even Sam couldn't see that she would leave. No one saw it coming.

One day Bella Swan was just gone. And so was his heart, his happiness and his dreams for the future. Sure he had stayed and waited, believing that she would come back. But after a year, he couldn't stand it anymore. He loaded up his Rabbit and he drove until the motor finally died, until he didn't have the money to fix it.

So here he was five years later, in New York City no less, with a blossoming company and everything he could ever dreamed of, except for one thing. The one thing that he needed, the only thing he craved. Her.

By the time the taxi pulled up outside his apartment building his mood had blackened beyond repair. He shoved forty dollars through the taxi's window and growled, "Keep it." He knew he had overpaid by at least fifteen dollars, but he didn't want to wait for the man to make change. He slide out of the seat, his feet hitting the pavement with a wet clink. He slammed the door shut and headed toward the front door as Carlos slowly attempted to stand to open the door for him.

"Stay where you are Carlos. I'm perfectly capable of opening the door." Jacob spoke softly to the older man. No matter how ill tempered he was, he could never speak harshly to Carlos. He reminded him too much of his Grandfather for that.

"Thank you Mr. Bl- I mean Jacob. This rain is hell on the old joints, but I'm guessing you don't have that problem do you?" Carlos smiled whimsically, remembering his own youth.

"Stay warm Carlos." Jacob called over his shoulder as he entered the building.

"Will do. Will do." Jacob heard Carlos' reply through the door.

Jacob prayed that Jimmy wouldn't be at the security desk tonight, he was not in the mood for the latest run down of who had made out in the elevator this time, and with who. He sighed as Jimmy called his name.

"Jake! My man!" Jimmy called out to him, his Brooklyn accent thick, and stood, while he sucked in his beer belly.

"Got an early morning. I'll see you tomorrow?" He knew if he asked, Jimmy would never assume the real reason why he didn't want to talk to him.

"You got it, man! I've got some news." Jimmy wiggled his eyebrows while motioning to the screens behind him.

"Sounds good." Jacob replied and pressed the up button repeatedly. He waved back to Jimmy as he stepped into the lift and pressed the button for the twenty-second floor. He could have run the stairs, beat the elevator and not been out of breath but he needed to have as normal of a life as he could.

He slid his key into the lock, pushed the door open and heard the phone ringing. He looked across the room at the clock, twenty after twelve? Who the hell... He felt his heart drop as he raced to the phone.

"Dad? Are you okay?" He spoke into the phone before he had it at his ear.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Billy asked perplexed.

"It's twenty after twelve," Jacob paused as he realized it was only a little past nine in La Push, "Never mind."

"My boy is forgetting about time zones now?" Billy asked with a laugh.

"No, it's just been a rough day." Jacob replied and sat down heavily in the couch and stretched his long legs out propping his feet on the coffee table in front of him.

He hadn't turned the lights on and he watched as lightening flashed outside the windows of his apartment and he couldn't help but feel smug. Even the weather mirrored his emotions.

"Everything okay?"

"Of course. Did you get everything taken care of?" Jacob knew his dad had a meeting today with the Tribal Elders.

"Yes, everything is taken care of. The latest book of Quileute traditions will be started in a few weeks."

"Good." As soon as Jacob had had the money he had requested the Elders to start writing the legends of his tribe. He had payed for the publication, but none of them had been prepared for the demand the books has caused. This would be their fourth book, and they were already had numerous pre-sales completed.

"But that is not why I called." Jacob could hear the smile in his father's voice and he waited patiently for him to continue. Just as he was about to ask him why he had called he heard his father take a breath, "Bella is coming home."

Jacob inhaled sharply, her name always caused his heart to race but he trampled it down, "Well that's nice."

"That's nice?" Billy repeated shocked at his son's disinterest in his own imprint.

"I'm sorry Dad. I really am, but I can't keep jumping every time Charlie says she's coming home." Jacob ran his hand down his face, suddenly exhausted. He didn't have to tell Billy what he meant, Charlie had on numerous occasions informed Billy that Bella would be coming home, and as always, she would have some problem at work, or some emergency that she just couldn't step away from. The last time had been Christmas, and it was a memory Jacob didn't want to remember again. He shook his head to disperse the thought, "I'm sorry."

"I understand son but I wouldn't have called you if I wasn't sure."

"What makes you think that this time is any different?" Jacob asked, honestly interested in his father's reasoning.

"Charlie's going to propose to Sue." Billy laughed at Jacob's gasp. "I thought the same thing. He's already got the ring and all."

"Well tell him I said congratulations, I'm shocked the terminal bachelor has tired of his title." Jacob replied with a laugh.

"That's what I told him." Billy laughed, and it cause the homesickness in Jacob's chest to flare brightly.

An hour later, Jacob stood in front of the bathroom mirror staring at his reflection. He had gently refused his father's requests for him to come home, not only did he not want to be let down again, he still had her Christmas gift in the back of his closet, he had one of the biggest meetings of the year tomorrow so he just couldn't drop everything, and he had told his father this.

He sighed and ran his fingers through his thick ebony hair. His mind went back to the conversation with his father, and he wondered if he had been free tomorrow would he have gone or would he have stayed where he was pretending he didn't care.

He smiled smugly at his reflection and snorted softly, he knew his ass would be planted firmly in a first class ticket to Seattle right now. He shook his head and pulled the towel from his body and flipped the light off in the bathroom. He strode to his bed naked, uncaring that every window in his bedroom was unobstructed. He pulled back the covers and sat down on the side of the bed, checking the alarm clock before he laid down in the king sized bed.

This was the one time of day that he despised. He felt the loneliness crush him as he listened to the too silent world buzz around him. He rolled over to his side and stared out through the windows as the lightening flashed. He had never had another woman in his bed. While he had been with many other women, a fact he wasn't necessarily proud of, most of them had come when he first arrived in New York alone and aching for companionship, none had slept in his bed; very few had even ever been into his apartment. The same could be said for him, he had never slept in another woman's bed. It seemed wrong to him, he shook his head at his wandering thoughts but they continued on the path no less.

While his pride refused to let him wait for her, his heart would never give up. There was some things that he refused to experience with another woman, things that he would never do unless it was with her.

His eyes drifted shut, her smiling brown eyes dancing before him. His dreams where filled with visions of her laughing, her smile lighting up her face. He would swear later he could remember smelling her, the sweet smell that was only his Bella.