This is the sequel to my story 'Obsession'! Yay!...Um, just a warning, it'll be darkish, angsty, somewhat sick and twisted and will tear at your heart. I suggest if you haven't read 'Obsession' that you read it before you read this, it'll make a lot more sense!
I've already written a few chapters and I've managed to shock myself with what I've written so…be warned :P
I don't own Cats…unfortunately.
Munkustrap yawned and stretched. He blinked and saw his brother the Rum Tum Tugger sleeping a few feet away from him. Munkustrap sat up and rubbed his eyes. Tugger gave a slight stir in his sleep. Munkustrap ran his paws down his sides, wincing as his paws bumped over many scars, reminders of his time as Macavity's captive. Munkustrap sighed, leaning back against the wall of his den. Macavity had been obsessed with him and Munkustrap had been in constant pain. Munkustrap looked back at Tugger as Tugger woke up. Tugger stretched and yawned as he ran his paws through his giant mane.
"Hey," Tugger yawned. Munkustrap nodded.
"Hey," Munkustrap murmured. Tugger looked at him, his brown eyes worried.
"Are you okay?" He asked. Munkustrap gave a small nod.
"I'm fine," Munkustrap told him. Tugger nodded, looking a little sceptical. He looked at Munkustrap in concern. Munkustrap's hazel eyes were distant as he smoothed out his silver black-striped fur. Munkustrap had been broken mentally when Macavity had taken him. It had taken a lot of work to get him almost back to his old self but there was still some work left. Tugger looked at the doorway as someone entered. Carbucketty, a hench-cat turned Jellicle, stood in the doorway.
"Old Deuteronomy is here," Carbucketty said, not looking at Tugger. Tugger was still a bit cold towards Carbucketty and Carbucketty knew it.
"He wants to see you and Tugger," Carbucketty continued. Munkustrap nodded and got to his feet. Tugger got to his feet as well. They both left the den, following Carbucketty. Old Deuteronomy was sitting on the tyre, smiling as he watched the kittens tumble around the clearing. He gave a sad smile when he saw Munkustrap and Tugger. Munkustrap sat beside his father and Deuteronomy wrapped his arm around Munkustrap. Munkustrap looked at his father.
"How are you?" Deuteronomy asked him gently. Munkustrap nodded.
"I'm doing okay," Munkustrap answered. Deuteronomy smiled.
"I'm glad to hear it," Deuteronomy told him. Tugger grinned from where he sat beside Munkustrap. Munkustrap rested his paw on his side, wincing. When he had been taken by Tyrant from Macavity, Tyrant had broken several of his ribs. They were healed now but they still gave him some pain every now and again. Tugger looked at him, worriedly. Munkustrap gave him a small smile.
Two weeks later, Munkustrap and Tugger were sitting on the tyre. They were talking quietly. A loud scream echoed from the corner of the clearing. Tugger and Munkustrap looked just in time to see Joshy fall to the ground. Tugger leapt off the tyre and ran towards Selena, who was screaming as she fell to her knees beside Joshy. Selena put her trembling paws on Joshy. Blood gushed from Joshy's throat. Alonzo quickly put his paws over the deep cut, trying to stem the blood. Selena looked at Tugger.
"I-I don't know what happened!" She cried. "W-We were just walking and…" Selena trailed off.
"And what, Sel?" Tugger asked gently.
"And something ran past…and Joshy fell to the ground," Selena looked at Tugger. "It happened in a blink of an eye, Tug," Jennyanydots looked up from where she was kneeling beside Joshy.
"He's gone," She whispered. Selena screamed in anguish. Tugger looked at the small kitten who lifeless dark green eyes stared unseeing up at the blue sky. Alonzo shakily took his bloodied paws away from Joshy's throat. Cries starting echoing from the around the yard as Jellylorum ushered the kittens away. Tugger heard a strangled sob which stood out from the rest. He got to his feet and turned around. Munkustrap was staring, wide-eyed, at Joshy's body. Tugger quickly went to his side and hugged him. Munkustrap buried his head into Tugger's shoulder, crying. Tugger knew how much this kitten had meant to him. Joshy had stopped Munkustrap from giving up when Munkustrap was still Macavity's captive. Joshy gave him a reason to live. Tugger passed Munkustrap to Demeter and Bombalurina before going to go see Jenny. Jenny was looking at Joshy's body in her den, tears running down her cheeks. Skimbleshanks stood in the doorway, pale, as he stared at Joshy. Tugger walked in with Alonzo.
"What is it, Jen?" Tugger asked softly. Jenny looked up at him before looking down and covering Joshy's small body with a blanket.
"Something cut his throat…" Jenny whispered. "A clean cut through the jugular…Joshy had no chance of surviving," Skimbleshanks went to her side and wrapped his arms around her. Tugger looked at Alonzo, who lowered his head.
"I'll make plans for the funeral," Alonzo murmured. Tugger nodded. Alonzo caught Tugger's arm as he went to leave.
"Take care of Munkustrap," Alonzo told him. "I know this is going to affect him a lot," Tugger nodded and gave a small smile.
"I will, Lonz," Tugger promised before going to save his brother from Demeter's and Bombalurina's cuddles.
Tugger watched as Munkustrap struggled to get past Joshy's death. Tugger hugged his brother tightly.
"Do you want me to get Coricopat?" Tugger asked. Munkustrap shook his head against Tugger's shoulder. Tugger sighed.
"How's Selena?" Munkustrap murmured. Tugger winced.
"Not doing so great," Tugger answered. "She's refusing to talk to anyone, refusing to eat…every time someone tries to go near her she attacks," Munkustrap nodded silently. Tugger hugged his older brother tightly.
"It's going to be okay, Munksy," Tugger murmured to him. Munkustrap nodded once again, he seemed to be in some sort of shock.
The funeral was the saddest thing Tugger had ever seen. Alonzo was speaking; he was saying goodbye for everybody in the drizzling rain. Every Jellicle was there and streams of tears poured from each of them. Bombalurina and Demeter were hugging the sobbing Selena. Tugger looked at Selena, she hadn't been the same since her kitten was killed…since Joshy was murdered. No one still knew who had killed him but it was no accident. Tugger looked to his right as something grabbed his upper arm softly. Munkustrap was staring at Joshy's grave, his paw holding onto Tugger's upper arm. Tugger wrapped his arm around his slightly shorter brother's shoulders. Munkustrap was trembling. Tugger knew that Joshy had meant a lot to Munkustrap. Tugger was thankful to the small kitten, he had kept his brother alive…he had kept his brother from giving up and breaking completely. The funeral broke apart and everyone went back to their dens. Tugger looked around and saw Cori with his arms around Rumpleteazer; Admetus with his arms around Tantomile, Mungojerrie was standing beside his sister and Cori, staring at the grave. Jenny and Jellylorum were comforting the crying kittens. Plato was holding Victoria tightly to his chest. Skimbleshanks was talking softly to Alonzo, who was nodding. Cassandra was waiting for Alonzo. Carbucketty was standing near Mistoffelees. Mistoffelees looked over to Tugger sadly; his bright blue eyes were dull and sad. Tugger sighed and looked at Munkustrap. He patted Munkustrap's back and they both walked slowly back to their den.
Three weeks later, Tugger was watching Munkustrap sleep in their den. It was pretty late at night; Tugger gave a small wave to Bomba and Demeter as they peeked into their den. Demeter and Bomba gave a small smile when they saw Munkustrap sleeping.
"Night, Tugger," Demeter whispered. Tugger smiled and gave a small nod. Demeter had become a lot warmer to him since Munkustrap had started to rely on Tugger. Bombalurina gave Tugger a sly wink and swayed her hips as she waved to him.
"Night, ladies," Tugger grinned. Demeter rolled her eyes and she and Bomba left the den. Tugger shuffled over to the shivering Munkustrap and curled around him. Munkustrap opened his eyes half-way and gave him a small smile.
"Night, big brother," Tugger laughed softly in Munkustrap's ear.
"Night, Rums," Munkustrap murmured before closing his eyes again. Tugger had just managed to doze off when a piercing scream broke through the night. Tugger and Munkustrap both shot up and tore from the den. They ran to the clearing and saw a huddled mass on the ground. Munkustrap and Tugger both collapsed to their knees beside it and rolled the cat over. It was Mistoffelees. Misto's breathing was ragged. Munkustrap looked down and saw countless deep wounds over Mistoffelees small body.
"Misto, what happened?" Tugger asked, shocked. Mistoffelees blue eyes were pained as they looked at Tugger and Munkustrap.
"M-M…" Mistoffelees went limp. Jenny dropped to her knees and looked over Mistoffelees.
"We need to get him to my den," Jenny told them. Tugger watched in surprise as Munkustrap scooped Mistoffelees up into his arms and walked quickly to Jenny's den. Tugger looked around at the gathered, shocked, crowd. Tugger walked with Alonzo to Jenny's den. Munkustrap looked up as they walked in.
"Who was on watch?" Munkustrap asked. Alonzo and Tugger stared at him in surprise. A glimmer of the old Munkustrap was coming through. Munkustrap raised an eyebrow.
"It was me…but I didn't see or hear anything until Mistoffelees screamed," Alonzo answered, shaking himself out of the trance he had put himself in. Munkustrap looked at Jenny.
"He should be alright, dear," Jenny answered. "These wounds will heal in time," Munkustrap sighed in relief and nodded. Another loud scream echoed through the yard. Munkustrap leapt to his feet.
"Alonzo, watch Mistoffelees," Munkustrap told him before he and Tugger raced from the infirmary. They found that the source of the scream came from Rumpleteazer's den. Mungojerrie was holding the shaking Rumpleteazer close to his chest.
"What's happened?" Tugger asked, worried.
"C-Cori," Teazer stammered. "He's…'e's gone!" Tugger watched as Munkustrap quickly ducked into the den.
"We went ta see who screamed…Oi told Cori ta stay in the den and when we came back, 'e was gone!" Tugger ducked into the den. He found Munkustrap on his knees in the middle of the torn up den. Pillows were ripped and tossed around the den, claw marks raked the floor and there was some blood around the den. Tugger looked at Munkustrap, who was shaking violently.
"What is it?" Tugger asked, kneeling beside him. Munkustrap looked up at him, shaking, his hazel eyes wide with fear.
"Griddlebone," He whispered.
Tugger looked at Munkustrap in shock.
"What?" He asked, shocked. Munkustrap looked sideways at Tugger.
"Her scent is all over the place," Munkustrap murmured, looking up. Munkustrap looked at Tugger, his face filled with fear.
"She's returned for Cori, Tugger," Tugger looked at Munkustrap, trying to figure out what he was trying to say with that.
"You think Macavity is going to come back for you?" Tugger asked, suddenly realising. Munkustrap turned his head away.
"Admetus killed him, Munkus," Tugger tried to reassure him. Munkustrap sighed, his shoulders slumping.
"I heard that his body wasn't there when you went to go see it," Munkustrap murmured. Tugger looked at him.
"He isn't going to come back for you, Munkus," Tugger told him firmly before rising to his feet and leaving the den. Munkustrap looked up at the den wall.
"I think he already has," Munkustrap murmured.
I was going to put this up later but I was too excited that I just had to put it up now! The Munkustrap angst will start next chapter, :D
Please read and review!