Author's Note: I have no clue where this came from.

Disclaimer: I own Charlie Dalton. Really. I do. Oh wait, no, that's just my dreams. I own nothing but the idea.

"Get it out! Get it out!"

Charlie furrowed his brows as he passed Todd and Neil's room. Raising an eyebrow, he pressed his ear against the door, listening in silent shock to Neil freaking out over…something…and Todd attempting to calm the alarmed actor down.

"It's disgusting!" Neil dramatically screeched, causing Charlie to stifle a laugh, ending up with an amused snort.

"I think it's kind of cute, Neil," Todd mumbled in passive argument. "I mean, look at it. Don't you kind of want to pet it?"

"Todd! Ew! Are you insane? I wouldn't touch that thing with a ten foot pole!"

"That's kind of insulting…" Todd trailed off.

Charlie could hear Todd shift anxiously on his bed before getting distracted by Neil again. "That thing is huge, Todd! Is it normal to be that gargantuan?"

Charlie's eyes widened. Were they really talking about…Todd? No way could they be talking about that. Neil had seen Charlie a few times thanks to shared showers at a few random summer camps had never freaked out. And there was no way Todd was bigger than Charlie. Just no way. Charlie prided himself on being the most endowed poet.

Annoyed now that his manhood was being challenged, Charlie shoved the door open. He came to an abrupt halt as he took in the scene before him.

Todd was casually sitting on his bed, legs pulled away from the ground and crossed beneath him. Neil was standing precariously on his desk chair, shifting from one foot to the other as he stared down at the floor, where Charlie's eyes were drawn next.

A plump rat, most likely hiding inside Welton to escape the chilly fall evening, was nestled comfortably on a messy pile of dirty clothes in the middle of the room. "Oh for Playboy's sake," Charlie huffed, walking over to the furry rodent and picking it up by the scruff of its neck. It really was a large specimen.

He wrenched open the window in Neil and Todd's room, tossing the rat out into the brisk air, not caring for a moment that they were three floors up. Behind him he could hear Todd's gasp of horror and Neil's sigh of relief.

Turning on his heel, Charlie clapped his hands together. "And to think, I was actually worried," he muttered to himself before exiting the room, leaving Neil and Todd to exchange confused glances and accepting shrugs.