Disclaimer: I do not own the television series Glee, and therefore I do not own any of the characters / major plotlines in this fic. I also do not own the lyrics from the the songs. They belong to the respective creators / songwriters.

A/N: This is sort of based off a drabble challenge I saw where the direction was to pick your favorite character from your favorite fandom and write 10 100-word or less drabbles based on this character with the prompt for each chapter being the first lyrics of the first ten songs that came up on your iPod shuffle. I modified it for fun. Instead, I'm doing the drabbles more one-shot style...so they will be longer than 100 words per chapter. Also, I'm doing a couple rather than a single character. My Glee OTP is Quinn & Puck...but for some odd reason I'm doing Quinn & Finn for this story. I'll probably do it for Quinn & Puck too. Basically, Quinn is a goddess. All the guys need to love her, pleasekthanx.

These drabbles exist as if the baby plot arc never happened at all. Therefore, Finn & Quinn are still a couple.

Rating: The M is there for a reason. It might get pretty smutty at parts.

Chapter: 1/10

Strawberry pancake, don't make me wait for it, Strawberry pancake, I'm coming for you

Strawberry Pancake, Weebls

Finn gets turned on by watching Quinn eat breakfast.

For starters, it's the way she closes her plump lips over the strawberry's tip. Then she seems to nibble and suck on it, just teasing the berry. He wants her lips on him doing that so bad. He can almost feel it. She won't do that of course. It's not decent.

He thinks even if he ever convinces her to have sex with him, he'll never convince her to do that. The idea seems to make her ill.

She'd be so good at it though. Not that he'd know much about it. He's never actually had a blow-job before. He knows she's good with her tongue though. It's the reason his urges are so hard to suppress when they're making out. Then again, he's getting riled up just watching her eat at a diner. Maybe that means it's just him.

Fuck. She's done with the strawberry, and she's sucking the red juice off her fingers. He discreetly grips the table. He tries to look back at his own plate, but even sausage and pancakes can't distract him. She finally notices this time, when his eyes drift back to her.

"It makes me feel like a pig when you stare at me when I eat." She says stiffly. Anyone else would have said she was just being a bitch for the sake of being a bitch. Finn knows she's being serious. Her weight is an issue for her, and she's self-conscious eating in public. He wishes he could tell her he's not thinking about pigs at all, but rather thinking about how hot it would be to go at it on this table.

He thinks he's safe when she starts drinking her orange juice, but that turns into being a fucking mine field. The way she tilts her head exposes her creamy neck, and her chest jiggles when she drinks. Then, because God loves him but also likes to torture him, her hand jerks and she dribbles some down the cleavage of her tank-top.

She growls a little bit (yes, growls, kill him now please) and then begins to wipe down in her shirt with her napkin.

"Need help?" He chokes out without thinking, which earns him a withering look. "Sorry." He says quickly, and starts poking at his pancakes. He drenches them in more syrup, and stabs a section with his fork.

"Can I have a bite?" Quinn asks sheepishly. She's so cute when she's sheepish. Maybe that's because she so rarely is. He would seriously give her anything she wanted when she looks at him her deep green eyes looking all timid and unsure like that. It's scary to think about, but he seriously can't thing of any crime he wouldn't commit for her.

He smiles and is about to push his plate closer for her, when she leans over the table with her mouth slightly open.

She leans over...the fucking table...with her mouth...her perfect little mouth...open.

He fumbles around for a minute awkwardly.

"Feed me, silly." Her eyes sparkle, "Give me a taste."

Finn comes close to telling her he'll give her a taste if she'll give him one. He needs to stop hanging out with Puck so much.

He moves the fork to her readied mouth, and accidentally swerves a bit and pokes her in the cheek. She giggles, and moves her lips slowly over the prongs of the fork, careful to get all the syrup and whipped cream off. "Mmmm." She hums.

"Mmmm" He agrees, eyes still on the little bit of cream on her lips. "You got a little...here..just let me..." He leans over cleans her mouth with a soft kiss. Quinn usually hates PDA of any kind really, but it's a sweet movie-like gesture, so she allows it. Plus, he does taste really good. And his tongue feels really good as it darts in her mouth to massage hers—wait, no, she has to stop.

She pulls away blushing.

"Let's go pay...it's almost time for school."

He nods and follows suit as she stands up.

She's smiling a little at him, until she looks downward. At his pants. Her eyes narrow a little, and she crosses her arms.

"Great. No more breakfasts for us." She sighs, "Denny's makes you horny."