Tile: Neglected
Fandom: Diablo II
Pairing: Necromancer/Flavie
Warning: Dry humor; mild cursing; violence.
Summary: Flavie guards the path to the Cold Plains, always has since Andariel's appearance — but what happens when she meets a Necromancer?
Notes: This took a lot of planning because I didn't really want to jump onto a more annoying bandwagon that I already found myself on during my last chapter. This chapter will be introducing a few new characters, meaning that the other classes will be making a short appearance. There is also a long note from me at the bottom. It would be wise to glance oer it.
Disclaimer: I own nothing and if you think I do, then God thinks you're an idiot. What does this mean? I'm not extremely cool, do not sue me. Thank you.
Chapter Four
The Tale of Blood Raven
Deep grey clouds hung over head in the morning sky, covering the blue of the heavens and the bright rays of the sun. The air was thick with moisture still, hinting at another storm in the near future, although no thunder could be heard and no lightning could be seen. Brown eyes of the rogue trailed across the fields, the woman the eyes belonged to scowled as she stood with her fingers wrapped around her weapon tightly. The night before still played like a film inside her skull; the stubborn necromancer who seemed to disappear into thin air at times haunting most of her thoughts. "How petty," she thought bitterly. "He preoccupies my mind like some sort of curse."
As her scowl deepened, she moved her sights towards the encampment with thoughts of marching right up there and demanding to know what was going on in that foolish head of the priest. Although, she knew better then to attempt something like that. It would be insane, not to mention, she was sure that Akara and Kashya would have her head for leaving her post without a noble reason. She was that demanding answers about something so irrational would be a righteous motivation for abandoning her duties, no matter how foolish the night before had been. However, she wondered if the priest had gotten a stern talking to for his actions in the previous couple of hours, or if her speaking of what he had done to her would make any difference. "Probably not," she thought resentfully. "The traveler would probably give him a blasted medal!"
Still when the sight of a woman came into her view, coming from the encampment, she couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed yet nervous. When the thoughts of what this person could possibly want entered her mind, she had a vague notion that it had something to do with her duties. Deep within her she had figured that she did something to displease the elders at the camp, or maybe the priest had said something about her leaving her post, however, she wanted to believe that maybe she was being relieved of her duties for once in her time at the encampment. Although as the young being came more into view, the rogue recognized her immediately as Aliza, an adolescent rogue that had joined a year after Flavie herself had. "I wonder what she wants. I bet she desires to rub it in my face that she is in the camp until I am still out here in the freezing cold!" She ranted in her head, like a child, "That annoying wench!"
"Flavie, Flavie!" The other rogue shouted with a faint smile, "You must hear the news!"
Flavie scoffed, "And what is that, Aliza?" "You're going to relieve me, finally, you stupid wench?"
"Akara needs to speak with you about something," she answers oblivious to the other rogue's inner expressions. Saying that Flavie's inner hatred for the other rogue disappeared was an understatement, not to mention, there was no hiding the smile that threatened to appear on her lips. "You are to return to the encampment with me and report to Akara's tent—direct orders from Kashya. You must grab up your bow, my friend, for leaving at this very moment is extremely important to the camp."
"Wonderful, I am sure that blasted priest has told them something. Now I must stand before Akara and Kashya, all because one man cannot keep his mouth closed. Pity," she thought bitterly as she nodded towards her colleague. The other rogue return the gesture and turned, quickly jogging in the direction of the encampment with Flavie following behind. The more feisty woman scoffed at the other, behind her back naturally, and began to plot ways of getting the necromancer back for the deeds he had probably done. "I wonder if I could impale him with an arrow before he could continue to ruin my life? I'm sure that he had been running at that ever opened mouth of his and probably had told the entire camp some lie about what had happened in that den!"
"Flavie," Aliza whispered to break the other rogue out of her fuming thoughts. The slightly older one blinked over to the younger of the pair, staring for a moment before noticing how frightened the poor girl looked. "The heroes cleansed the Den of Evil, right?"
"What," Flavie thought with a small glare. "What is she talking about? The Necromancer and I cleansed the Den! Not the entire group, they were probably napping!"
"Is that what is being said in the camp," Flavie murmured as she sent an uninterested glare. "So those fools took his credit? I can't really stand up for him either, else if they don't know that I left, they sure as hell will after. Although, why hasn't he said anything? He was so eager to prove himself, why would he just give it up?" She broke out of her thoughts as she noticed the odd looks from the nodding rogue. She frowned and rolled her eyes, "This is so idiotic." "What is your point, Aliza?"
"Akara says that the Dark Mage disappeared from the camp last night, and when the group left at first light, they returned too quickly." Aliza bit her lip, Flavie noticed, before continuing in her little spill. "She didn't think that they had actually done it. I went to check things out, Flavie, and they actually did it. The den was cleansed but I found something odd when I had went inside, which is why I must ask something, sister."
"What in the world is she babbling about," Flavie frowned as she eyed the slightly younger Rogue. "What in the world had she seen in the den that she would think I would know anything about?"
"Flavie, I saw bone. I know it sounds foolish but this was nothing like anything I had ever seen before. Gheed told me that it had something to do with the dark one, the priest," she murmured as they approached the camp. "Is he evil, sister? Is he as evil as the ones he battled within the den? Instead of helping us, Flavie, will be the one who brings us down into the darkness? I'm so scared of him; he's more frightening the demons that lurk in the wilderness."
"He's not evil, child. If he were evil, then he would not have helped us with the den. Something that is wicked cannot cleanse, only destroy and leave behind more sinful creations. Do not listen to Gheed," Flavie sneered the merchant's name and sent a scowl in the direction of the younger rogue. There was no doubt that the slightly older girl had nothing more the ill feelings for the traveler's foolishness. She despised how he used others and often stole from her sisters within the camp. "You are a rogue, Aliza, you cannot fear anything else you will fail. Do you understand?"
"Yes," she nods meekly while pausing in the entrance of the encampment. The other girl merely sent the girl another look as she paused as well, finding that the younger seemed nervous about something else. Flavie questioned her of what was going on and the female answered slowly and softly, as if it were a secret. "I saw something else in there as well. I took notice to arrows that are specially made for our sisters. I know that we have lost many to that den, and they might be the leftovers from that, but these seemed newer and less beaten. Flavie, were you in the den this morning?"
"Damn it," the other woman thought bitterly and cursed at the Necromancer. "Why didn't I clean up after myself? I should have known that something like this would happen! What am I going to say? Can I really lie to this young rogue? A sister in the sisterhood?"
"I won't tell if you were," Aliza added quickly. "You don't have to answer either. I just want to say that it was brave, going in there and leaving your post, to help the travelers. I could never do that, I would be too scared of what would happen if I were caught. I don't care what everyone says about you, sister, I'm proud to call you an ally."
"I," Flavie paused and frowned a bit, finding herself at lack of words. Not many had ever said they were proud of her, she was one of the more rebellious rogue. She felt a tad bit guilty for her icy words to the younger of the pair, before she felt the corner of her lips twitching upward into a smile. "Thank you, Aliza."
"No need," the girl beamed as they continued into the camp, Flavie following after her. "We must get to Akara and Kashya immediately. You must know what is going on, it's very important. Not to mention, they want everyone present for this announcement."
"I thought it was Akara that wanted to talk to me," the other girl murmured as they seemed to approach a group in the middle of the camp. She took notice to Gheed standing off to the side, looking as if someone had slapped him across the face. Flavie almost smiled at the thought, how many times she wished she could have done that—or shot him. How she wanted so badly to just shoot the bastard for his nature.
"Well, afterwards, of course, sister," the girl broke the other out of her thoughts. She almost bounced to the spot next to Kashya, standing up straight as her spine allowed and gripping her bow. "Commander, I have returned with Flavie."
"Good," Kashya sneered before turning her sights the group to the rebel rogue that had joined them. Saying that she wasn't nervous while locking her gaze with the commander would be a lie; flavie straightened up and allowed her stoic mask to take over. Rogues were not to have emotions, especially the younger ones, and the last thing she wanted was to argue with the elder woman in front of strangers. "It's pleasant to have you joining us, Rogue."
Flavie nodded.
"What is this about," a familiar voice growled. Flavie was a bit surprised as she turned her gaze, noticing the Necromancer with his scowl quite visible. She cringed at the thought of the man disrespecting her superior but didn't really expect much else. "Why is the guard here?"
"It is simple, Necromancer," Kashya growled. "This is something all my rogues must hear, especially the young ones who seem to think they are invincible." Flavie flinched at the thought that her commander thought so little of her, all thoughts of Aliza's comments about her disappearing and leaving her cold, empty. "I have called you all here for a reason."
"And what would that be," the white haired priest murmured. The entire group—Flavie included—sent the man a heated glare, but it seemed not to bother him. "Another test I presume?"
"My rogue scouts have reported an abomination in the Monastery graveyard," Kashya snarled with her gaze solely on the priest. Flavie would have felt horrid for a the man, if it hadn't been for his actions, she figured that he deserved it now. "Apparently, Andariel is not content to take only our living. Blood Raven, one of our finest captains in the battle against Diablo at Tristram, was also one of the first to be corrupted by Andariel." Flavie's eyes widened—Blood Raven had been her motherly figure, often times assisting in her training when she had first came. "Now, you'll find her in the Monastery graveyard raising our dead as zombies! We cannot abide this defilement!"
"Blood Raven," Flavie thought bitterly. "You were acting so strange after the battle against Diablo, you promised me that it was nothing. Now you're—you're a monster…"
"Lady Kashya," the Paladin's voice echoed out, bringing the young rogue from her thoughts. "We could bring her to rest, if you wish. Anything to help the encampment and bring an end to Andariel's reign here."
"Thank you, dear Paladin," Akara commented quietly—surprising young Flavie. "We would—"
"Wait a moment, you have to be kidding me, Paladin," the aggravated voice of the Necromancer echoed out. "You must be out of your mind. Its their problem, their sisterhood. They can handle it."
Flavie glared, "Excuse me?"
"Don't mind him," came a playful voice. Flavie blinked over at a young woman; muscular built, blond hair that was pulled back. Her clothing gave her away, Flavie had seen an Amazon warrior before and this was fit the bill. The fair haired blond continued, "He's like a small child. You can't really pay much mind to him."
Flavie eyed her, "Right…"
"Shut up," the priest growled at the woman, earning himself another round of heated glares. "I'm not doing this, we shouldn't be doing this."
"If you are truly our ally," Kashya spoke in an icy tone, one that made the young rogue shiver. "You will help us destroy her."
He glared, "I'm not doing it."
"We'll do it," the Paladin spoke up once more. "But we're going to need a guide to get there."
"Flavie, Aliza," Kashya turned her gaze to the two named rogues. They both blinked over to her—at least, Flavie did while Aliza seemed to nervously smile. "Flavie knows the Cold Plains better then anyone else. They are to scout nearby so you might as well get some use out of them."
"Great," Flavie sighed mentally. "I have to work with the Necromancer once more. It was bad enough the first time, at least, I don't have to work wit him long. Just get him to the burial grounds, then apparently go on a scouting mission. I'm sure that is what was supposed to be spoken to me when I arrived." She turned her attention to the group of warriors, noticing how they seemed to be discussing the situation. "At least, Aliza and his group will be there this time."
"We've decided," a man in fur—Flavie noted that he was a druid right away—announced, "We'll do it with their help, right, Necromancer?"
He rolled his eyes, "Right."
"Very well. I suggest you stock up on supplies and ready yourselves," Kashya spoke to the group before turning her attention to Flavie and Aliza, who was currently squirming in place. The slightly older rogue didn't blame her either, she would have joined her if it weren't the for the fact they were standing before their commander. Dark eyes met Flavie's, the elder didn't break the gaze as she strolled past both young rogues, frowning. "You two will report to Akara before you leave."
"Yes ma'am," Flavie murmured while Aliza nodded eagerly. "Just leave us here to be awkward, Kashya." The rogue turned her attention to her younger companion, who was eying up the group of heroes standing off to the side. She quickly took notice to the stares that she was receiving, almost shiver at the hardened gaze of the Necromancer that had been causing more trouble then he was probably worth. "What in the world is he staring at me like that for?" Flavie frowned. "Shouldn't you be readying yourselves for battle?"
"You shouldn't be so dominant, Flavie," the icy voice of the Necromancer spoke up as he snaked through the group, avoiding contact with them. He paused next to me and sent a glare, then began a journey to towards Akara's tent. "You're just a scout, an escort for our journey. No director within you."
"Why that—" Flavie fumed as she glared in the direction of the Necromancer, who began to shrink as he approached the tent. She wanted to chase after him and give him a piece of her mind, however, she was stopped by the sound of a throat being cleared. Her brown eyes skated over to group, who seemed to be more interesting in burning holes into her skull with their gazes then readying themselves for battles. She frowned at the sight of their uncertain stares, her sights moved to the young Rogue whom had been hovering at her side since the priest's statement. "You should retrieve the supplies that you will need for your journey to the Burial Grounds."
"We're about as ready as you can get," the Amazon spoke rather cheerfully and words of agreement soon followed. Brown eyes, belonging to the rogue, scanned over the small group of heroes and frowned, suddenly uncertain of what to do now. The blond seemed to be the only one to notice and she quickly jumped into action, much to Flavie's dismay. "What we're wondering is… if you could tell us about… well…"
The woman with the dark short hair stepped forward, her expression blank. "We want to know about the demon."
"Blood Raven," Flavie corrected the woman sharply and gave a heated look. She could feel the glare of her sister but ignored it as she locked gazes with the assassin, her weaponry choices had given her away to the talented young woman. "You will not speak of her in such a manner, she was not always the evil raising the dead. I suggest you remember this in the future, else you might not be walking out of here." It was a light threat, everyone knew it and it had probably not won her any respect points. Aliza came to her rescue when all took notice to the way the Assassin's grip tightened on her weapons.
"What she means to say is that Blood Raven wasn't always an evil," the younger Rogue's voice spoke softly and slightly frightened. It was a little known fact that Aliza was a much younger and more shy then others within the camp, often labeled as soft spoken and a weaker link. "She was a captain of the Rogues in the battle against Diablo in Tristram, very brave even in our standards. She followed a Sorcerer and a Warrior into the deep darkness, but when she came back, she was different."
Much to the surprise of all, the Druid spoke up with a single question; "How different?"
"Uh," the younger Rogue seemed to be a bit taken back by the question. Not many even cared about that, Blood Raven had been labeled corrupt and was to be destroyed, there was no need for details. This man's single inquiry sent the youngster, who was still in training according to Kashya, through a loop. Now it was Flavie's turn to save the day.
"It's simple really; she came back different, almost as if some evil influence had a hold on her." Flavie flinched inwardly at her own words, she could not believe what she was saying. "One could say that once there is an evil weight upon someone, they are far easier for other fiendish powers to corrupt farther."
"She must be destroyed to prevent further corruption in the sisterhood," Aliza adds hurriedly with a soft frown.
"Don't worry," the Paladin responded with a gentle, reassuring smile that was directed to the younger Rogue. "We'll do what we can to put her to rest and assist your sisterhood." Aliza smiled with a faint blush, one that made Flavie gag, while thanking the man.
"Come, Aliza," Flavie murmured while feeling disgusted by the interaction between the young Rogue and the Paladin, "We must go meet with Akara since our companions are ready."
"Right," Aliza nodded while turning, the two began to move towards the priestess's tent. "Lets go!"
"Wait," the assassin spoke with an irritated tone. Both Rogues stopped but only Aliza turned back to the group. "Your commander had said that Andariel was not content on taking only the living. I had thought this meant that the dem—I mean, Blood Raven was dead. You speak as though she was simply corrupted while living…"
Flavie snorted, "Because she was—"
"Dead," Aliza adds in a strange tone. This took the slightly older girl by surprise, she had thought otherwise and was not told any different. Her brown eyes widened as she turned to the younger of the pair, who lowered her gaze. "It happened when we were fighting Andariel, it almost appeared as if she was ready to depart this life."
"No," Flavie thought bitterly before turning, storming in the direction of the Priestess's tent. She could hear the shouts of the other Rogue, surprised noises from many of the others. "Why wasn't—Why didn't—" She couldn't even bring her thoughts together as her eyes burnt with tears, hands beginning to trembling at the thought of her sister's death, the corruption, everything was now weighing down upon her. She felt a lump forming in her throat, her bottom lip quivered as she swallowed back a sob—her brown eyes soon meeting the aged gaze of the purple clad women coming out of her tent.
"Why didn't you tell me," the girl shouted—voice cracking and tears threatening to fall. Through blurry eyes she noticed how the elder frowned and stepped forward, she felt the woman's hand on her shoulder. She ripped herself from the gentle grasp and hissed, "Don't coddled me, Akara! Answer me! Why didn't you tell me that Blood Raven died?"
Author Ramble::
I liked the original feel of this chapter before my computer ate it, and I had to rewrite it. Now given that the ending is a bit rushed, I think it's a pretty basic chapter. If any of your are confused on what's going on there, basically Flavie didn't know her mother figure had died, everyone failed to tell her. Why is that? You'll find out in the next chapter which I have oddly enough already working out in my head and on paper, so it shouldn't be as much of a wait as this chapter was. Due to the fact my internet is acting up, which means I cannot for the life of me play this stupid little flash game that has my attention, I will probably have it typed up in no time.
I'm also planning out a side story to this one, in which Aliza is the star. She grew on me, at least my version of her, while I wrote this particular chapter. I gave her a completely different personality then my hot-headed and probably overly emotion Flavie. Besides that, I currently have my Druid's hireling as her and she's not that bad of a hireling, compared to Amplisa, who is my normal hireling and will not stay alive for long. I don't know if you have that problem but I do, which is why I normally don't keep the act 1 mercs and always switch off to act 2's. Azrael being my favorite and always (lovingly) called Stabby or Bully.
God, I'm a bit off today.
Thoughts on the chapter? Concerns? How about on the side story? You know I love hearing from you.
Ghost over and out.