A/N : School started, and the homework freaking hate me alive.

Anyways, here is the last chapter of a week in the life! I really hope you guys enjoyed my first story, and there will be plenty more in the future!

Make sure to put me on author alert if you want to see more stories!

Enjoy the last chapter!

6:13 am-

"I love you more."

Clare heard it crystal clear, and she knew that Eli had said it. But now as she sat on Eli's couch, looking at her sleeping boyfriend on the floor, she thinks it might have been a dream. She stares at him for a minute, and she can't help but laugh at how cute she thinks he is.

The room is dark, but the sun is peeking through the closed blinds. The room is clean, apart from the stray rock band instruments from the night before. She sits there for a moment and she smiles. She loves being here, with Eli.

She glances around for a minute, and then she smiles when an idea arises. She's going to do something nice for him.

6:32 am-

Clare's plan to have fresh made pancakes for Eli when he woke up turned out to be an epic failure. An extremely epic failure. There was a pancake stuck on the ceiling, and syrup had somehow managed itself all the way across the kitchen, on the tile and on the fridge. The batter had spilled into a pile in front Clare's feet, and butter had somehow found it's way on the microwave. Clare stood there, smears of pancake batter across her cheeks, in complete shock of the disaster she had created. Cooking was definitely not her thing.

"Oh my gosh." Clare mumbles, and she wipes the back of her hand on her smudged cheek. "Oh my gosh!" She takes a few quick steps back, away from the evidence. "What am I supposed to do now?"

"What going on?"

Clare freezes. Who ever said that wasn't Eli. At the entrance to the kitchen stood a tall woman, with green eyes and rollers in her dark hair. Eli's mom. Clare bit her bottom lip, and wondered how bad this looked. Clare stood in the middle of the kitchen she had destroyed at 6 in the morning, wearing Eli's t-shirt. Eli's mom took a few steps forward, and Clare excepts to be yelled at, but she wasn't.

She smiles, crossing her arms over the fuzzy robe she wore. "You Clare, right?"

"Uh…" Clare musters up a slight nod. Her voice was quiet, and little freckles brimmed her nose, a slight smirk is on her face, and Clare almost laughs because she looks like Eli.

"I'm sorry about your kitchen."

6:34 am-

Eli's mom was really good at cleaning up disastrous kitchens. It looked good as new, and Eli's mother had even set aside the one good pancake that Clare had made, and she had promised Clare she would make Eli eat it. They sat at the kitchen table, and Clare stares down at the cup of tea that sat in front of her, and she watches had it swirled around in her mug. She can the feel the eyes of Eli's mother on her, and she doesn't know what to say.

"Eli talks about you all the time."

Clare looks up then, and she can feel herself blushing. "He does?" She smiles when Eli's mothers nods. "What does he say?"

"he says your smart and funny," Eli moms starts, and Clare can't help but bite her bottom lip. "And really pretty." Clare lets out a nervous laugh before looking back down at her mug. "He's never been this happy before."

Clare opens her mouth to talk, but she doesn't really know what to say. She fidgets with the hem of Eli's oversized t-shirt, letting loose strands of hair fall into her face. "He says that about me?" Clare finally mumbles, and her voice is shaky.

"he won't shut up!" Eli's mom laughs, and Clare laughs with her. "He also says your having some problems at home." Eli's moms voice was suddenly laced with concern.

Clare blinks, and she pursers her lips together. "Uh.." She lets out a slight sigh, and Clare stutters. "My dad, he…" Her voice trails off, and she knows that if she continues to talk about it, she might cry.

"It's okay." Clare looks up, and Eli's mom is smiling at her again. "I just wanted to let you know that your always welcome here."

Clare is surprised, and she almost remembers what her parents used to be like. "Thank you."

"What the hell is going on?"

Clare turns around to see Eli standing there, with tired eyes and tangled hair. Drool is dried on his upper lip, and he lets out a loud yawn. She can't help but laugh at him.

8:12 am-

"I don't want to go to school today."

Clare smiles at Eli as they get in his car, and she turns on the radio loud. It's some song she totally hates, but she doesn't care. He settles in the car, and turns down the music before talking. "Why not?"

Clare shrugs. She had felt like such a rebel lately, and she wasn't about to quit now. She had already ditched school yesterday, and she had spent the night at her boyfriends house, and she hadn't even dared to look at her phone to see how many times her mother had called. She had imagined her mother was worried sick about her, and she called dozens of times. But in the pit of her stomach, she actually thought that maybe her mother hadn't of even noticed that she was gone. She shrugs off the thought of and turns to Eli. "I just don't feel like it."

Eli smiles at her. "whatever you say, Edwards."

2:13 pm-

"I think that one looks like a flower."

They lay in the grass, and she points up into the sky. The park is nearly empty, with the exception of an elderly couple parked at one of the benches. They both have gray hair and glasses and they are holding hands.

"Yeah, it does." Eli says to her with out looking. He lays next to her, and she can feel him staring at her. She's blushing. His fingers are intertwined with hers, and she tries to pretend she actually cares what shapes the clouds make. Eli just watches her talk, and he has that look in his eye.

"And doesn't that one like a dragon?" Clare continues, but her voice trails off when she feels Eli's moist lips against her neck. It felt nice, and her eyes shut for a moment in utter bliss. Eli must of noticed, because Clare can feel his lips trail up her neck to her jaw line, and each time is sends shivers down her spine.

She suddenly opens her eyes then, and her face his beat red. "D-doesn't that one look like a dragon, E-Eli?" She stutters, and Eli's lips linger at her pink cheeks for a few moments. He leans his head back down on the dewy grass, a smirk embroidered on his face. "Not really." Eli's cheeks are hot, and he wants to kiss her more. He laughs to himself before raising his hand into the air.

"I think that one looks like you."


"Look, right there! See that puff right there is your gorgeous hair, and that spot right there is your cute little nose."

Eli can hear Clare burst out into nervous giggles, and he can't take it anymore. He places both his hands around her tiny wrists, and it one swift move she was now on top of him. There feet are intertwined and her chest is pressed against his, and there lips are just inches apart. He presses his lips against hers and Clare's eyes are wide, and her cheeks are getting pinker. The kiss was slow and sweet, but some how passionate at the same time.

He smiles as they part, and Clare lets out a breath. "Wow." he mumbles, looking at her in the eyes. Their eyes lock for a few long moments, and she breaks the look by dropping her head to Eli's chest. She feels safe, right here in this spot.

Clare can hear his heart beating, and it's fast. They just lie there in complete silence, and she loves the sound of it.

5:34 pm-

Clare can't do it. She stares down at her shaky hands, and she can't look up. She can't look up at her own house.

"Come on, Clare." Eli says, and his voice his serious. "You have to say goodbye."

Clare shakes her head, shutting her eyes. "I can't."

"Clare, look at me."

She slowly rises her head to meet with Eli's crystal green eyes. "You have to say goodbye." He stares at her with his pretty eyes and she wants to cry. Her lip quivers, and she can feel herself trembling. She opens her mouth, and she can't talk at first.

"What if he hits me again?"

That sentence struck Eli, and he wants to hit something. "Clare." He says, with anger in his voice, and he quickly grabs her soft hand, leaning in closer to her.

"I won't let that happen."

5:57 pm-

Clare clutches Eli's hand hard as Clare's father puts his suitcase in the trunk of his taxi. His tie is loose and his hair his tangled. He looks tired, and Clare doesn't pity him at all. Eli stands tall, a straight and protective look on his face.

Her father turns toward her then, and he opens his mouth to speak. "Clare." His eyes slide over to Eli, then. Eli looks had him hard with hatred in his eyes, and Clare's father shuts his mouth. He looks away then, turning walking towards to taxi.

"I'll call you." He finally says, looking back at his daughter. Eli rolls his eyes, opening his mouth to speak, but Clare cuts him off.

"Don't bother."

Her voice is confident and cold, and Eli looks at her. Her eyes are focused, but he can see a tear run down her cheek. It's not fair, he thinks. she doesn't deserve this. Clare catches his eye then, and she tries to smile at him.

Then her father was gone, and she didn't even watch as the taxi turned to corner. Eli and Clare and hug and kiss, and everything was going to be okay now.

But it wasn't.

Clare's eyes fix on her mother then. She standing on the front porch, with a soiled tissue in her hand. Tears ran down her hot face, and her eyes stared distantly down the street. Clare lets out a heavy sigh, everything was not okay.

"What's wrong, Clare?"

Eli notices her, and then he turns and watches as Clare's mother buries her face in her hands, and then slowly sulks back into the house. He looks back to Clare, and he expects her to be crying. But instead her face is determined, and almost annoyed. "I'm so tired of this" She says. "I want my mom to be my mom again." and before Eli could even speak, she is walking past him, toward her house.

"What are you going to do?" He reaches out and touches her on the arm, and she looks at him, her harsh face breaking.

"I'm not going to loose my mom too." She says, and she sweet and innocent voice that Eli was used to came back, and she blinks to keep from tearing up. "I'm just going to talk to her."

"Okay." Eli leans forward and kisses her on the nose then, and Clare can feel the shivers run through her body. "I'll see you later." Clare watches has he gets in his car, and he hesitates before driving away.

6:07 pm-

"Mom." Clare walks in the kitchen to see her mother sitting at the kitchen table, which wet cheeks and dead eyes. She's staring in front of her, and she doesn't even seem to notice Clare was there. The air is cold, and the silence is to hard for Clare to handle.

"Mom, you can't do this." Clare sits across from her at the table, and her mother looks right through her.

"He's my husband." She finally says, and she looks at Clare. "And he's leaving me."

"He's the husband that hits you!" Clare blurts, and her voice is louder than she meant it to be. She pauses, waiting for her mother to talk. "he hits me!" Clare continues, and Clare's mother looks surprised. "He hits me, your daughter! Why are you protecting him, when he hits me?" Clare's mother just looks at her for moments, which her mouth gaped open, and Clare knows she got through to her.

Fresh tears start to fall out of her eyes then, and she catches her mouth in her hand. "I'm sorry!" She mumbles, and Clare can barely understand her. She mumbles other things, but Clare can only make out a few words.

"It's just," Her mother says clearly, dropping her hand away from her mouth. "I can still remember the first time we kissed." She half smiles at the memory. "I thought we would be together forever." When Clare doesn't say anything, she continues. "and now that everything's different, I can't get that memory out of my head."

"I'm still here mom." Clare says. "I need my mom." Her voice is shaky, and she's trying not to cry. She looks up to see her mother look even more heartbroken than she had before.

"Oh my gosh," She mumbles, disgusted with herself. "I am so sorry Clare."

Clare blinks. She didn't even realize that she had started crying.

"Me too."

10:07 pm-

Clare was tired. After a very long and tear filled dinner with her mother, Clare felt content with herself. She had told her mother everything, and her mother had told her everything. Her father was gone, and her mother was going to be okay. But now she was tired, and she wanted to go to bed.

She brushes her teeth, combs her hair and she is ready to go to bed when a knock on her window almost gives her a heart attack. "I'm going to die." She mumbles to herself, and she is convinced there is a mass murder at her window, ready to kill her with an ax or a steak knife.

Another knock on the window. This ones louder, and Clare knows the murder is anger. She going to die.

"Hey Edwards, it's cold out here."

Clare froze.


10:23 pm-

"So you told her how you felt?" Eli leans against Clare's window with his arms crossed, and he glances down at a tired Clare, who sits at the edge of her bed, still embarrassed at the fact that Eli had now seen her in her night gown.

"Yeah." She glances up at him with pink cheeks. "She stills upset, but I think it's going to be okay." Clare grins at Eli, and he grins back. She can feel him look her up and down, and he smiles even wider. Eli thinks she looks cute in her little night gown, with the lace a little flowers.

"You look tired." Eli finally talks, and he presses his full lips together. "Isn't it past your bed time?"

Clare laughs, and she slowly gets into her bed. She drops her head on the pillow and lets out a yawn, She can see Eli out of the corner of her eye, with his pretty eyes and luscious hair. "Hey Eli?"

She watches as he steps forward, and his shadow covers her. "Yeah?"

She smiles at Eli, and she is blushing before she can even talk. "I love you."

This time she can hear Eli say it clearly.

"I love you more."
