A/N: Yay! Another chapter! School is officially OUT and I couldn't be more thrilled. I did well, the best I've done since I started college so I'm very proud of myself :) Anyways, on to the story. I know this is short but I wanted to end it on a cliffhanger (lol). If you don't know much about fetus growth, you're about to learn a lot. Also, my favorite part of the story is about to come up. It's getting good! So let me know what you think – and at the end – tell me who you think that is! Love you all! :)


"Jeremy, this is like the millionth time I've called you. It's been almost eleven months since I said I wanted to talk to you and I hear nothing? I have a lot to tell you and I'm really getting worried that I haven't heard from you yet. Please, call me back. I have a lot of really important things to tell you! Call me, love you, bye." Elena finished her voicemail and hung up the phone.

"He still didn't answer?" Damon asked her, sounding concerned as well.

"Yeah, I'm getting really worried. He has no one, Damon."

"I know. I'll find him, Elena. I promise. Anyways, are you about ready to go?"

Elena slipped on her sneakers and nodded her head. They were going to the twenty week doctor's appointment and were going to figure out the sexes of the twins today. Elena was showing quite well right now and if she didn't know any better, she really would think she was only twenty weeks along. In actuality though, she had been pregnant for sixty weeks, or around fifteen months. It was becoming tiring and she was already quite sick of being pregnant. Too bad she was only half way there.

"Are you nervous?" Damon asked Elena on the drive over.

"No. I've been to several of these appointments already Damon. Why would I be nervous? I'm actually really excited to learn whether our babies are boys, girls, or both."

"Me too," he replies, smiling.

Thankfully, once they arrived at the doctor's office, Damon and Elena didn't have to wait long before the doctor was ready to see them. As the doctor performing the ultrasound, she talked Damon and Elena through it. At the previous appointment a few months ago, the doctor confirmed what they already knew – that they were having twins. At this appointment, Damon and Elena listen as they doctor tells them that each of the fetuses were beginning to grow hair and the five senses were beginning to develop in the brain.

"The scent is the most important sense for the infants to have when they are first born because that is how they recognize you."

"Wow, that's cool," Damon and Elena agreed. "Can you tell if they are boys or girls?" Elena asked.

"Let's see," the doctor tells them, while running the machine from over Elena's stomach. "They both appear to be a good position. Oh, yes. The one facing the left is a boy and is about 9.9 inches long from crown to heel. The one facing the right is a girl and is about 9.7 inches long. You can also clearly see the eyelids, eyebrows, and fingernails on each fetus. They each weigh approximately one pound."

"Both, Damon, we're having a boy and a girl!" Elena exclaimed as Damon lovingly kissed her.

"Have you started to feel them move yet?"

"No, not yet."

"Well, it should happen extremely soon then. Be ready for it to keep you up all night. The time between the 20th and 30th weeks are the most active for twins. After that, movement will go down due to limited space."

"Great," Elena thought. "That means I have thirty weeks of extremely active twins to look forward to."

She glanced at Damon and knew he was thinking the same thing. He gave her a sympathetic look, but one that also said it would all be worth it in the end.

"Is there anything else we need to know?" Damon inquired.

"Elena, you may want to start treating for stretch marks. You are in fantastic shape, which should help some, but nearly 100% of women have stretch marks with twins."

Damon and Elena thanked the doctor and made their next appointment before leaving. Once in the car, Damon turned to Elena.

"You know it's very likely you aren't going to get stretch marks, right?"

"Why's that? Because I'm a vampire?"

"Nope. Because stretch marks happen because of a sudden weight gain, which is obviously typical in pregnancies, especially with twins. However, your pregnancy is extremely slow, so the weight gain will be gradual."

"Well, that's one benefit I suppose."

As Damon pulls into their driveway, they notice a black Mustang that doesn't belong to them.

"Do you know anyone who owns a Mustang?" Damon asked Elena.

"Not that I know of."

They are apprehensive but not afraid so they walk into their home. Immediately upon stepping inside, Elena feels arms squeeze around her in a hug before they pull back.

"Elena, You're pregnant!"