Dear Stripe,

Yes I named you after my dead guinea pig. Cause you are the only one I could always talk to.

This is my first entry and my last.

Today my boyfriend, Kenny dumped me. I can understand why, I've been so distant the past few days, but that doesn't stop the hurt. I didn't mean to be distant but I had something important to tell him but I couldn't find the words or the strength. I mean how are you supposed to tell someone that you are going to die within 12 to 17 days? Huh, it's funny in a sad way Dec. 17th would have been out 3rd year together. I haven't told anyone about the cancer my dr. found a little too late; even if it wasn't too late my family wouldn't be able to afford it. I wanted to tell Kenny first, but I didn't know how to explain it to him, I'm not coming back.

I went to his house to try to talk to him but he just told me to shut up and leave him alone. Then he said 'I hope I never have to see your face again, asshole.' Asshole I've been called that a lot but only this time did it hurt. I couldn't help but break down in front of him. The only thing I could manage to mumble out was I love you. He just rolled his eyes and slams the door in my face.

Now I have to spend the rest of my days alone, the love of my life is gone and I can feel my body getting weaker by the second. Kenny if for some reason you read this I'm sorry for everything, I love you so much.


Craig Tucker

He left his dairy open right next to Stripes old cage. He sat down on his bed and stared out his frosted window. He could see people having a snow ball fight which brought tears to his eyes. Since both he and Kenny were poor they didn't go out much but had fun outside in the snow. Just having each other was enough to bring smiles on their face. Craig looked at his night stand which stood a picture. He took the picture out of the frame and held it close to his heart. He fell back on his bed, tears creating a veil over his face. He kept crying till he fell asleep. That night Craig passed away, heartbroken while holding a picture of him and Kenny on their first date. It's hard to fight for your life when you have nothing to live for.

This was completely random. If anyone likes this I would love for someone to write a prequel to this. I would but I'm busy. So if you are interested to I'd love you forever if not that's okay too

~DA~ out