Revised: October 29, 2013

Disclamer: Naruto does not belong to me. I only own the plot.

Sasuke Uchiha was sitting in his room, playing Call of Duty on his PS3. His long, slender fingers moving both gracefully, but angrily around the controller. He was still pissed off from his earlier argument with Naruto. It was all the dobes fault really, he just didn't know when to shut his damn mouth.

'It would be just like the dobe to ruin my day' Sasuke thought, staring intently at his flat screen TV. His body was tense and his nostrils would flare every time he bombed the Nazi Zombies.


"Sasuke-teme! Guess what! Sakura-chan is on the front page of Rising Stars Magazine! She's debuting a new song!" Naruto yelled, excitedly. His bright blue eyes shining brightly with admiration as he ran towards Sasuke; a glossy magazine in his hand. Sasuke sighed in irritation that Naruto had just ran into his house without knocking.

"So what, dobe?" He asked, annoyance clear in his voice. He didn't want to hear about her, she was irrelevant. He didn't understand why Naruto and the others kept bringing her up. He made is obviously clear that he did not care about what ever she was doing.

"Damn it, teme! Stop being a jerk!" Naruto said, sending a ferocious glare towards me. He didn't like the fact that Sasuke was so cold towards anything having to do with her. Sure, things ended badly between them, but that was no reason for him to act like an asshole. Especially when it was his fault.

"Whatever. Just shut the fuck up and get out," Sasuke said, clicking his tongue before walking up the stairs to his room, slamming the door.

Flashback End

Naruto banged on Sasuke's bedroom door, yelling out obscenities. Sasuke rolled his eyes as he kept repeating 'bastard' and 'son of a bitch'. He continued to ignore him, but paused when he heard another loud bang. Pausing the game, Sasuke got up.

"TEM-!" He opened the door to see Naruto with a raised fist, ready to break the door down. His fist stopped in mid-air before his eyes widened and he jumped back with a shocked expression. His hand moved to hold his chest as if his heart was about to jump out of his rib cage.

"Hn. Dobe," Sasuke smirked and started down the stairs, to go into the kitchen. He made a bee line towards the refrigerator and grabbed a tomato from the top shelf. Washing it off, he turned around and leaned against the counter as Naruto walked into the room.

"Oi, Teme, are you okay? You're acting more of an asshole than usual." Naruto observed, looking him up and down. He crossed his arms and regarding him with narrowed eyes.

"Che. I'm fine, Dobe." Sasuke bit into the tomato, carefully making sure that none of the tomato's juices escaped and stained his new polo shirt.

"Whatever, Teme. Just stop being such a bastard," Naruto mumbled. He could tell that something was wrong with Sasuke and he was slightly upset that he wouldn't tell him. They were best friends after all. Naruto brightened as another thought entered him head, "The gang is coming over by the way! Tenten said that they had to tell us something!"

Sasuke turned to look at him and glared at him with narrowed eyes. Naruto looked the other way, scratching the back of his head. "Ehehehe, sorry. I kind of forgot to tell you."

"Whatever it is, I could care le-" Sasuke was cut off by the doorbell ringing multiple times. Finishing off his tomato, Sasuke huffed and began to rinse off his hands.

"I'll get it!" Naruto yelled. He ran towards the door and opened it. Neji, Tenten, Hinata, Shikamaru and Kiba stood in the doorway; the girls having excited looks, while the boys looked indifferent.

"Are you going to let us in or what dobe?" Neji asked. He glared slightly, scoffing at his idiocy and directing a distasteful look towards him.

"I was getting to it Neji!" Naruto yelled, his face turning red with embarrassment. He humped and moved out of the way to let them in, before closing the door, "What did you want to tell us anyway, Tenten?"

"Oh that's right! Well, I was watching a TV special on Rising Stars Magazine last night and guess what! They were interviewing Sakura! Turns out, she collaborating with this big agency called Konoha Records and she has to come here to talk the deal out. Sakura is coming back!" Tenten screamed, happily.

"What!" Naruto screamed. Sasuke's eyes widened slightly as Naruto glanced at him. Even though Sasuke's expression was blank, Naruto could tell that the Uchiha was just as shocked as he was, if not more. He couldn't help but be worried on how the two would act when they meet again. That is..if they did.

"Yes! That means I finally have a chance with her after all. I thought I didn't think I'd have one since Uchiha made her run away." Kiba said, smirked. Sasuke turned to look at him with slit eyes. Who did this little shit think he was?

Sasuke growled at him menacingly. Kiba had always gotten on Sasuke's last nerve. He hated him from the moment that he had first met him back in sixth grade. He has always been after Sakura, even when she and Sasuke were together. It was not that he was protective over her; it was just that that little mutt was moving in on his territory. Nothing more. Sasuke did not have feelings for the Haruno. Period.