Prologue: Amu's POV

It was two years ago when the incident happened, I remember it very clearly. This incident all started when I was on my way home from school…


I sighed tired of today's events. Man… Today was so~ boring. As my home came into view, I saw a black van in the drive way and my front door was open. Shit. "Ran , Chara Change!" I yelled. "H-Hai Amu-chan! Hop! Step! Jump!" Ran chanted as wings appeared on my wrists and ankles. "Let's go." We made our way to my home and snuck in. I crept silently to see that most of Mama's flower vases were broken, and our couch was messed up. I looked over to where Mama kept her fine china. My eyes widened. Who would have destroyed all of this even if we didn't do anything? "Hello Hinamori Amu." a dark sinister voice said behind me. I slowly turned around to see a middle-aged man with brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Why, I am Haru Sakurai." he replied.

"Okay then, Where are my parents and Ami?" I asked using my 'Cool N' Spicy' tone.

"We just want you to do us a favor."

"Which would be?"

"Work for us. If you do, we will let your parents and Ami free and will be returned safely. If you ever go against us, you will never see your family ever again. Since, their existence will be gone from this planet." Haru simply said.

"Also, my company and I do know about those Guardian Charas, X-eggs, and the Embryo."

It took a few seconds of liberation until I finally said, "Wakarimashita Haru-san."

"Good. Now Come to X-Day Inc.'s building in town in about 2 hours. We will be waiting there for you. Once you are done packing, do not worry about taking all your stuff with you, there will be a moving truck waiting for you out in your front lawn. So, get everything packed because you will be moving into the company's apartments."


"I shall take my leave now. Don't forget or else you know what will happen." Haru said as he closed the door behind him.

"Amu-chan, are you sure about this desu~?" Suu asked me.

With determination in my eyes I turned to her and said, "Hai. Anything to keep my family safe."

"Well, since Amu-chan's all fired up, let's go pack!" Ran said.

Miki, Suu, and I all chuckled at Ran's sudden outburst and we headed upstairs to pack. Once we were all done packing, I looked at my watch to see that we only had 15 minutes to go the building.

"Well, let's go girls, it's time to meet Haru." I said as I grabbed my shoulder bag and slung it over my shoulder. I double-checked to see if I had everything in it. My necessities, notebook with pencil case, cell phone, iPod touch, my photo album that had all my most favorite memories on it, and finally my wallet that had $500 and my license. I looked down to see that I had my egg carrier attached to my belt. Finally, I touched my neck to feel the Humpty Lock. This is it. I got everything set. We made our way downstairs and opened the door. As expected I see a moving truck right in my driveway.

"Where are the boxes?" the guy asked.

"Upstairs. Second door to your left. Make sure you lock the house on your way out." I said turning into the 'Cool N' Spicy' Amu.


I got into my midnight blue mustang and drove over the X-Day's building.

"Uwah~ This place was made in a very artistic way. I like it but I hate Haru." Miki said to me.

"I know what you mean."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe. I wish I can be independent and can take care of myself. I wish to be free from this mayhem. I reopened my eyes to see Dia smiling at me.

"Dia, what are you doing here?"

"You have finally found your inner shine and now I can be with you. I'm so very proud of you to know what your responsibility is right now." she said.

"Well, what are we waiting for! Let's go meet Haru and get it over with!" Ran yelled.

I chuckled. "Hai. Hai.~ Let's go."

We entered through the front door and looked at the lobby. Boy, this place is fancy. I went to the front desk and said, "Hinamori Amu."

She looked up at me and smiled. "Sakurai-kun has been waiting for you Hinamori-san please go up to the 30th floor and the first door you see is his office." She replied.


"Akemi. Please just call me Akemi." Akemi replied.

"Arigatou Akemi-san." I replied

"Amu-chan, the elevators are this way." Miki said pointing to my left while I headed right.

"Oops, I guess I wasn't paying attention." I said while rubbing my hand behind my neck.

My charas and I made our way into the elevator and to the 30th floor. I opened the door into his office and see 3 girls there with Haru.

"What is my job Haru?" I asked him with no emotion in my voice or eyes.

"I want you to be the second lead singer and the violinist of X-day's band called M.A.Y.U. A girl with waist-length jet black hair and blood red eyes smirked and came over to me and said, "Watashi wa Hyuuga Megumi. And these are my charas Mayu and Natsumi." I saw Mayu. She had Megumi's hair but shorter up to her shoulders and had pure white eyes. Well to put it out directly, she looked like a chibi female grim reaper. Now Natsumi looked more refined. She had indigo shoulder-length hair and purple eyes like Utau. Natsumi had a flowy summer blue dress and a white summer hat with white flip-flops.

After Megumi introduced herself, a girl with violet purple hair (imagine Nagihiko's hair but a lighter purple) and ice blue eyes came up to me and smiled softly and said, "Watashi wa Kinomoto Youko. And this is my chara Mao." She said. I looked at Mao to see that she looked exactly like Youko but wore a hip-hop kind of thing. Like a hoodie and baggy pants with earphones.

Lastly was a girl with moss green hair with the same colored eyes. "Watashi wa Ume. And this is my chara Shun." Shun had everything like Ume except she wore a school uniform. (imagine Iwasaki-san from Lucky Star)

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. Enough with the introductions. Now here's the big change for you Hinamori Amu, since a lot of people love the band and your friends know about us, we need to change your identity. You will have Waist-length auburn hair with grey eyes. You will be known as Hanazono Atsuko.

"Let's get going we don't want to be late. Your manager will be Akemi. Move, Move, Move!" Haru said pushing us out of his office and closed the door.

"You know Amu-chan, you don't have to worry, Haru wasn't the one who wants to do this, Haru is a nice guy. It was just that X-day has a major boss and won't show his face. Everyone who works at X-day are afraid of him. It's just that, the boss watches every move of Haru. It's creepy, he knows everything about us, and did the same threat. We all are doing it for out families." Megumi said while putting her arm around my shoulders.

"Where are we going?" I asked Ume.

"We are going to America on tour to be a world renowned band. You and I and the others all hate it. We have to leave without a trace to our friends. Only our families know, and they can't tell anybody or else the threat will really happen." she replied.

I stepped in front of all 3 of them and made a decision and held out my pinky, "Today, we will have each others' backs whenever we are in trouble and support each other no matter what okay? We will work together to get out of this."

My three band mates were shocked and they smiled and wrapped their pinkies around mine and we all said, "I promise."

We made our way down the elevator and met up with Akemi. The three of us boarded the plane and made our way to America. I looked out the window and cried silently when everyone fell asleep the last thing I thought of before I fell into a deep slumber and started this amazing yet terrifying adventure was, Gomenasai, minna.

~end of Flashback~

Now two years later, we arrive at Japan. Our last stop before we can be in Japan for 2 more years and then we leave for another tour. I smiled at the sky and turned to my band mates.

"What are we going to do now?" Youko-chan asked me.

"Why don't we meet my two friends and tell them. They are trustworthy. I promise. They will never betray us when we tell them our secret. Remember Akemi-san said that we can tell only the closest people we know so that we can be comfortable from returning back to Japan."

"Oh. Okay." she replied

"So who are we going to tell Amu-chan?" My 5th chara, Hiroko said. She was a cat chara like Yoru. Except that she was all red. She also had waist-length hair that was blood red with right side bangs. (so technically imagine Yoru's attire but more feminine and red)

I smirked that I got a habit from Megumi and said, "Utau, Rima, and Nagihiko first."

Megumi: Well, here's the Prologue for my new story for AMUTO. I also have decided that I will continue 'Were We Meant to Be?' also. I will be rewriting the story so please do wait for it to be redone :D

Ikuto: Lazy bum…

Amu: Hey! You know that she's going through a rough time right now!

Ikuto: Doesn't seem like it.

Megumi: It's true J I am more happy. My friends were always there for me so yeah. Miru! Take it away!

Miki&Yoru: Hai! Nya~

Miki: R & R oniigai?

Yoru: Yeah nya~ she'll give you cookies and pictures of Syaoran and Sakura sleeping in Sakura's bed and Ikuto sleeping in a kitten position! :D