Author's Note: So, I was bored today and I'm still brainstorming ideas for my other story, Fast Changes. But I was bored so I decided to start a new eclare story :D I hope you guys like it as much as my other story, and again, I'm not going to be following the story line on Degrassi totally, but I'll mention/have some of the scenes be the same. Also, this story is gonna be more Eli POV, but will have some Clare and others too. :D review, tell me what you think :D and just so you know, if your reading my other story too, I'm NOT done with it! I just needed a bit of a change :D I'll update that story later.

Chapter 1

Eli's POV

New school, awesome. I moved here last week and I've already heard stories about Degrassi. It seems even more drama filled than my last high school, and that school was pretty bad.

I probably won't make friends, seeing as I drive a hearse and don't wear colors. I'm what some people call "scary looking". I don't care what people think though, I don't need them. I've got Morty to talk to, even though that's kind of odd. And I have music to fill my time.

I'm not a bad kid. No drugs or alcohol, but I seem like I'd be into that. I don't want to mess up my life though. I just want to be alone, is that so wrong? When you make friends, it's like making a weakness.

Friends don't stay forever. If you do something wrong, they can turn on you, stab you in the back, and tell all of your secrets. Friends become enemies all too fast.

I knew this too well.

I can't avoid people forever though; I have to go to school today. I can only imagine the looks on everyone's faces when I pull up in my hearse. It's always priceless, I love it. I turned on one of my favorite bands, The Job, and went on my way to Degrassi.

I pulled into a parking spot and heard a crunching sound. Did I run over a cat or something? That would suck.

"My glasses! Alli!" Some redhead was standing outside of my car with her friend. I must've run over her glasses. Why would they be on the ground though? I guess I'd have to pay for them. So I got out of Morty to talk to the girl.

"I think they're dead." I handed them back to her. She said something about laser eye surgery, I didn't really catch what. I was caught in her eyes. I've never really looked anyone in the eyes before.

She didn't look upset though, so she must have been saying that she didn't need them anymore.

"Uh, see you around?"

"Guess you will."

I left her there with just that. I didn't really intend on seeing her again, but it's school, so I probably would. I didn't want to be mean anyway. She was pretty. I liked that she wasn't a blonde bimbo. But who knows, maybe she was on the inside.

I'd like to find out, maybe be her friend. But like I said, friends become enemies. I don't want to make friends or enemies.

So it'd be best to stay away from her. No matter how pretty she was. And no matter how nice she seemed.

Clare's POV

Thank God that I got laser eye surgery. My mom would have killed me if I broke my glasses and still needed them.

Well it's not like I broke them. A gorgeous boy did. So that almost made it okay.

He was cute. Very cute. And very different. He looks troubled. I'd love to get inside his mind and see why he acted that way.

Eli's POV

The rest of the school day was boring. I honestly didn't pay attention in any class. It's not like it mattered because it was the first day. Everyone just talked about their 'expectations' and stuff. Expectations. I used to have those.

Not anymore.

There is one thing that I did notice. That redhead was in my English class. I don't know why she was the only thing that caught my eye today. There was just something about her. That redhead.

Author's Note: So, I'm not sure how long I'll make this story, I just needed a change. Tell me if you like the story or not, I might just end up writing another chapter and ending it there, if no one likes it. Reviews please? If anyone likes the story, I'll make the next chapter a lot longer. This was just a test run. Tell me what you think. In my other story, I had Eli not troubled at all, and his life was totally good, so I wanted to switch it around and see what it was like writing him another way. Since we really don't know what he's actually like from the Degrassi episodes so far. Reviewsss :D xoxoxsteff.