Afterglow Conversations

- Wow. That was - amazing House.

- I know. Makes me wonder why we've waited 20 years.

- Because you're an idiot, clearly.

- A very HUGE and TALENTED idiot, as I seem to recall you moaning before.

- I didn't say that!

- The words 'well hung' were spoken, I'm sure.

- Yes, while you were having sex with your ego.

- You must admit that for a drug addict, fifty years old boozer with a bum leg that was quite a show.

- Seriously House? You're looking for some post-coital ego stroking?

- Not the stroking I'm looking for but...why not? I complimented the shape of your boobs!

- That's because you always do that. And because they're faboosh.

- Who's being selfish now?

- Fine. Thank you, House, for giving me the most mindblowing, amazing orgasm of my life and thank you for not lasting two minutes.

- Ah, I wish you'd tried me in my best years! That was something. Oh, wait. You tried that - in fact, you've jerked off to that memory every morning.

- I believe that was you.

- Oh. Right. Wanna get dressed and go to work?

- Nope.

- That was a trick question. How do you plan to tell everyone at the hospital?

- I don't think we have to tell them -

- Oh sneaking around! I like that! Will we use code names for booty calls? I will ''sign all of your paperwork" and you'll "get my ass to the clinic".

- Shut up House. And no sex at the hospital. But why make an announcement? It's none of their business. We're not some prestigious couple who needs to make a press release when they get together.

- Well, you're The Queen Bee of the Hospital and I'm the Evil Master of Terror. When Higher Powers join forces the little people have the right to know!

- I'm sure Dark Times are looming above them, Evil Master.

- Exactly!

- Then I'll have to immolate myself to protect my people.

- Mh, and how exactly are you planning to do that?

- I'll let you ravish me to save them. It's a sacrifice, I know. Poor me.

- Poor you indeed.

She giggled when he bit her, jokingly, on the shoulder. The game was on.