A/N: I spent forever pondering this question for Mello: Boxers or briefs? Or…nothing? xD

Also, yaoi fics are great for practicing sentence creativity. They force you to think of creative ways to describe a character or play with your sentence structure so that it doesn't get repetitive. So that being said, I think we should all write smut! LOL

No matter how hard he tried, Matt's hands always seemed to find their way back to Mello's burned skin. His fingers, infatuated with the smooth texture, lingered lovingly on Mello's neck, giving Matt the chance to sweep Mello's mouth into his. While he gently parted Mello's lips with strong, warm thrusts of his tongue, he stroked back the golden hair that hid his scarred forehead, savoring every imperfection he touched; every dimple, every rose-colored crinkle that told of his friend's self-inflicted suffering. And now, Matt was determined to heal as much of it as he could.

Matt turned his lips onto the other boy's cheek, once again enraptured by the glass-like surface of the scar. He glided down Mello's jaw, ignoring the fact that his friend was still playing with the hem of his boxers, threatening to delve beneath them at any moment. He gently nibbled on the blonde's shoulder, alternating between heavy strokes with his tongue and clipping lightly with his teeth. Mello's breathing grew heavier, huskier, the faint sound of his deeper voice escaping past his lips. Matt trailed his hands down Mello's tightly drawn stomach, drawing torturous patterns on the area just above his jeans, and the blonde arched up into his touch, as if to remind him that only one of them was free of their clothing.

Happily obliging, Matt undid the zipper and pulled the jeans away, never taking his mouth from Mello's. Dexterous fingers, trained by endless hours of gaming with buttons and joysticks, flirted with the black briefs and Mello growled low in his throat.

Matt tried to politely re-enter Mello's mouth, pleading with mild sweeps of his tongue and gently sipping on his lips, but the blonde would have none of his well-mannered passion. Each time Mello parted his lips, it was only to boldly claim Matt's mouth with his own, roughly biting down on Matt's lips or ransacking the inside of his mouth with a tongue that knew no mercy. The redhead could hear himself panting, struggling to maintain the chivalrous composure that Mello was so determined to break.

And it always worked. In the end, Mello always got what he wanted. All it took was one thing to push his friend over the edge; one bite too many or one touch too far. This time, it was Mello's fingers venturing beneath Matt's boxers, pulling on the elastic waistband, and letting it slingshot back against his friend's hips with a loud snap!

Matt snarled deep in his chest and Mello shivered helplessly against the sound. Without pause, Matt grabbed each of Mello's hands and pinned them to the bed sheets. He then dove for the creamy white of Mello's throat, kissing him in way that should've been forbidden. Swimming in a daze of hot sweat and the sound of blood pounding through his ears, Mello groaned and pushed his hips against Matt's, the thin cotton of their under garments hardly a barrier anymore.

When he was convinced that he had subdued Mello into submission, Matt kissed him once, and then opened his eyes to look at his partner. That beautiful scarred face was contorted in blissful torture and his head was thrown back against the pillows, displaying the painful-looking purple splotches that were beginning to surface on his neck. He released one of Mello's hands, simultaneously closing in to brush his mouth against those pouting lips. This time, Mello passively accepted Matt's slow, warm kisses and even found the compliant grace to return the gesture.

With his free hand, Matt slowly trailed his way down Mello's chest, across the flat plains of his stomach and onto those perfectly shaped thighs. With Mello's swirling tongue urging him on, he swiftly cupped his hand against the distended briefs and pressed deeper into Mello's mouth.

The blonde gasped and his arm shot out, grabbing the strongest, sturdiest thing it could find; Matt's arm.


Matt gave the smallest of nods and slung the comforter over their bodies, enveloping them in an everlasting black night where the only world that existed was composed of warm skin and satin sheets.

Matt woke some time in the middle of the night. He was lying on his back with Mello fast asleep on his chest, nestled into the crook of his neck and breathing softly against Matt's jaw. The young man stared up at the ceiling, following the path of a hazardous crack that looked like a second-grader's sketch of the Eiffel tower.

Mello never stirred, not even when Matt wrapped his arm around his friend and combed his fingers through that beautiful mane of gold. His other hand rested on the middle of Mello's back, exactly where he remembered leaving it when they both first fell asleep.

Seeing the blonde out cold brought a smile to Matt's face. It was good for him. Like a high-strung, hot-blooded horse, his friend needed to be unleashed from time to time, allowed to kick and bite and channel all those powerful, pent-up emotions that had so often earned him a seat in the detention office or detained him in some corner of the room because he couldn't "play nice" with the other kids. Matt realized he was the only one who could be Mello's outlet, even if meant enduring his violent outbursts or hurtful words or his awful biting habits (seductive though they were). He was the only one who cared enough, who understood enough to see past the fire scar and constant swearing and risqué leather confines. Because past all that was the Mello no one would ever know; a very quiet, introverted young man who was just as susceptible to the world's evils as anyone else. Because this larger-than-life person would die before he'd let anyone see that he cared too strongly for everything, and was therefore attached to nothing.

As his thoughts of his best friend grew stronger and deeper, Matt hugged him closer and nuzzled his nose into Mello's hair. If only he could meld into that leathery-cocoa smell, the sound of his peaceful breathing, those blue eyes.


Matt blinked. He hadn't even meant to say anything, let alone whisper Mello's real name into the dark room. The other boy didn't move. Only the tranquil rising and falling of his back assured Matt he was even alive. Grinning softly to himself, he grazed the back of his hand across Mello's pearly skin and stroked his friend's back until the heavy pull of sleep dragged him into darkness once more.

Mello spent most of his morning sitting slouched in the windowsill and watching the sun spill fiery orange rays across the snowy cityscape. Having abandoned the warm bed, he slipped into his favorite pair of leather pants and settled into the small ledge beside the window, long legs dangling onto the floor below. Glancing down at his chest, he smirked and absentmindedly fingered the wine-colored love bites scattered across his skin. The memory of the night before was a mess. All he could remember was the rub of slick skin and incoherent cries coming from both of them as they dissolved into a hot, nerve-blowing ecstasy that Mello thought impossible to achieve. Even now, he could still hear Matt's husky, breathless voice crying out his name.

The sun was high enough that it began to cast rays through the window, showering half of Mello's body in white-gold light, while the other half remained hidden in dark shadow.

Matt. Why did I bring you here?

It wasn't fair. Sine the very first day Mello had stepped over the threshold into Wammy's Orphanage, he knew that he'd been cheated out of his own life. Sure, he'd been rescued from his abusive, alcoholic parents, only to be shoved in a room full of other ingenious children and expected to survive on his own, without any guidance or encouragement; he was expected to become that prestigious successor, the godsend clone of the world's greatest detective. Seeing his premade future ahead of him and realizing that he had been denied himself, Mello had done anything he could to break that mold. He dressed in all black, learned every swear word ever invented, initiated daily fistfights with the other children in an attempt to fight off his unjust fate. Perhaps, he thought, if he broke every rule, endorsed every taboo, the world wouldn't want anything to do with him and he could win back his stolen freedom.

But then there was this one redhead who found him on this one afternoon, sitting on the bed, brooding silently. Even though Mello shot him the meanest, coldest glare he could muster, the boy still had the audacity to calmly walk across the room and lay himself across Mello's lap, as if it was there just for him.

And that had changed everything.

"Hey, Mel." Mello looked up and saw Matt standing in the bedroom doorway, dressed in his boxer shorts and striped shirt. "You ok?"


"Not sore, are you?"

"No," he retorted, a little miffed.

Matt smiled. "Good. I was trying to be careful with that delicate physique of yours."

"Fuck you."

Chuckling, Matt walked over to his duffle bag and bent over to retrieve his lighter and carton of cigarettes, unaware that Mello was watching his every move. Or perhaps he did know, and just didn't care.

He pulled out one of the cigarettes with his teeth and flicked his lighter open, cradling the flame to the tip of the butt. Just before he lit, Mello's harsh voice shot across the room.

"Hey! Outside."

Matt glanced out the window and recoiled at the three or so inches of snow piled on top of the balcony railing.

"Are you kidding? Mello, there's snow on the ground."


"So it's snow! My ass is gonna freeze out there."

Mello grinned, his eyes suddenly lighting with a mischievous fire. With a poised air usually reserved for kings, he stood up from the windowsill and wandered back towards the bedroom.

"Well," he said smoothly, "I'm sure I know a way to remedy that."


A/N: Now, I have a surprise for you guys. As a thank you for being such a loyal reading audience, I'm gonna let you in on my secret. I have a link to one of the best Matt/Mello fanart galleries I've ever been to and it is a constant source of inspiration. So, if you're like me in any way (which I assume you all are if you've been reading this far), and enjoy visual treats, then you will definitely appreciate this site. You'll probably even see a few pics that look very familiar from my descriptions LOL Let me know if you want it, and I can send it to you via PM , since I can't seem to post it here.

Thank you guys so very, very much! You all make me laugh and you're so much fun to talk to! Hope you enjoyed this pointless, angst-ridden, guilty-indulgence of a story! Have fun now! =D