The rooms seemed quite empty now that they were down to the last three girls. Annabeth was still just about jumping for joy when Maria left, hopefully these girls won't be like Maria clones. The girls left the room to find that Percy was gone. There was a note left for them on his bed. Lydia opened it up and laid it out on a nearby table.

Dear Ladies,

There is one final thing that you must do to help me decide who I want to be with. Meeting my mother.

If you've already started freaking out, you shouldn't be, my mother is just a very good judge of character. She's not going to be like a monster-in-law.

See you in New York.



Annabeth laughed at his bad joke, while the other girls stared at her like she'd grown a second head. She tried to explain that Monster-In-Law was a really funny movie and Percy was making a bad pun, but they still didn't get it. They would all be flying out to New York in a few days, Percy was taking a bus there and they didn't want to get there before him.

Meanwhile Percy was sitting on a private bus with Nico and Grover. The TV station insisted that he took this bus to promote the season finale of the show.

"Percy, why couldn't we take the plane with the nice first class food?" Grover whined.

"Because he doesn't want Zeus to shoot him out of the sky!" Nico said in a 'duh' tone. Percy nodded in agreement. Grover spent most of the four day ride grumbling about food. Nico, Grover, and Percy got off the bus and went to Sally Blofis's apartment. Percy used his key and went up to the apartment. Sally was ironing a shirt when they walked in.

"Hey mom!" Percy greeted as he walked into the living room. His step-dad, Paul was reading the paper on the couch. Sally immediately turned off the iron and went to hug Percy.

The girls were at the airport checking their luggage and going through airport security. Annabeth was the first one of the three to make it to the gate. She had her architecture book and continued to read it as she has been doing for the last few weeks. Before she knew it the flight was being called and she settled into the first class seat. The flight wasn't too long and Annabeth slept most of the way. As long as the cameras could follow them, the girls were allowed to sightsee or visit friends or whatever they felt like doing for the day. Annabeth decided it was time to see her friends. Annabeth took the subway to Thalia's apartment and nocked on the door. Thalia opened the door thinking it was the chinese she ordered.

"ANNABETH!" She yelled and gave her a hug. Annabeth laughed and pulled away from her.

"Wait... did you get eliminated? Shouldn't you be in California?"

"Would I have a guy with a camera following me around if I got eliminated?" Thalia shrugged.

"They moved the show to New York for the last episode." Just as Thalia and Annabeth were getting settled on the couch Silena let herself in.

"Oh my gods Thalia. Did you hear that the show- Annabeth! You're here!" Silena hugged Annabeth and sat down on the couch with them. They talked for hours, just catching up. According to Silena all of Olympus is watching the show. Even Athena is hoping Annabeth will win. Annabeth's jaw must've hit the floor when Silena told her that.

Athena approves of me dating the son of her enemy? Annabeth thought.

Annabeth had to leave and go to the hotel that the TV station booked. The other two girls were already there. A limo was going to pick Lydia up in an hour and spend a few hours with Percy and his mom. Of course Annabeth was the last to meet Sally.

Percy was waiting for Lydia to come to the apartment. He wasn't nervous but he wanted to get this over with as quickly and painlessly as possible. There was a knock on the door a few minutes later. Sally got up to open it. There stood a girl with brown hair and blue eyes. Sally invited her in.

"Hi, I'm Lydia. It's nice to meet you Sally." They shook hands. So far so good. Percy thought. They all made small talk until they were informed that it was time for the next girl to come. The few hours with Kim were similar to the ones with Lydia. Finally Annabeth was at the door.

"I'm Annabeth. You must be Mrs. Blofis." She said as she shook her hand.

"Please, Mrs. Blofis makes me feel so old! Call me Sally." Annabeth nodded. Percy was just about holding his breath the entire time. Annabeth was doing her best to be nice and charming and witty. After their few hours were up, Annabeth was being ushered out of the apartment and back to the hotel. The other two girls had already started getting ready for the final elimination. Lydia and Kim were both pretending like Annabeth didn't even exist.

Just a few more hours and this whole thing will be over. Annabeth thought as she put on the evening gown that Silena had picked out many weeks ago. One of the crew members knocked on the door and told them it was time to go. Each girl was put in a different limo and they left.

Percy was staring at the door for a minute after Annabeth left. Sally cleared her throat loudly and Percy turned to her. Sally was wearing a smug smile.

"What?" He asked.

"I knew putting you on this show was a good idea. Your in love. I can tell." She replied. Percy nodded.

Percy stayed and talked with his mom and Paul for a little while before the station sent a limo to take him to the jewelry store. The station was paying for the engagement ring. After quite a bit of searching Percy found the perfect ring.

Lydia and Kim were riding in their limos, hoping that when they got out they would be with Percy. Lydia looked out the window of her limo and recognized the familiar street. The limo dropped her off at her apartment complex in Brooklyn. There was a letter in her mailbox from Percy, it was pretty much an apology for not picking her. Kim found a similar letter in her mailbox when she was dropped of at her apartment.

Percy was waiting in the middle of central park. Any minute now Annabeth will be dropped off and led over here. Percy's palms were sweating and he tried to keep a confident smile on his face. Annabeth finally got out of the limo and walked over to him.

"So, Seaweed Brain... what are we doing tonight." She asked.

"How about a walk through the park." He answered as he took her hand. Of course the cameras were following them. After quite a bit of conversation, Percy got down on one knee and asked Annabeth to marry him. He took the ring out of his pocket and showed it to her. Annabeth seemed to be in a state of shock and Percy was starting to worry that she would reject him.

DON'T BE STUPID! SAY YES! Mean Annabeth yelled in her head.

YEAH DON'T LEAVE HIM HANGING! For once Nice and Mean Annabeth agreed.

"Yes." Annabeth said just loud enough for him to hear her. Percy slid the ring on her finger and kissed her.

The finale of the show was playing tonight and everyone was crowded at the Chase household yet again.

"Annabeth will you marry me?" Percy asked. Annabeth was frozen for a few seconds before she said, "Yes." Silena jumped up out of her seat. "I TOLD YOU!" She shouted and did a victory dance.

"OK Silena we get it! You were right and we were being stupid for not believing you in the first place!" Rachel shouted back. Everyone in the room started cracking up. The credits rolled on the screen and the show ended.