Mai could hear the cheers of her people as the newly crowned Zuko delivered his speech. She decided to wait for him behind the doors of the balcony. She smiled to herself as she thought of how proud she was of him for finally restoring balance (along with the avatar of course) and how happy she was that they found each other again and that she was finally sure of his love for her. She felt as if everything was right in the world.

"Things change so quickly," she said to no one in particular. "To think, just a couple of months ago I thought I had thrown my heart and my life away."

"Do you always talk to yourself in public?" she jumped as she heard the familiar voice behind her.

"Do you ever learn to mind your own business?" she retorted, smiling.

"If I did that, we never would have become friends, and I'd still be in prison," Yan Zu joked as he walked up to her.

She couldn't help but feel a second wave of happiness wash over as she looked at her friend. Seeing him finally free made her feel how much better life had suddenly become for both of them.

"In all this time I've known you," he started. "I don't think I've ever seen you smile this much. I guess you really love him."

Mai nodded, but began to worry that she had caused her friend distress. She still wasn't sure about Yan Zu's feelings for her.

He paused before adding, "I'm happy." He smiled, and Mai knew he meant it.

"How'd you find me?" she asked.

"Well, it wasn't that hard. We all knew that ever since you ran off to find Zuko, you'd never leave his side again," he replied simply. "I figured that you wouldn't be beside him while he was giving his firelord speech, but I knew you'd be close by. You're pretty easy to read."

Mai laughed lightly. "You know, you're the only person who's told me that," she said, rather impressed. "You're also one of the only ones who're usually right in reading me."

"Well, what can I say?" he shrugged with a look of mock pride. "I'm really good with the ladies."

She rolled her eyes as he laughed at his own joke.

"So, where will you go from here?" she asked.

"I'm not really sure," he looked away. "Around the world I guess. Kyoshi Island first though." She smiled and patted his shoulder.

"I think that would be an excellent first destination to start your free life," she winked at him knowingly though he didn't seem to understand what she meant. "I hear they're shipping off soon, so if you want to catch the boat, you better hurry off."

"Yeah, I know," he agreed. "I was just about to take leave of you." He bowed mockingly. "Good bye, Mai lady. I shall see you again soon. But perhaps by that time, I will have to refer to you as 'Mai fire lady.'"

"No, I rather you wouldn't," she warned him before changing her tone. "I hate to admit it, but I've grown kind of fond of your stupid nickname for me."

"'Mai lady' it shall be then," he said as he gave another low bow. "I'm really going to miss you, Mai. I can't believe I won't see you or have lunch with you in our spot everyday. I've gotten so used to our routine that I'm actually going to miss prison, or at least that part of it."

Mai laughed in agreement. "Yeah, I'll miss all those impressions you made," she remembered fondly. "You have no idea how much you've done for me. I can't really explain it. All I can say is thank you. In a way, I owe you my life. I'm going to miss you, Yan Zu." She gave him a light kiss on the cheek.

"Well, we'll always have prison." He smiled at her before pulling her into a big hug and kissing her on the head.

"Ahem," someone cleared his throat beside them. The two friends broke apart and turned to see who had joined them. Zuko stood there, a slight scowl on his face.

"Mai, who is this?" He walked over to Mai and put his arm around her waist. He turned to Yan Zu and said, "Hi, I'm Zuko, Mai's boyfriend."

"Zuko, this is Yan Zu," Mai introduced her friend to her boyfriend, "He's-" But before she could continue, Yan Zu took Zuko's hand and shook it.

"Hi," the ex-convict greeted the newly crowned firelord. "I'm Yan Zu. Mai and I became friends in the Boiling Rock."

Zuko turned a shade of red before turning to Mai and saying quietly but loud enough for Yan Zu to hear, "You made friends with a criminal?"

"Technically Zuko, I was also a criminal," she answered coolly. "You were too. If it weren't for you, actually, I wouldn't have become one."

Zuko opened and closed his mouth soundlessly, unable to think of any comeback.

"You can relax man," Yan Zu punched Zuko lightly on the shoulder. "I'm not a dangerous criminal. I helped an earth nation colony regain its freedom, that's all. Anyway, I've got to run if I want to catch that ship. It was nice to finally meet you Firelord Zuko. Mai, we better see each other soon."

Zuko lightened up a bit but still eyed the boy suspiciously as he ran off. As if reading his thoughts, Mai took Zuko's hand, gave him a quick peck and said, "You're funny when you try to hide your jealousy. We were just saying our goodbye's since he's leaving."

"Yeah, but a kiss and a hug?" Zuko asked incredulously. "I've never seen you give either of those to anyone besides me, let alone both in one sitting. I'm just saying it looked a little too friendly for me. I better keep an eye on that guy next time he comes around."

"Oh would you relax?" Mai sighed. "We're just friends. I'm pretty sure Ty Lee will win his heart soon. He's going to Kyoshi Island with her. She really likes him, and I know she'll stop at nothing to have him. Plus, it's obvious he has a soft spot for Ty Lee too."

Zuko smiled at having learned this bit of information. "Yeah, they'd make a great couple!" he said a little too enthusiastically.

"Now you like him?" she raised her eyebrow but laughed at how silly Zuko was being. She turned her head to the spot where Yan Zu had been just a few moments ago. "I really am going to miss him though. He kept me sane these past two months, especially when Ty Lee wasn't there yet."

"I'm sorry I wasn't there either," Zuko said guiltily. "I'll never leave you again. I promise."

"No, no" she dismissed his apology. "I know you had to do what you did. I don't regret what I did. I must admit, though, I was pretty sure we were over when I helped you escape."

"What? What made you think that?" Zuko asked as if the thought were unbearable. "After what you did? I think I loved you even more."

Mai smiled but said a little sadly, "I didn't have that reassurance though. I told myself that we were over as soon as I was imprisoned. It was just some kind of self-preservation or defense mechanism. Well, let's just say those days would have been the darkest days of my life if I hadn't met Yan Zu. He brought me back to life. I didn't make it easy for him, but he never left me. I wasn't completely happy, but at least I didn't feel as empty anymore. That's why I owe him so much. That's why I gave him a kiss and a hug."

Zuko pulled Mai into his arms. "I can't believe I let you go through that. I may have left to do the right thing, but I didn't leave you the right way. I spent 3 years trying to regain what I believed was honor. I can spend the rest of our lives trying to make you forget all the pain you experienced."

"No, I don't want to forget," she told him. "It's through everything we went through, together and apart, that makes me appreciate where we are now." She kissed him deeply, slightly afraid that their happiness might slip away again.

"So, how was living in the Boiling Rock?" Zuko asked after a while.

Mai smiled a little and pulled him along for a walk, "It wasn't that great. It was mostly time with Ty Lee and Yan Zu. I'll tell you all about it someday, but first I want to hear about your adventure."

Zuko talked as they walked together through the halls of his and her soon-to-be home. As she listened to Zuko and thought about their future, Mai knew she would never be lonely again. She smiled and pulled him more closely.

Finally! It's finished! I'm officially done with my Mai/Zuko rant. This took me a lot longer than I had expected, and the story came out longer than I thought it would. Oh well, I'm happy that I was able to release my frustrations. I didn't bother adding to the scene of their reunion since it was already shown in the last episode of the show, and I was fine with it.

Thanks to those who've read (and reviewed). I really wrote this not for anyone but for myself and my peace of mind, so I was actually surprised to find that people read and liked it. Thank you again! It touches me that you've taken the time to read my rather long story and to even tell me that you enjoyed it.