This chapter is a few prompts that I made for Christmas, there's a little Hanukah something in there for those who celebrate that. There's 25 in all, one for each day until Christmas. But I don't know too much about Kwanza so I can't do one for that. Maybe next year, Happy Holidays!
"I still don't see how you managed to get yourself in such a mess kid" Ratchet complained.
"Less talking more untangling" Bumblebee said as he pulled at the wires. "Whoever invented Christmas lights should be drug into the street and shot."
"Well Sari, have you thought about what to give to the Autobots for Christmas?"
"Not yet dad. I mean, how do you know what to get a giant robot from outer space for Christmas? The only things I can think of are a new game for Bumblebee, a punching bag for Bulkhead, and a banzai tree for Prowl." Mr. Sumdac pondered this for a while before responding.
"Well, there's nothing wrong with a Santa hat."
"Nice try dad, but there's no tailor in the world who could make a Santa hat that big."
Good deed
Bumblebee looked around the hallway for a few minutes before walking out of Prowl's room, right before he walked into said mech himself. "Bumblebee, what were you just doing in my room?" Bumblebee just stood there as he tried to think up an excuse.
"Umm, bye!" he then threw a smoke bomb on the ground and disappeared while Prowl was coughing.
Where did he even get a smoke bomb? Prowl thought about going after him, but decided against it and decided instead to see what he had done to his room. He gasped when he went inside. The tree was subtly lined with Christmas lights, there were bird-feeders near the roof of his room, and there was even a little garland hanging on the walls. I think I'll forgive him for sneaking into my room. This time.
"You know, I think the decoration companies are getting a little too desperate year after year." Sari said as she hung garland around the main room.
"Why's that Sari?" Bumblebee asked as he handed her a wreath.
"Around the middle of November, when I was getting stuff for the Thanksgiving feast we had, I went to the store to get some decorations for Thanksgiving, and I'm guessing that half of that stuff was for Christmas."
"They had Christmas stuff in the middle of November! I think you're right Sari, they're getting too desperate."
"Help" Bulkhead said as he tried to get himself out of the pile of crumpled wrapping paper and tangled ribbon.
"Bulkhead" Bumblebee said as he cut through the wrapping pieces"You are probably the only mech I know who could get himself into a mess that big with just wrapping things."
"Help" he turned and saw the twins tied together with a length of ribbon. He sighed and face-palmed.
"Next time, just use gift bags."
Bulkhead walked up to where Bumblebee and Sari were sledding from. When he got there he saw that they had two snowmen on the sled instead of being on it themselves. "What are those?"
"Well, Ratchet and Prime told us to be more careful when we go sledding, so we made these crash test dummies to see whether or not the hill is safe to go down." Sari explained. Once they had set the snowmen in place, Bumblebee pushed the sled down the hill. Bulkhead watched it until it crashed horribly, then he looked and saw the remains of the snowmen.
"Ooh, I think I'm gonna' blow a gasket!"
"Well we wouldn't have steered it into the ravine, I think we need more accurate dummies." Bumblebee said.
William Tell
"What are you up to now?" Ratchet asked as he came out.
"I'm practicing my aim. I put a snowball on top of Jetfire's head, and I'm going to throw this snowball and knock that one off of his head, just like William Tell." He took aim and fired. Jazz had come out and saw the outcome of the throw right as it happened.
"Jetfire! Are you alright!" he yelled as he saw the fire twin hit the ground.
"Aw man, he flinched!" Bumlebee said.
The Peanuts
Bumblebee and Sari were in the middle of a Christmas marathon when Bumblebee asked, "Hey Sari, how come all of these old specials always end with someone singing a song?"
"Line up the slingshot and wait until I say fire Bumblebee" Sari said as she loaded a gigantic snowball into the slingshot's pouch. She waited until Prowl was right in the line of fire to give the order, and the snowball flew perfectly straight and hit him in the face. "This'll probably put us on the naughty list, but it's worth it."
"Hey Bumblebee, how come your face-plates are all red, and why is Sari blushing?" Bulkhead asked.
Bulkhead stared at the menorah in the shop windowsill and asked "Hey, what kind of Christmas decoration is that?"
"It's called a menorah, and that's not for Christmas Bulkhead, it's for Hanukah."
"What's Hanukah?"
"It's not something I really celebrate, so I don't know too much about it, but all I really know is that it has something to do with a menorah. It's a Jewish holiday so I don't know."
"What's Jewish?"
"Hey Bumblebee, guess what? It's snow-!" Bulkhead was cut off as a fresh, crisp snowball hit him in the face.
"Tell me something I don't know Bulkhead" the yellow mech said before dashing out the door.
Prime sighed and shook his head. "This is going to be a long day."
Sari and Bumblebee stared at the charred pieces of what used to be food as they pulled it out of the fire. It had seemed like such a good idea at the time... "It looks a lot better in the movies" Bumblebee said, summing up Sari's thoughts exactly.
Boy was Prowl surprised when he came into the main room and saw Bumblebee and Sari setting up a Christmas tree. They had agreed, no fingers crossed, that they would not cut down a tree. He was about to go and confront them, when he noticed the bottom. Instead of a tree stand, there was a pot at the bottom of the tree. A pot only meant one thing, roots. They hadn't killed the tree after all. He smiled and exited the room, maybe they weren't so bad after all.
Jetfire and Jetstorm stared at the small, red plant on the table. It wasn't really curiosity so much as liking the way it looked. Bumblebee saw the two staring at it, and shrugged as he put down another one on a table across the room from them.
16. Non-believer
"Okay then, how do you explain how he delivers toys to children all over the planet earth in one single night? The earth's time zones aren't all the same. How does he do it hmm?"
"Ratchet, will you please stop being such a killjoy and just watch the movie?"
Bumblebee walked into Sumdac Towers, and it looked like a box of decorations had thrown up all over the room. He looked at Sari, who sighed. "My dad really gets into the holidays."
Optimus Prime had seen some strange-looking humans before in his life, but never before had he ever thought he'd see tiny humans dressed in green with pointed ears. He asked Sari and Bumblebee about it, and they had said they worked for Santa. These human holidays were confusing.
If there's ever one truly nice thing about Bumblebee and Sari Ratchet thought it's their concern and helpfulness to others.
Bulkhead was confused. Why in the name of the allspark did humans want a fat, old guy in a red suit to sneak into their houses. He ate their food and got soot on their floors, and they wanted him to break into their homes? Sometimes he just didn't get humans.
Bumblebee staggered into the base and collapsed on the couch. He was covered in frost and a lot of his armor was frozen. Sari, on the other hand, was nice and warm since he had put the heater on. He looked at her, then said "The next time you need a ride during a blizzard, pretend I have a private comm. number and call Bulkhead instead."
Bumblebee sat in the park with Sari and closed his optics to enjoy the harmonious music the humans in the square were playing. Although they normally enjoyed loud and pulsing music, there was something to be said for slow, harmonious music of Christmas carolers.
Sari stared at the burned splotches of dough on the tray that were covered with extinguisher foam. Thank goodness Prime was there, it was just too bad that the cookies were ruined. Next time, she was going to convince her dad to just get store-bought cookies.
Bumblebee checked his clock, only to find it had only been three minutes since he last checked the time. He sighed quietly as he closed his eyes. Who knew that four hours could be such a long time?
Happy Holiday!
As Bumblebee and Sari looked around the main room at the others as they opened their gifts. To them, the looks on their faces were worth more than the whole allspark in their eyes. Bumblebee looked at his techno-organic friend and said, "Sari, Merry Christmas"
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night. Happy Holidays!