CHAPTER- A moment to be selfish
The call-
"We want you."
" . No!" Damon reaches for her, his crystal blue eyes carried the weight of the emotion he felt for her, this look alone could break her if she felt half of what she could see in his eyes.
Bonnie placed her hand to his chest on his heart to be exact, she had almost thought for a moment she would feel the rhythm of it; how it might hum underneath her finger-tips.
"It's okay, Damon... Just take care of Stefan." She gives him a sweet smile. Damon pinched his lips tightly as he removed his hand from hers that lay across his chest.
Bonnie gives Damon a stern but empathic look.
"Time is of the essence miss Bennett." Elijah said with an urgent need to be on his way.
Damon steps in front of Bonnie, "She's not going anywhere..."
Elijah squints his pecan eyes at Damon tired of his dog and pony show. "Mr. Salvatore, I have very little patience for your flare of the dramatics...Its simple really; Miss-Bonnie comes with me now or you never see your brother again... Your choice!" He says looking pass Damon and right at Bonnie.
Damon looks at Bonnie for some direction. She refuses to look at him because her head and her heart are equally out of whack. "But, if you insist on all this grandstanding we can send him back to you in pieces."
Bonnie slides her finger across his hand. "Its okay, Damon...Stay here and wait for Stefan."
Elijah holds out a hand for Bonnie to join him. "Bon-" Damon says so softly that only Elijah could hear. Which shakes loose such a fragile memory of his own, a love long forgotten. Celeste!
Damon watches as they disappear into the night.
Salvatore Boarding house 6 hours earlier
Bonnie paced back and forth and back and forth. Biting into her bottom lip, blood,
Sh*t. metallic seeping onto her tongue; Bonnie brought her hand up touching the fresh cut examining her own blood as if she's never seen it before. And her mind automatically goes to Stefan, What if he's bleeding but he's a vampire so he'll heal but still, what if he's hurt, what if she never see's him again.
Turning she shook off the notion that she'd never see him again. That Sebastian would never know his father. That's something Bonnie would never let happen. Not ever!
She stopped suddenly as if her body had forgotten how to move back and forth. Bonnie headed back over to the stack of maps spread all over the floor in-front of the fireplace She looked at her grimoire and sighed. After combing through the thing from front to back and back to front again until every new and old spell she remembered started to look like gibberish.
"... There's got to be something." She stated to herself. " Anything." She groaned.
"You need a break." Damon said as he made his way closer to her. A cup of coffee in hand. " I can't- I can't stop, not until I figure-out something that will help us for this meeting."
"Your not gonna be any good to anybody especially Stefan, if you don't take care of yourself." Still he held the cup of coffee out to her. Bonnie exhaled taking the coffee. "Thank you."
Damon simply nods. Bonnie sipped the warm liquid letting it wash over her; As if it were a cold winter morning and her body needed every ounce of warmth it could get.
Standing in silence. "How's the little ones?" Damon looks towards the upstairs. "Sleeping peacefully."
"Good!" She says somberly. Damon can see the worry crinkle the lining of her brow.
Damon swallows hard his throat is dry, he feels helpless, helpless to help his brother and her especially her the girls with Bonnie's face and no memories of him.
Inhaling heavily. "Bonnie..." She turns to face his sheepish nature. "Yes."
He clears his throat once more. "Would you mind if I held you? Just for a moment."
Bonnie wondered what the other Bonnie must be like, what she must be like looking at Damon now, must to her chagrin he needs this moment from her, Hell she needs this moment this comfort.
She plays with her hands a nervousness settling within her; A curious feeling pinging her insides its a feeling shes been ignoring since she opened her eyes in that hospital bed just a few weeks ago.
She nods inviting him in- Damon takes a step closer towards her-he's nervous more nervous than he's ever been since he was human; Katherine yes Katherine she had that effect on him as a impressionable young man but he's come along way since he was that Damon; the Damon of old was weak and needy. He's Damon the ladies man Damon. He never had trouble getting women never until her.
Bonnie did not want him especially not in the beginning their love,her love for him grew; out of indifference then tolerance and common ground, all the little moments that could have lead them apart brought them together and he is most grateful for it.
Damon moved slower than normal. "Sweaty palms." He joked. Bonnie smiled warmly deciding that she would be the first to embrace wrapping her arms around his waist she squeezed him, held him more tightly than he'd ever been held before, she breathed him in let his smell fill her mind, he was familiar to her heart, to her hands they moved up his back feeling the fabric of his shirt, she found herself wanting to feel the skin underneath.
"I Love you Damon Salvatore...And don't you ever forget it." Damon kissed her softly. "I wouldn't dream of it."
Bonnie released Damon shaking off the memory she reached for her forehead. "Are you okay?" He asked holding her by the shoulders. " Umm, I'd be alot better when we get Stefan back." She said turning her back to him.
"Yeah, me too." He reaffirmed placing a comforting hand on her shoulder which she shies away from.
"I'm gonna go check on the twins." Bonnie hurried off, Damon watches after her could his Bonnie be on the way back. He could feel with that hug that she was content, inviting and warm.
Alaric walks in. "I just saw Bonnie, she practically run me down on her way out of here, what happened?"
Damon wrinkled his brow twisting his lips. " I can't be sure but I think she remembered something." He shrugged not wanting to give himself false hope. "Anyways, Did you get any information from Katherine about these so-called originals?"
Alaric closed the doors behind him quickly. "Well my friend the original family goes back thousands of years...According to Katherine they are the very first vampires and they're ruthless."
Damon frowned genuine worry seeped over his expression, "Stefan My brother, my responsibility!" that was drilled into Damon the day Stefan took in his first breath, he promised his mother and father that he'd always look out for Stefan as the eldest Brother it was his duty. Yes, he's done quite a sh*t job of keeping his promise to watch out for the little pain in the ass brother of his.
"Damon." Alaric interrupted the thoughts scratching his brain. "Something on your mind?"
Damon made a sound with his mouth that was between and exhale or a sigh Alaric could not tell. Damon moved towards the desk sitting slowly on the edge of it.
"Yeah, I'm just wondering what the hell they want with Stefan..."
"I'm not entirely sure that it was Stefan they were after...They had a witch with them Katherine ripped his heart out... Its like they were expecting-"
"Expecting a witch!" Damon interrupted a moment of realization sprung on his face. "They were after Bonnie!"
"Or the Twins!"
Damon's face grimaced at either possibility.
Keep your eyes shut and don't open them. The burning smell of his flesh filled his senses and shocked his system, Hours now he's whipped and dipped in vervain, he's never experienced torture like this. He is going to die, he knows it; he feels it, his hands clutch into fist balls, as a fist bursts through his chest... Bonnie, Sebastian and Damon his family all gone.
"...Wake up!" Stefan opens his eyes quickly, the feel of his flesh burning, the hole in his chest no longer at the forefront of his mind. "Where the hell Am'I." He looks around in a panic.
Samara curled her lips inward contemplating a simple answer, "Short answer your unconscious and on the verge of death...Therefore I can sneak into your mind."
Stefan looks at her confused and rebuffed by the intruder. "Who are you?"
"I'm a witch... And I'm here to help you."
"Why?" He asks curious. looking at his surroundings nothing but blackness.
" For Bonnie... she needs to be whole again and you can help her be that way, with all her memories."
Stefan furrowed his brow. " . . . Her memories of Damon." He stated simply, Samara notes the gloom in his tone. "You don't want that." She states matter- of- fact.
Stefan looks away shameful. "I'm not judging you, its understandable, you love her."
Stefan licked and tucked his lips in one motion. "... He's my brother, I would do anything for him; Anything."
"But." Samara finished. "I don't want to... lose Bonnie."
"That's not your choice its hers...Will you give it to her?"
Stefan groaned inwardly, his moss green eyes narrowed as he thought about these last couple of days with Bonnie and what they could be together with their son, if only the universe would allow it to be so. He's become accustomed to always being the chosen one, golden boy do no wrong Stefan, he deserved the girl. Why should he allow this for Damon- would he do the same if the roles had been reversed; Selfish Damon, he's always there in-between every relationship Stefan has ever tried to have. There hasn't been a girl he was with that Damon hasn't actively tried to screw, If Stefan had her then Damon had to sample her too.
Stefan thought Elena would be different but boy was he wrong, she was just like Katherine lusting after his brother while with him... Damon was right they were destined for this; Now it was Bonnie's turn she was the one pure and simple. The universe was cruel very, very cruel.
"Stefan, I need an answer!"
"No...No." He Barked. which stuns Samara. "Now get the hell of my mind."
Samara smirked she had not expected him put up a fight, she didn't expect him to fight for the girl at all; from all that she's known of selfless Stefan he proved her wrong. "As you wish."
"ARGGHHHHH!" Stefan screamed out he was still alive and still in unimaginable pain. He almost wished he was dead for real. "Bonnie." He says weakly. He hung there in the torture room of Klaus Mikaelson chains, ropes and every sick torture device you possibly think of hung there in this dungeon.
Elijah placed a firm hand on his brothers' shoulder. "That is quite enough fun, Nicklaus we still need him alive."
Klaus smiled devilish. "Yes, I want her and I want her now... make the call." Elijah nodded in return.
Damon stood outside the door listening to Bonnie hum, she sounds wonderful like always... A lullaby from his children, a lullaby he only shared in the most intimate of moments...
"You're mine! He said with her laying on top of him naked without a care in the world. Bonnie didn't say a word she just smiled to herself' the feelings a little too overwhelming she felt a quick tear come to her eyes. she wiped it away quickly rolling off of Damon pulling the covers over her naked body. Feeling more vulnerable than ever before. "
What's wrong? what did I say?" His thumb rubbed at her tears. She smiled. "Nothing, its just I never thought anybody would love me..." She paused. "Especially not you!" She looked away shyly. Damon furrowed his brow that she would ever be made to feel unloved in this world. "I'm sorry," Bonnie scuffs. "Why are you sorry?"
"I'm sorry that I wasted so much time not being in love with you, when its the best thing that's ever happened in my life." Bonnie kisses him passionately.
Bonnie turns answering the phone to Damon staring at her intensely.
"Miss Bennett, Elijah Mikaelson we have Stefan and would like to make a deal."
Authors note: I'm sorry this took so long I've been super busy, I hope you guys enjoy and thanks for sticking with this story guys its been a long wait and apologies again.