Tony Stark was a lot of things. He was cocky, arrogant, stubborn, and kind of an asshole. But most importantly, he was Iron Man.

Well, sometimes.

But when he was at home, he was just God.

No, really.

Tony created Jarvis who knows anything and everything and anyone. He also created Dummy and You - and well, there's no excuse for them, but he still created them.

Tony is tinkering around inside of Dummy to see if it was possible to add a heat sensor or some type of interface which can determine the difference between fire and a car. There's not much he can do, because the only problem is that Dummy doesn't know the difference. Yet.

Tony pulls his hand out from inside Dummy and wipes his forehead on the back of it.

"Jarvis, what's my Social Security Number?"

"525-93-3767, sir," it it was possible for an AI to sound like it's tone of voice was saying really, you created me for this? Then Jarvis was doing it.

Tony checks his phone for the text from Pepper just to make sure that Jarvis is right. He didn't ask this because he doesn't know - he's God, of course he knows - but because he wants to be sure that his son knows everything.

Maybe he should have named Jarvis Jesus instead.

"Jarvis, do you know everything?"

"No, not everything sir, just most things."

"Just most things," Tony's voice is filled with mockery. "Do you know where Christine Everheart's birthmark is?"

"Sir, I try to stay out of your sexual exploits," Jarvis drones.

"Lies, all lies," Tony waves his hand and goes back to tinkering with Dummy.

"However," Jarvis continues, "I do have video feeds of every room in the house, so if I were to put the video from your night with Miss Everheart on the screen-"

Tony freezes when the unmistakable sound of a woman panting fills his ears. He slowly turns his head to the HD crystal clear picture of Tony and a woman - that is not Christine Everheart.

Thank God.

Oh, but he's God.

It is not Tony's imagination that Dummy is wriggling around in front of him, as if he were trying to see a screen, any screen.

"You don't have eyes," Tony muttered, "you can't see anything anyway."

Dummy stops moving and makes what one could only decipher as a sigh of suffering.

"Jarvis, I think that if you want a future in blackmail, you should at least try to label your footage properly. That's Miss Maxim October 2008, she was much more flexible than Miss Everheart."

"I shall be sure to check my libraries once more," Jarvis sounds as though he is bored.

Tony smiles down at Dummy's circuits and wires.

"You do that, genius."


A/N: Wooow I have been out of the Iron Man fandom for a little while, but I went to see Iron Man 2 in IMAX the other night, and I fell in love once more. And anywho... this fic, is because we all know that Tony is God. Thank you, and review if you've got a moment :) xxo