Disclaimer: Yeah, no I can't say that I own iCarly if I did every show would be Seddie themed.


Second Year Second Semester

Sam's POV

Everybody I knew thought I wasn't going to make it to college. I proved them all wrong; I'm here with a completely new outlook of the whole school thing. I hit my books hard and with pleasure much like how I hit Gibby on a regular basis. My first year at Seton Hall University I received all A's except for 2 B's first semester and the second semester I received the same. Carly and I went half and half on an apartment close to campus, which mean I had to start working. I worked for school's gymnasium; it's perfect because this semester I planed to try out for the Pirates volleyball team, this way I get to workout for free. Working there was easy I barely had to anything at all when I worked the front entry desk and when I went around and cleaned up all I had to do was spray the equipment down. Carly would come in every once in a while and help me clean up and talk about the randomness that I really didn't care about. Her main reason for coming in was Dave, he was tall, blonde hair, and emerald green eyes; he was what she called pure yummyness. Anyway, Carly had some sort of freaky radar as to when he was coming to the gym and was always in attendance for the show.

"Carls, you're drooling on the equipment," I huffed, "if you want to talk to him so bad just do it, you wouldn't be the first to approach chick to approach him in here." I laughed but I was seriously annoyed by the situation.

"Oh, I don't know, I just don't wanna . . ." I dragged her by the arm to the bench he was sitting at.

"Yo Dave!" I shouted loud enough so that he would hear me with his headset on. He looked us and smiled.

"Sup Sam, how goes the front desk." He laughed.

"It's vacant, were not letting anyone else in tonight we reached capacity like half hour ago and it's almost time to leave." He nodded as if he was really paying attention to what I had to say, most guys aren't that considerate as soon as I bring Carly into the situation they literally try to push me to the side to say two words to her.

"Nice at least that means my fav gym spot will always be in business." He smiled at me.

"And you'll have to get here earlier to make sure we have space for you," I heard the brunette clear her throat slightly, "oh Dave, this is my roomie Carls, Carls this is Dave." She stuck out her hand and he took it.

"Nice to meet you Dave, I think you're in my English class right?" She said batting her big brown eyes at him.

"You know I am, you sit right behind me, how could think I didn't notice you." He smiled a slow seductive smile. I knew it was time for me to excuse myself.

"I'm just going . . . away." I said before heading back up to the front desk. I took my Differential Calculus book and sat it on the desk this math cheez was going to be the death of me, like I was going to literally drop dead if I was expected to get more than a D in this class. I hated general requirements they made me gag and itch slightly. I knew that I wasn't going to need anything that I learned in class for what I wanted to do in life, whatever the heck that was. I sighed as I stared at the numbers I stared at them so long it seemed like they had begun to dance around the page. It was time to give up . . . and even worse call on the one person that I knew could solve these problems.

After work I went to eat a little crow. This homework was due tomorrow so I had no choice. "Benson? Benson, open this door before I break it down!" I huffed.

"God Sam, what is it I'm busy!" I looked behind him and saw a female scrambling for her clothes. Ever since Freddie got a little taller and beefed up a bit girls have been crazy enough to actually want him. I had never seen any real proof it until tonight. Mainly because I haven't been hanging around Fredward, I've had more important things to do, but Carly and him are still tight I suppose she's the one I got most of my information from.

"Look Fredwad I need you okay."

"You what?" His eye widened I couldn't tell if he was horrified or intrigued. "Why, what'd you do? I'm not helping you get rid of any bodies." He laughed and I shoved him.

"Be serious Benson," I held up my Calculus book and gave my best puppy dog face, "I'm lost." He smirked he was obviously amused that I had come to him; the little nub (well not so little nub) was arrogant about his studies if nothing else. The girl in the background cleared her throat impatiently, I was getting enough of that sound today like I was supposed to be dismissed just because someone's got a frog in their throat, she was lucky I didn't tell her to take a cough drop and shut the hell up.

"Umm . . . I'll meet you in the commons in like fifteen minutes Sam okay?" He looked back at the girl in the room.

"What? I'll give you five minutes and that's because I'm feeling nice." I crossed my arms.

"Ten minutes." He countered.

"Benson, I'm not negotiating with you. Meet me in the commons in five minutes this cheez is due tomorrow!" As I walked away from him I felt a little odd, I knew I didn't like the little bimbo that was in the room with him but I couldn't fully understand why. The best I could come up with is that she was ruining my plans to have Freddie to myself tonight . . . I mean for studying purposes, I needed Freddie.

Freddie's POV

I made it to the Commons in four minutes to find Sam staring hopelessly at her textbook. I hadn't seen her in months and to have her standing on my doorstep was a bit alarming. I watched as she tossed blonde curly locks over her shoulder like they were annoying her. I hadn't seen Sam since Carly said she had become so dedicated to school, I was glad for the opportunity to talk to her and ask her what inspired the change.

"Hey," I sat in front of her; I had brought my Calc book from last year hoping that it may be able to help her. I heard that the new edition the professors had decided to use had been hell.

"Thank God Fredward, my head hurts make it make sense." Her eyes looked tired she must've been trying to work on this all day.

"Let me see what you're working on Limits and Continuity, this is like the basics Puckett you're seriously having trouble with this?" I question I wasn't trying to insult her but as soon as I spoke the words I knew she was going to take it that way.

"No body asked you to range my intellect Benson . . . just help me with the stupid problems." She glared at me then set up her paper. "I get this far then I get lost." I looked at her work everything she had done so far was right, all that was really left to do was use the calculator.

"Can you use a calculator in this class?" I said as I pulled mine from my back pocket.

"Tell me you don't carry school supplies in your pocket." She filled with laughter.

"Do you want my help or not?" I hissed.

"I don't want it but I need it there's a difference Frederly." She rolled her eyes.

"Exactly you need me so if I were you I'd be nicer to me." I said knowing that she was either going to hit me or agree with me.

"Do you want a Frap I'm going to get me one?" She hopped down from her tall chair.

"Caramel with a . . ."

"Shot of vanilla," she blue eyes looked back at me, "I remember."

When Sam got back she noticed that I had moved her chair closer to mine. "Uhh, what's the deal?"

"You need to be able to see how I come up with the answers. You can sit I won't bite you!" I laughed and she rolled her eyes at me. When she sat down I noticed how amazing she smelled, it was a far cry from the bacon aroma she used to carry, it was this flowery sweet smell that made me want to . . . push my seat away, what was I thinking this was Samantha Puckett the woman who had made my childhood miserable. She had put space between us when we came here and I couldn't have been happier, it was the first time in my life that I didn't have someone tearing me down, or hitting me every five seconds. Sam's distance started when Carly and I tried dating at the beginning of the first semester, I broke it off something about being with her just didn't seem right. I laughed to myself thinking how the tables have turned, but anyway Sam stayed away during that time period I guess to give us the privacy we needed to be a couple and she never bothered me since then. . . well until tonight.

She mindlessly twirled one her blonde curls with her pointer finger as she copied the steps I wrote down on the paper. "Well, I feel like an idiot! I was so close to figuring it out on my own. Let me do the next one myself and then you can check it kay!" She never looked at me she just pulled her calculator from her fatty cakes bag messenger bag and got to work. I had to admit her determination was kind of . . . amusing, if she applied herself in high school she would have gotten full scholarships like Carly and I did. "Here check it out!" She sang playfully. I looked at the paper and then back at her.

"Perfect." I smiled.

"I know I am, now tell me about the equation." She smirked, if I didn't know any better it was almost as if she was flirting, but I knew Puckett and that couldn't be possible. I mean the whole reason she got the job at Seton Gym was so she could look at all the over-muscled freaks that came through or at least that's what Carly told me.

"That's what I was talking about Puckett, you had to know I wasn't talking about you!" We laughed.

"You're no walk in the park either believe me!" She put her hand in my face, and then started on the rest of her problems. I sat there and watched her as she worked her blue eyes were so dark when she concentrated and was serious about something. Every once in a while she would reposition in her chair to get closer to the table and bite her bottom lip when she was having some difficulty. I looked over her shoulder to make sure she was working everything correctly and she looked at me alarmed. "Damn, Benson any closer and you'd be able to taste what I had for breakfast." I just rolled my eyes at her.

"It was probably bacon." I commented.

"See you were too close." She shoved me and then started to push my chair back.

"No, I just know you." She looked at me momentarily. She looked conflicted and annoyed by something, it couldn't have been what I had said I mean for as many years I'd been around Sam she couldn't have thought that I didn't know her.

"That was the last problem . . . I'll see ya around I guess." She hopped down from her made her exit.

I went back to my apartment and hoped and prayed that Laney wasn't there, I starting dating Laney a couple weeks after I had broken up with Carly, and we didn't last anywhere near as long. Laney however, was the girl that decided to waste my virginity on, it was sad really I was annoyed about something and I just needed a distraction and there she was knocking on my door. Ever since we broke up she'd come over every once in a while to try and persuade me to change my mind, today's attempt involved lying in my bed naked. It almost worked, I was tired of being alone, but I knew she was no good for me she was just another Carly. Carly is a good person, prissy, overly chipper; and I found those girls worked better as friends where I'm concerned. However like I said I was lonely so I had decided that I could take her back and give it another chance and that's when Sam knocked on the door, saving me from myself without even knowing it.

Sam's POV

When I got to the apartment Carly was in the kitchen cooking dinner. "Hey Carlotta what's for dinner?" I said as I plopped down on the couch.

"I decided to make some spaghetti tacos . . . a throw back to the simpler times in life; I wanted to feel like a kid again." She laughed. She really meant she missed Spencer, I don't know why she won't just go visit him he's like maybe forty five minutes away at the most, this was her way of claiming her independence, I couldn't see why she needed it Spencer was always totally awesome.

"Great I'm in the mood for the some Italian Mexican!" I said rubbing my hands together anxiously.

"I thought we agreed it was Mexican Italian?" She pouted and then we both laughed. I remember when we had gotten into that conversation our junior year of high school, Freddie of course took Carly's side. We they broke I watched Carly cry over him. I consoled her in disbelief I couldn't believe that Fredward could be so stupid, he gave up the thing that he had wanted since I'd know him and for the life of me I couldn't figure out why. Then he dated Laney who he seemed to be back together with. Laney's nice but she looks and acts exactly like Carly, if that's what he wants why not just stay with Carly. Anyway, they are over it and friends again, I'd rather keep my distance from Freddie mainly because I probably sock him in the face for making Carly cry. Today however I did need him and I hoped that I would never need him again.

"Hey Sam, where'd you go, you were looking all spacey?" Carly said handing me my plate of tacos.

"Nowhere . . . hey, did you know that Freddie is back with Laney?" I asked her casual, she obviously didn't because her eyes dropped slightly.

"No, how long has that been going on?" She took a bite food and nodded in satisfaction.

"I don't know I just saw her in his apartment . . . undressed." I shuddered at the thought of anyone sleeping with Benson . . . I mean it's Benson for crying out loud.

"Whoa, backup what where you doing a Freddie's apartment?" Carly seemed more unnerved by that news than the fact that Laney was back in Freddie's life.

"I had to ask him a question about some homework." I said matter-of-factly, "So what I can't talk to the dweeb now?" I huffed.

"No, that's not it, it's just you usually come to me about stuff like that." She seemed kind of disappointed.

"Carls, I didn't even know if I was going to see you tonight with how well you hit if off with good ole' Davey boy." I laughed, "So was the dude a dud?"

"No, I think he's attracted to someone else, he was talking to me but only talking about her. I don't even think he realized what he was doing. Anyway, hopefully he'll figure it out." She got up and took our empty dishes back into the kitchen.

"That sucks, if you want I could knock his block off, it's been a while since I've been a good fight." I laughed.

"No blocks need to be knocked, I just think I'm going to hit the sack," She started upstairs to her room, "night Sam."

Freddie's POV

Loud banging on my door woke me from my sleep, 3:00AM, I'd been really popular today. I looked out the peep hole I was expecting it to be Laney with another lame attempt of getting into my bed but instead it was Carly. I immediately snatched the door open.

"Hey Carly," my voice was still groggy I rubbed my eyes in an attempt to focus in on her better. Her face was worried she moved almost as if she was panicked about something.

"So, I heard that you were with Sam today . . ." she said casually, but it was more of an accusation, she must've found out about Laney.

"Look, if you're concerned about Laney, nothing happened, she just been trying to get back with me I found her in the apartment that way." I said trying to calm her nerves.

"I could give a rat's stinky behind about Laney!" She shoved me, I didn't budge but I think she may have hurt her hand because she was now cradling it.

"Well then I don't understand? Why are you upset?" I sat down and held my head it was too early in the morning to try to understand girl code.

"This is about Sam and you! It would never work so don't even think about it!" She was reeling with anger.

"What are you talking about Carly, have you gone insane she needed help so I helped her!" I didn't realize I wasn't allowed to help a friend; well she used to be my friend anyway.

"Well just promise me that's the last time you'll help her, if she needs help send her to me. Promise?" She looked at me with her big brown pouty eyes.

"Whatever you say Shay." I mumbled.

"Yay!" She wrapped her arms around me, "trust me it's for the best this way!" She kissed me on the cheek and then left my room.

Author's Note:

I'm new to this sector of fanfiction. I was actually trying to stay strictly Twilight but I started watching this show while I was out of work and couldn't help but notice the chemistry between the Sam and Freddie character, but I knew it little scenarios started playing in my head. Anyway, if it totally sucks let me know and if you love it you can tell me that too, my decision to put out another chapter will be based off the response the chapter gets. Lastly, I'm a little older than the typical iCarly lover so when I say the theme is T that means mild cursing and suggestive conversation matter. The story may have to be turned into an M rating but I promise it won't be for any lemons or anything.

I think that's it please read and review.