"So," Casey said awkwardly as she sat down on the couch, "dumped, huh?"
Derek sighed and turned to look at her from where he was seated on the recliner. "I told you Casey, it was a mutual decision to break up. We both agreed that the whole distance thing was too complicated for both of us."
"Nothing to do with the fact that she cheated on you then," she replied, smirking, "or that you walked in on her while she was…showing the guy that cleans her pool a good time because she forgot that you were driving up to see her that day?"
"Shut up Casey!" he retorted, glaring at her before turning back to the TV and turning up the volume.
Casey smirked, "I always thought that thing only happened in movies, I mean the pool boy, really? I knew she was trouble but I thought she had more class than that."
"Was that a compliment McDonald?" he smirked.
"Are you saying that by dating me, she had more class than her dating Chlorine breath?" he clarified.
"No! you and class should never be in the same sentence, and Chlorine breath… really Derek? " she retorted.
"Gee thanks Case," he said sarcastically, "and I have nicknames for all the people who annoy me. I don't know what you're so happy about anyway, didn't Twinkletoes dump you last week? I thought you were still upset about that."
"We decided it would be best if we stayed friends, as a long distance relationship would put a strain on things." Casey said calmly, "and don't call him Twinkletoes!" she shouted.
"How long did you practice that speech in the mirror?" Derek retorted, "and in guy talk Flutterfeet pretty much just told you that he doesn't want to be tied to a girl when he can't get loads of action in New York."
"That is not true!" she screamed.
"Oh and I don't think it'll be all girl action either if you know what I mean," Derek winked and Casey threw a cushion at him. "All I'm saying is that you'd be better off with a straight guy… closer to home."
He lifted the remote and turned the TV off, getting up to walk upstairs but not before leaning over the couch to whisper in her ear, "A lot closer."
Just a drabble written in about 5 minutes straight after I woke up today. It's crappy name is due to the fact that I really couldn't think of any.