***Author's note: hey guys new oneshot. The song is Savin' Me by Nickleback. I loved this song, and it screams Inuyasha so much. I hope you like it!

FYI: I don't own Inuyasha, or the song.

The Last One Standing

Prison gates won't open up for me

On these hands and knees I'm crawlin'

Oh, I reach for you

Kagome was my anchor. She let me know where my place was, she held me there. I needed her. I needed to have her with me. I just need her. Without her, my soul could go completely wrong. I was already tainted. I couldn't pass into the afterlife, because I was half demon. Those gates were forever closed from me.

I was reaching for her. I couldn't get out of my body, and I had no control over it. I watched myself kill the demons, and some of the humans.

Well I'm terrified of these four walls

These iron bars can't hold my soul in

All I need is you

My demon side, it came out whenever I felt threatened, or when my sword was away from me. All I needed was for her to say sit. She brought me back. I was terrified of turning full demon, I felt as if I were being trapped.

Come please I'm callin'

And oh I scream for you

I remembered all the times I've screamed her name, whether it was out of worry, or I just needed to call her name. In every battle. My soul called for her when I turned full demon. I needed her to bring me back. I was calling for her now.

Hurry I'm fallin', I'm fallin'

Show me what it's like

To be the last one standing

I was falling, loosing more control over my body, the demon taking full control at those moments. I needed her to show me how to be the last one standing, without my full demon.

I became stronger with her. Loving her, it taught me that I didn't need the jewel to become full demon. I just need her. By protecting her, I became powerful on my own, and killed any demons who threatened her. I was the last one standing in all the battles. I didn't need my demon side, and all I needed was for her to tell me she loved me. Then I'd stay half demon for the rest of my life.

And teach me wrong from right

And I'll show you what I can be

I just needed to be taught how to act. I was getting better, and I wanted to show her how nice I could be to her. I could be her 'Prince Charming' as she says about those men in those stupid 'fairytales'. I wanted her to see I was as good as them.

And say it for me, say it to me

And I'll leave this life behind me

Say it if it's worth saving me

I found her at the well, just sitting there. She was looking down at it. I needed her to tell me I was as good as those stupid fairytales. I wanted to be her Prince Charming. I wanted her to love me.

Heaven's gates won't open up for me

With these broken wings I'm fallin'

And all I see is you

Whenever I was full demon, the only person I'd respond to was Kagome. I was falling, and she was the only one I saw and heard. I was tainted, and all I need was her to cleanse me. She was saving me.

These city walls ain't got no love for me

I'm on the ledge of the eighteenth story

And oh I scream for you

When I was on the edge of falling into the control of my demon, my soul screamed for her. I needed her to save me. My soul called for her, and I needed her to save me when I wasn't falling into my demon side. I needed her to make up my mind.

Come please I'm callin'

And all I need from you

Hurry I'm fallin', I'm fallin'

"Kagome," I said. She turned to me.

My demon side was going to take over soon, I could feel it, and I didn't know if I could come back from it.

She looked alarmed, because of all my wounds, and I couldn't believe that I lead those demons to her. They were right behind me.

"Inuyasha?" she asked. "What happened to you?"

The demons were right behind me now, and I turned to them, taking my defensive stance. I needed to protect her, make sure she wasn't hurt.

Show me what it's like

To be the last one standing

And teach me wrong from right

"Inuyasha, where's Tetsusgia?" she asked. She found it, and ran for it, as I turned and lunged at the demons.

She didn't waste anytime as she got it to me. She didn't risk sitting me, but hugged me instead, stopping my demon completely. I kept fighting them off, until they backed up a little, and grabbed Tetsusgia from Kagome.

I used the Windscar and killed them all with one blow. I was the last one standing. Kagome was still hugging me.

"Inuyasha, don't ever do that again. Keep Tetsusgia with you," she whispered. "You're demon can't be trusted."

And I'll show you what I can be

And say it for me, say it to me

And I'll leave this life behind me

Say it if it's worth saving me

"I know," I told her. I was breathing heavy, and my wounds were bleeding. She needed to say it. She needed to say it for me. I couldn't, and those three little words had enough power to save me.

Hurry I'm fallin'

And all I need is you

Come please I'm callin'

And oh I scream for you

I wasn't falling in the bad way this time. I was falling in the good way. I was falling for her, and I felt my soul call for her.

"Kagome," I said. "Stay with me please."

She nodded against my back. "Alright."

Hurry I'm fallin', I'm fallin'

Show me what it's like

To be the last one standing

I just needed her to be there, and I'll win every battle. She could show me what it's like to be the last one standing. I was falling more for her each moment, and I was getting closer to hit the bottom.

And teach me wrong from right

And I'll show you what I can be

"Inuyasha, are you thinking about turning into a full demon again?" she asked.

"I don't know," I whispered.

"Inuyasha," she said, and let go of me, walking to face me. "You don't need to be a full demon. You're perfect the way you are." She always tells me that when I start thinking.

And say it for me, say it to me

And I'll leave this life behind me

Say it if it's worth saving me

Hurry I'm fallin'

"That's why I love you," she stated. She looked right into my eyes. That's all I needed to here to put the full fledged demon behind me.

I hit the bottom but I was still falling. Her words were saving me.

I closed the distance, pressing my lips to hers. "Kagome, I-I…"

"You love me," she said. "I know."

"If you love me I won't become full demon," I stated. I kissed her again. I'll just be the last one standing, content with having her save me.

And say it for me, say it to me

And I'll leave this life behind me

Say it if it's worth saving me.

****Author's note: did you like it? I did. Lol. Okay, and please, if you want more oneshots, there's some on my page, and Drama Kagome's. She has amazing oneshots, and not just for Inuyasha and Kagome. Please go check them out! Thanks for reading and please review!