Author's Note: I apologize for being so late! Enjoy the chapter though!

Disclaimer: I don't own Rosalina or Shadow. I do own Gwen, and (unfortunately) Lord Vladimir.

It was very unusual for Princess Rosalina to be able to walk into a ball unannounced. Particularly if the ball was one she was hosting, like today. But because it was a masquerade ball, no one was to be announced when they arrived. This did not, however, mean that Rosalina was able to enter unnoticed. Because she was noticed by everyone in the room.

All heads turned to her as she gracefully walked down the stairs, years of training kicking in automatically. Shoulders straight, long neck, don't slouch, be proud you're tall, be graceful and dainty, take time to walk down, but not too much time, hand on the banister, lightly please!

Gwen was unusually seeable tonight. Normally Gwen felt inferior, as she was a simple servant, and she could never outshine the princess. This, of course, was true. Gwen couldn't outshine Princess Rosalina. But she didn't need to. Gwen shone with a radiance of her own. Her posture was as good as Rosalina's was bad, or, to be more accurate, Gwen's posture was as good as her friend's was bad when it was just the two of them. Rosalina, always annoyed by her great height, had a habit of slouching around those who didn't care, only rising to her full height when around the people who did.

"Everyone is staring at you!" said Gwen quietly, blushing. "I shouldn't be here!"

"They aren't all staring at me, Gwen. You really should get used to being so pretty."

"But I'm really not! I'm just-"

"Madam, would you care to dance?"

Gwen blinked, then looked to the left and right.

"Who, me?"

"Why yes, Madam. You who sparkles more brightly then the sun, stars, and moon, put together."

"M-most certainly! I would love to dance!"

And with that, Gwen was off, swept away by the tall man.

What she did not know was that a certain boy's green eyes were greener then ever…

Rosalina smiled as she watched her friend be whisked off by the masked stranger. It was nice to have a masquerade ball, where she could just be some unimportant noble, rather than the beautiful Princess Rosalina.

It was nice to have a break.

"Why again am I here?"

"Because you need to find a wife eventually, and the Princess' coming of age ball is as good as any."

"Which princess is this again?"

"Her Royal Highness Princess Rosalina. You need to remember these things, Shadow!"

"Yes Mother!"

"Ha-ha. That isn't funny! They say she's a very sweet girl, Rosalina, and I think she'd remind you of-"

"Thank you, Mrs. Churn."

"You need to get over her, Shadow. I know it's hard-"

"I will never get over her. Why can't you get that? Why won't you understand? But of course, you've never lost a loved one before it was their time to go!"

"Oh haven't I, Shadow? Haven't you ever wondered why I'm called Mrs. Churn?"

Shadow just stared at her. He had never thought of the elderly Mrs. Churn acting like this. In all honesty, it was because he had never thought of her to have feelings. She had always just been someone who was there for him. Yet he had never stopped to think about her wants, or her needs, or her feelings.

"I'm- I'm-"

"Oh you're sorry, are you? Never thought old Mrs. Churn had feeling, did you? Never thought she had a life before you? Well, you were quite clearly dead wrong." And with that, she stalked off.

Shadow's shoulders sagged. What was a guy to do? He had always been told to concentrate on the good of the people as a whole. He had never seen anyone except his little sister and… her as real live people. But now… well, how did she expect him to compensate for 16 years of him just being himself?

'I suppose finding a girl to dance with wouldn't be a bad start.'

He looked around for a girl that was pretty, but still looked acceptable. He noticed the refreshments available, and decided to go over and see what they had. Maybe he could find a pretty girl there.

"If you will please excuse me, sir, I would really like to get something to eat."

It was a girl in an off the shoulders blue dress and a matching mask.

'She's pretty. She's dressed nicely, but still appropriately.'

"Why don't I accompany you, mademoiselle? You never know what kind of horrible men might lurk!"

"No thank you, sir, but I do so appreciate the offer."

'She knows how to tell a guy no while still being perfectly polite and poised. Not to mention graceful.'

"But mademoiselle, I really must insist. You see, I am Lord Vladimir of Kelp. If you do not accompany me, whatever rich company your father owns will collapse, I will personally see to it."

"You will see to nothing." Said Shadow. "I have never liked your ways with woman, Lord Vladimir. And I suggest you leave now, or face my wrath." Shadow said, stepping in between Lord Vladimir and the girl and taking off his mask.

"Prince Shadow." Said Lord Vladimir.

"Leave the lady alone, Vladimir. Or else."

"And if the lady doesn't want to be left alone?"

"Then I will take my leave with the utmost apologies."

"Well, I certainly don't want to be left alone. Prince Shadow, would you care to have this dance?" she said, sweeping him a low bow.

He stared at her. She looked up at him and grinned. And for some strange reason, he felt a grin forming on his own face.

"I would care for nothing better." He replied, sweeping into a bow of his own. She lightly put her hand in his, and they set off across the floor and began to dance.

"Thanks for saving me. Lord Vladimir is a real pain sometimes. Did you know he's not even of noble lineage? He simply owns a very large estate."

"Really? Is that so? I would never have thought. Well, it's always good to have something to hold over him." Shadow smiled. The girl laughed.

"I take it you don't like him either?"

"Not in the slightest."

And so the two soon-to-be-lovers spent the day. Sometimes they would dance with others, but, for the most part, they kept to themselves.

And they enjoyed every single second of it.

Author's Note: Yes yes, I'm so terribly sorry! I'm very mean, blah blah blah…. But other than that, I don't really have anything else to say. Well, I did put in line breaks that should work, and slightly changed the disclaimer for chapter three, but that's about it. The date is November 20, 2010. Happy almost Thanksgiving!


Over & Out
