Sweet Little Sister
Chapter 1: What You Make Me Feel
Finally, the bell rang.
Sixth grade was the highlight of my life. A bad and a good one.
Today was the last day of school, sixth grade anyway. Summer was here and I was so happy.
My best friend Alice came up to me and hugged me.
"I can't believe it! Sixth grade is finally done!" She cheered. She was quirky.
"I know. But, I hear, Edward's going to be at my house. Want to come over?" I asked walking to my grandmother's truck.
"Hell yes. I want to meet your boy toy." She smiled excitely.
"He has a girlfriend. And plus, he's Jasper's best friend." Jasper was my older brother. He was 17 and I was 12.
"Oh, come on. Wait, Jasper?" Alice had a crush on Jasper since she first met him in 2nd grade. I'm the only one that knows.
"Yeah, and let's not forget, it would be super wrong to like Jasper's friend." I smiled at my grandmother and jumped in the truck.
"I hear your man is at the house?" Grams smirked. I groaned and buckled up.
"Of course he is. And, she is going to talk to him." Alice grinned like a fool.
Grams got home and dropped us off.
"I love you both." She called.
"Love you" Alice and I both called back. I took a deep breathe before opening the front door and Jasper and Edward were watching T.V.
"Hey beautiful" Jasper smiled at me. I rolled my eyes and dropped my book bag on the walkway.
"Hey jerk" I smiled back sweetly. Edward just smiled and shook his head. His smile is the smile you could get lost in.
"Hello Ali" Alice insisted him calling her Ali. Which is weird because I call her Alice.
"Come on Alice." I emphasized her name and he shrugged and blew me a kiss. We got back to my room and sat on my bed. Looking at each other.
"When are you going to talk to him?" She asked.
"I told you. Last time he was here, we were alone in a room together. He was even shirtless. I can talk to him. But Jasper was talking to some chick."
"Some chick?" Her eyes big with curiosity.
"Yeah, I don't know." I shrugged and turned on the T.V.
"Bells?" Jasper said from the other side of the door.
"What?" I asked him turning the T.V off.
"We are getting some pizza? Want some?" He asked. I looked at Alice and she nodded viciously.
"Yeah, we'll be out in a minute." I called getting up and pacing in my room.
"This is the part where you sit across from him and play foosties. If he plays back, then he feels something for you." Alice whispered to me.
"I could be his little sister. That's all he see's me as probably." I whispered back.
"Just play foosties with him." She huffed and walked out of my room. I pouted and walked out. Alice was sitting at the table watching HGTV.
The pizza got here a couple minutes later and I of course, sat across from Edward. He didn't seem to care. Alice was sitting across from Jasper. She glared at me and I knew what I had to do. I accidently tapped his foot and looked at Alice.
"Hey, did you get that big stack of paper's to do over the summer?" I asked Alice. She took a bite of her pizza.
"Yeah, what do they want us to do with it?"
"Maybe save the planet and recycle it." I smiled. I was a BIG tree hugger and Jasper made fun of me for it.
"Alright, we're done. We'll be in my room." Jasper and Edward both stood up and walked to throw there plates away.
"It's paper." I whispered to no one. Paper plates, duh! Alice looked at me and hugged me.
"Did he tap back?" She whispered. I shook my head and put my head on her shoulder. "Ugh, we need Rosie." Rosie was our other friend. She was a year older than us but she is still a good friend.
"Ok." I nodded and left a note on the counter before walking up the street to Rosie's.
We got to Rosie's and knocked on the front door. She was also a person who knew I was in love with Edward. He knew himself. Jasper told him with his big ass mouth.
"Hey" Rosie smiled and walked outside with us. We sat on her porch and just stared at the rode. "Eddie over?" She joked.
"Yeah" I bit my lip and stood up. "Let's go see Emmett." They both nodded and we walked to the house a couple rodes away.
"What do you bitches want?" Em joked.
"To play with our best buddy" Alice gave Em her signature puppy face and his face crumpled.
"Fine" He mumbled something under his breathe stupid.
Emmett was two years older than Alice and I and was a year older than Rosie.
Em locked up his house and we went and sat in the field listening to music.
"Is Ed at your house?" Em asked me. I nodded. "Shit, sucks for you."
"Yeah, don't have to tell me twice" I mumbled.
"Shit, sucks for you." I rolled my eyes and he laughed. Rosie and Alice were talking about shopping and I scooted closer to Em.
"I hate shopping." I whispered to him. He smirked and shook his head.
"I know. I hate going with you shopping." I laughed and looked at the clouds in Forks.
"It's a rare sunny day here in Forks." Alice said like a newscaster. We laughed at her and stood up and pretended she was holding a mic.
"It's very rare here in Forks, Washington today. We have three kids here sitting in the feild here. Let's see what they have to say about this sun." Alice sounded like a man. She went over to Em first.
"What is your name sir?"
"Em." He looked down and blushed.
"So, Em, do you like looking at the clouds?"
"Yes?" It sounded more like a question then an statement.
"Alright, now you young lady. What is your name?" Alice asked.
"Bells." I gave my nickname like Em did.
"So, Bells, do you like looking at the clouds?"
"Yes." I poked Em in the side and smiled. Alice walked over to Rosie and Rosie looked down and blushed.
"What is you name missie?"
"Rosie." Rosie played with her fingers. I thought I could blush, Rosie was blushing really red.
"So, Rosie, do you like looking at the clouds?"
"Um.. Yes. Most of the time." Alice laughed and fell down laughing.
"That was fun as shit." She laughed and I rolled my eyes.
"Hey, my parents anniversary is tonight, want to spend the night at my house?" I asked them standing up. Em and Rosie both nodded and we walked to my house again.
"Thanks again mom." I smiled into the phone. Jasper and Edward were playing guitar hero and I called my mom.
"What she say?" Rosie ask.
"Yeah, you can stay" They all nodded and we went out back and sat down on the picnic table.
"Did you hear that Kellan Lutz and Ashley Greene are going out?" Rosie asked shocked.
"I know. I heard it to. There's a picture, and there kissing." I said to Rosie. Her eyes got big and Ali gasped.
"No way." Ali said. I nodded and Em groaned. We all looked at him and he smiled innocently at us.
"Yeah way." I said.
"Ugh, I'm going inside." Em said. We ignored him and once he was gone, we talked boys.
"Did you see Kellan's V in his hip. It's so hot. I just want to lick his chest and never stop." Rosie actually licked her lips and Ali and I laughed.
"No, did you see Rob's new haircut? It's sooo adorable." I squealed.
"No, did you see Jackson in the Last Airbender movie? He was soo cute." Ali smiled and shook her head shaking with excitement.
"Duh, there all smoking hot." I said. Rosie and Ali nodded in agreement.
"Oh my Alice, did you hear?" Ali jumped up.
"What?" Rosie and I asked her.
"Rob got hit by a cab" I rolled my eyes.
"That's old news Ali" Rosie told her.
"Aw, I found out last night." She pouted.
"Poor Ali." Rosie puckered her lips with a pretend sad face.
"Shut it." I smiled and broke up there talking.
"Let's get inside. It's getting dark." They agreed and we went inside. Em wasn't in the living room.
"Boys room" Ali said. I nodded and walked back to Jasper's room. Em was playing drums, Jasper was playing guitar and Edward was holding the mic.
"Hello boys." Rosie said walking right on in and sitting on the floor near Em. Ali sat near Jasper who was in the chair. Edward was on the bed and I sat next to him. He winked at me from what I saw and smiled.
After they were down playing, we just sat there and talked.
"So, Edward, aren't you moving soon?" Jazz said. Edward shrugged and leaned back.
"Move?" I asked Jasper.
"Yeah, my parents split and I'm leaving with my mom. My dad is staying here." Edward looked at the floor. I nodded and looked at Ali. She looked at Rosie, who looked at Em, and he shrugged.
"That's nice?" I asked.
"I don't know. I guess we'll find out." He didn't seem happy he was moving and that broke my heart that he didn't want to leave Forks.
"Alright, enough sad shit. You four out." Jasper shoved us out and we went to my room and got ready for bed.
"Goodnight." Em said.
"G'night." Rosie said.
"Nighty night." Ali chirped.
"Don't let the bed bugs bite." I said.
Let's hope morning is a good morning.
A/N: I hope you like this chapter.
Review please.