(Chapter 4) Epilogue


He hadn't slept that well, the night having been far too warm and his dreams had been filled with weird Top Gun imagery from Movie Night.

Mat had woken well before his alarm clock had rung this morning, and being fully awake, he had decided it was best to just get up. So, he had gotten up, dressed, and had headed out. He wasn't due on duty for hours yet, but he would hit the gym and after he got back from that and had a shower, it would be time for breakfast with the rest of the team.

The corridor lights were growing a little brighter as he headed away from his quarters, indicating early morning by Atlantis' clock, but there was hardly anybody about yet. Of course, the city never really slept, for there was always a shift on duty, and often teams returned in the middle of the night, but for now the corridors were dead quiet, and he found himself treading softly.

As he turned a corner, up ahead he heard doors parting and he saw dark clothing moving around a pillar. Then, Colonel Sheppard appeared, his back to Mat, as he headed away further down the corridor, glancing back, and Mat pulled back to the corner so not to be seen. The Colonel's attention had been directed back towards the door he had just left, which on this level were all crew quarters, but Mat already knew whose quarters they were.

The disappointment from yesterday returned, but at least he knew for sure now.

He watched the Colonel look back towards Teyla's door again, even though he couldn't possibly see it anymore from that far down the corridor, and Mat felt a new sensation. He grinned, happy for his commanding officer.

Sketch had told him yesterday that during the first years in the city there had been many rumours about Teyla and the Colonel, but that they had all died down when it had become clear that she was pregnant with Kanaan's kid. However, it seemed that the basic premise of those rumours hadn't been that far off, because Mat had recognised the expression on the Colonel's face as he had looked back at Teyla's door.

That was good, because Walker had considered the Colonel as someone he could become friends with, and had been on track to until yesterday, but now he could understand why the man had acted so dramatically yesterday. All was forgiven in his mind because Mat understood now. The Colonel was clearly in love.