
Rose POV

We walked back into Dimitri's . . . our flat after visiting the hospital. I hadn't moved my things from my flat yet, but we were going to find a bigger place first.

"Want to look at the picture again?" I asked him. He nodded and I took the ultra scan picture out of its envelope.

"I'm glad that she's alright." He told me, I was glad as well. There was nothing wrong with the baby and no complications. She was perfectly healthy.

"We need to start thinking of girls' names." I told him quietly, already knowing what I wanted her middle name to be.

"Wow. I still can't get over the fact that we're having a little baby girl." I put the picture away, going into the kitchen to find some food. "You know I'm glad that we found out her gender, I don't really like surprises at the moment. I've had enough to last me a life time." I agreed with him. It had already been a month since Adam he messed with my life for the last time, but it was still affecting how we lived our lives a little. We were just a little more cautious out and about, and Dimitri and I were hardly ever seen without each other except when he went to work.

"Have you got any ideas for names?" I asked him again. "I know what I want her middle name to be." He looked at me as though to ask what it was. "I want her middle name to be Janie. That was my mother's name." I told him. I knew she would have loved that.

"That sounds good. Do you know what it means?" He asked me. I shook my head. "I'll go look on the internet while you make yourself food." He then went to the computer to find the meaning of my mother's name, and now to be my daughter's middle name.

I finished making my sandwich and joined Dimitri at the computer. "How's it going?" I asked him.

"So far the closest I've found is Jane, which means gracious or merciful." He told me. "But I have thought of the perfect first name. "Nadia. It means hope. She has been a source of hope for the both of us during the last few months, so it seems fitting, and it's a Russian name meaning there's a bit of her heritage in it." It was perfect, so perfect that I was speechless. "What do you think? Rose please tell me! Is it okay?"

"Dimitri, it really is perfect. We've found her name. Oh but who's surname will she have?" It was an important question. She was mine, but she was also Dimitri's and we aren't married.

"Belikov." He said without hesitating.

"But we aren't married and . . ." I trailed off as he got up and walked towards the bedroom. "What are you doing?" I asked getting up to follow him.

"You'll see. Just stay there. I had hoped to do this a little differently, but not everything goes as you plan it to be." He then walked into the bedroom, leaving me dumbfounded in the living room.

After a minute he walked back into the room, his hands behind his back. He stood in front of me took my left hand in his hands. He gracefully bent down and knelt down on one knee. He presented me with a small velvet box and asked me a question. "Roza, would you marry me?" I opened the small box and saw a silver ring with a gleaming emerald surrounded by tiny diamonds. His words finally sunk in. I brought my hand to my mouth before a few tears escaped my eyes.

"When did you get this? Are they real?" I asked him, not quite believing what was happening.

"I bought it yesterday and yes they are real." He answered my questions, looking like he thought I might be backing out now.

"I love it." I told him taking it out of the box and allowed Dimitri to slide it on my finger.

"So that's a yes?" He asked, like he still wasn't sure.

"It's a yes." I said laughing as I pulled him up from the floor. I then kissed him as though my life depended on it. He kissed me back just as forcefully. "Should we have the wedding before or after the baby is born? How soon should we tell people? How big do we want the wedding to be?" I rattled off questions before they could be answered.

"Does it really matter?" Dimitri asked me, stopping anymore questions flowing from my mouth unanswered. "We can tell people whenever you want to; there isn't a specific time frame in which you have to wait. I would prefer a smaller wedding to a big fancy one. And you can decide on whether you want to be fat or thin for the wedding, you'll still be beautiful to me." He answered all of my questions in one go.

"When you put it that way, I think I'll wait until the baby is born for the wedding. A small wedding does sound much nicer than a big one, and will take much less work. And I suppose we can wait a couple of days before we tell anyone." I said responding to everything at once.

"That sounds like a good idea. Although once I tell my family, we will have to make a trip to Russia." He pronounced as we sat on the sofa to watch some TV and relax after today. "We'll go when you're not too heavily pregnant." He said, making me feel better about flying while pregnant. I now knew it wasn't the best idea in the world when you were big and nearing your due date.

"Ok, it would be nice to meet them. Where do you think we should have the wedding?" I then asked him. "I mean should we have it on a lovely, hot, sunny beach or do you want it in snowy Siberia?"

"Siberia isn't snowy where I live. It's just snowy in the mountains." He told me off for getting the weather conditions wrong.

"Oh right . . . well I still want to know where you want it!" I asked him again.

"I don't mind, just as long as long you're happy and that I'm with you. Although the lovely, hot, sunny beach sounds prefect for the honeymoon."

"I guess we can pick a place later on. There isn't any rush since we'll have to wait at least six months for the baby to be born and then we'll probably have to wait another few months to arrange things for the wedding." He nodded before picking a decent-ish film on the TV. I snuggled into him and began to enjoy the new life I was making for myself.

AN: And this is the beautiful end of this here story! Sad I know isn't it! D:

Well check out some of my other stories if you like Harry Potter / NCIS / Mortal Instruments / Naruto! (My mortal instruments one shot should be up soon and a Naruto story may also join it!)