Chapter 1

Rose POV

I remembered when I first saw him. The guy who I fell madly in love with . . . Dimitri Belikov.

I first saw him at the physical examination for the college. I could see that he was hot and had my eyes on him, but I didn't fall in love with him there and then, no. It was later, when he agreed to help me catch up on the two months I had lost out on, after a small incident involving my best friend Lissa.

He had been at the medical examination because he had been scouting out people to work at the nightclub he worked at, he agreed to work with me because he had scouted me out as a potential. The only way for me to keep that status was to put in extra hours with Dimitri. He must have thought that I had really good potential as he was the one to suggest it in the first place.

That was when I fell in love with him.

It had only been a few days before graduation that I learned that he loved me too, when I had a lapse in control.

I had him pinned down on the floor, we were both breathing heavily from grappling. Suddenly it seemed like the sexual tension had been cranked up a notch. I had leant down and kissed him. It had surprised me when he kissed me back. It had surprised me even more when he flipped us over and started moving his hips into mine. I had thought his actions couldn't surprise me anymore, but they did. He had pulled away from me just when it was getting serious and told me the session was over and that it was our last. I remember sitting there topless and staring at him. He had passed me my top and said that we wouldn't be allowed a relationship together. He had left me in tears that day.

I had had a few flings with other men, but none of them had been serious for me. Once they wanted sex or to start a serious relationship, I moved on. I was still a virgin and hung up on Dimitri.

We worked together often on the doors of the nightclub. We were the best bouncers in the area. We were working together tonight.

It was a quiet night . . . so far. I had had enough time to remember all of these things and more.

"It's a quiet night tonight, don't you think Comrade?" I asked him hoping to strike up some conversation with him.

"Don't say that Rose, it's always a taboo!" At the same time he said that two rowdy groups of drunks passing in opposite direction started a big fight outside of our nightclub.

It was our job to help break it up and to call the Police. Dimitri immediately had his walkie talkie out, talking to the police at the other end. I went over to try and diffuse the fight.

Both groups turned on me, while I was a very good fighter, I was only allowed to defend myself/overpower the person if necessary. So I was not a match for a 10 on 1 fight. I probably wouldn't have been a match even without the rules.

I was losing, badly. I saw Dimitri join the fight. I heard the sound of police cars arriving. I took a punch directly to the face and was knocked out.


Sometime later I woke up in unfamiliar surroundings. I heard some banging around somewhere. I sat up on the sofa I was on as someone walked into the room.

"Oh, good! You're awake!" Said a voice with a strong Russian accent. I realised it was Dimitri.

I was hurt all, I groaned. "What happened?" I asked needing to find out how I ended up here.

"Roza . . ." He started. God I loved it when called me by my Russian nickname. "You were knocked out and all beat up . . ."

"Funnily enough I worked that part out for myself!" I retorted back with my usual snarky comments. He laughed, I loved that laugh.

"I think it's safe to say that you don't have a concussion. I brought you back to my place to clean you up and look after you." he said still chuckling. "You've been out for a good day. Now that you've woken up I won't feel as bad leaving you for my shift." He said smiling.

"But what will I do while you're gone?" I asked flirtatiously.

"Watch TV, and don't touch anything." He said quite seriously.

"Not even the bed to sleep?" I retorted back, still flirting.

"Goodnight Roza." Was all he said as he left his apartment.


Dimitri POV

I was looking over at Rose. She was so beautiful. She seemed to be deep in thought about something. There wasn't much else to do as it was a quiet night, though I wouldn't say it out loud as it was always a taboo for something big to kick off.

"It's a quiet night tonight, don't you think Comrade?" she asked me using her little nickname for me. Oh no something bad was about to go down.

"Don't say that Rose, it's always a taboo!" Just as I said that, two drunken groups of males started fighting with each other outside the nightclub. I immediately got onto my walkie talkie to inform the police, while Rose moved over to defuse the fight.

I looked over at Rose and saw that she was losing pretty badly. I moved in to help her. I heard the police arrive as Rose took a heavy hit to the head and fell to the ground. I went over to her when the police took over from us.

I checked her over to see how bad the damage was. She had only been knocked unconscious. I gave a big sigh of relief and had just noticed I had been holding my breath until that moment.

I picked her up and took her inside to the first aid room in the nightclub, as some other guards on duty took over our posts on the door.

I started treating some of her wounds when Alberta (the head of security) came in.

"I heard what happened . . . oh dear" Her voice faltered a bit when she saw Rose lying unconscious on the medical bed. "I was going to suggest that you both go home for the rest of the night, but now I think you had better take her back to your's. That way you can both go home and rest and you can take care of her." It was more of an order than a suggestion. I nodded and finished cleaning her up before taking her back to my place.


I carried her into my flat and headed for the bedroom, I had had many fantasies about her being in my bed. I then walked back towards the sofa and made her a make-shift bed for her. It would not be a good thing for her if I raped her while she was unwell. I then went to bed myself.


The phone ringing woke me up around midday. "Hello." I said sleepily.

"It's Stan. I was wondering if you could swap you shift next week for my shift tomorrow?" He asked me.

"I did work last night, but I suppose I could do it this once, but don't expect me to do it often." I said grumpily, wanting to go back to sleep.

"Thanks." He then cut off. I would definitely need to go back to sleep. But first I decided to check on Rose.


When I woke up from my alarm, I got up making a lot of noise. I moved into the kitchen where I made two sandwiches. I thought that if Rose woke up while I was gone she might get hungry. I walked into the living room to find that Rose had woken up. Finally, I had been getting worried . . . well when I wasn't sleeping.

"Oh, good! You're awake!" I said, making my presence known to her.

She groaned "What happened?" She asked me.

"Roza . . ." I started. I didn't know quite how to tell her. "You were knocked out and all beat up . . ."

"Funnily enough I worked that part out for myself!" She retorted back with her usual snarky comments. I laughed; she seemed to be normal then.

"I think it's safe to say that you don't have a concussion. I brought you back to my place to clean you up and look after you." I said still chuckling. "You've been out for a good day. Now that you've woken up I won't feel as bad leaving you for my shift." I said smiling.

"But what will I do while you're gone?" She asked me flirtatiously.

"Watch TV, and don't touch anything." I told her seriously.

"Not even the bed to sleep?" She retorted back, still flirting.

"Goodnight Roza." Was all I said as I left the apartment for work with a big grin on my face.


When I arrived at work Alberta ran over to me. "Is Rose alright?" She asked me worriedly.

"Yes she's fine." I replied.

"So what are you doing here then?" She asked me. I realised she thought something had happened to Rose, when she saw me and didn't know about my swap with Stan.

"I swapped shifts with Stan, so he has my shift next week." I told her simply.

"Oh right. Carry on then." She then left me to do my job, patrolling the club for any troublemakers or anyone who had overdone the partying.