Hello lover ;)
I'm back to writing Malec fluff! It's been a while, and yes, this story is even fluffier that "What Alec Forget". Yes, believe or not, that's actually possible.
Hoping you guys all enjoy - I wrote the first part of this quite a while ago actually, so it's been a long time coming.
Just to set the scene, it's pretty far on from City of Glass, and Alec and Magnus' relationship is much more developed.
Alec POV
Magnus was not as happy to see me as I had hoped. He was half covering his eyes with one hand, his other outstretched in a dramatic pose reminiscient of someone protecting their eyes from the sun.
"Alec, honey, you're hurting my eyes! Too much black and the lack of fashion sense, oh I feel faint!" He staggered backwards, landing on his bright pink coach with a thump.
"Ha-de-freaking-ha." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes while Magnus cackled and shook with laughter.
"Your terrible, or should I say, lack of, fashion sense is nothing to laugh at." He reprimanded, wagging a mock-stern finger at me, the effect completely ruined by his continued snickering.
"I'm surprised you heard me over your giggling."I said bitterly, grinning despite myself. "Come on! This sweater isn't even that bad! It's still black! And, well, it hasn't got too many holes..." I trailed off, plucking at my jumper. Perhaps it was a little careworn.
Magnus let out a loud, over-dramatic sigh. "You're wearing a t-shirt under that right?"
I nodded.
"What colour...Oh need I ask? It's black, right?"
Again, I nodded, this time a little sheepishly.
He gave me a pleading look. "It's pretty warm outside, and warmer in here. Would you take the sweater off? Please?"
I raised my eyebrow. "You're going to snap it off me if I refuse, right?"
He shrugged, "Well, yes, most likely, but this way involves me watching you remove clothing, which is a lot more fun than me just snapping it off."
I flushed, and hid a slightly giddy smile. I found myself surprised with the reactions Magnus inspired in myself sometimes. And not in the crude physical ways that Jace had told me about in his excruciatingly detailed "Birds and the Bees" speech he'd decided to inflict on me one day. Well, not always, anyway. But that was completely unrelated.
I blushed a bit, and feeling ridiculous, gripped the bottom of my fraying sweater and started lifting. Only for Magnus to start humming stripper music. I dropped my jumper immediately, crossing my arms and looking away in chagrin.
"Oh Alec, I'm sorry darling, that was mean." His words were contrite, but he looked anything but. He covered a smirk remarkably well, and probably would have gotten away with it if he'd been with anyone who didn't know his expressions as well as I did. Unfortunately for him, I knew his "I'm laughing at you on the inside" expression very well; I see it fairly often in the company we keep.
"Magnus." I sighed, feeling my face slip into something dangerously close to a pout.
His face straightened out, and he said, "I really am sorry Alec, it wasn't nice. It was very, very nice." he said, raising his eyebrows suggestively. He snorted once, then said seriously, "All playing aside, I'm sorry for embarrassing you. Honestly, I'm still pretty impressed you went along with it."
I smiled, then grimaced down at my sweater. "It really is bad, isn't it?" I asked sheepishly.
"Truer words have never been spoken."
I shruggged, attempting nonchalance. "They were comfortable." And invisible, I silently added. I suppose I should get rid of them. Invisibility isn't really an option where Magnus was concerned.
Who had an oddly calculating look on his face, that I really didn't like the look of. It spelled the end of my jumpers.
"How about," he began, grinning at my tension, "you keep the sweater, but I take you shopping. No glitter, nothing ostentatious!" he said quickly, his hands lifting up to quell my protests. "Geez, you'd think I was offering to give you a makeover or something." He muttered. "Although..." he said, looking appraisingly at my hair.
"No." I said firmly.
"You're no fun." He grumbled, then brightened. "So, shopping?" His happy face was impossible to disappoint.
I grimaced, knowing I was going to regret this. "Okay. But!" I said as Magnus jumped up excitedly, "I have a couple of ground rules."
Magnus groaned and flopped back down onto the sofa. He sighed, muttered, "If you must..." and his eyes glazed over. I could tell he was already busy compiling potential outfits in his head.
"One," I said, holding up one finger for emphasis, "No glitter. Or sequins. Or studs. Or those little diamond-y things either."
"Diamontes," he muttered absentmindedly.
"Two," I said, holding up a second finger, hoping I was covering all my bases. "Nothing too bright, okay? No crazy patterns, or anything that would be out of place anywhere but at one of your parties. Actually, nothing that would fit in at one of your parties."
He grinned, "You know, it would be really nice if you came to some more of them," he wheedled. Noting my expression, he gestured for me to continue, and said to himself, "We'll talk about it later."
I rolled my eyes and continued, "Three." I paused a little, knowing this would be tough to sell. "Nothing designer."
"What?" Magnus sat up straight. "No way! The other two I can deal with, but nothing designer? I thought these rules were going to be reasonable!"
"Magnus! Be practical! I go out and fight demons for a living! Clothes get torn, sliced, burned, bled and spat on, covered in dirt, and on some occasions, have food dropped on them." Admittedly, the last one was less demon-related and more Jace-related. Particularly when Isy was cooking. "I can't be worrying about ruining expensive clothes!"
"But! But..." Magnus slumped, looking defeated.
Which was a lot easier than I thought it would be. I told him as such.
He laughed, "Hell, I'm just glad I can finally get rid of those godforsaken sweaters."
"I'm still suspicious of you. Hang on, wait, did you just say...?" I trailed off, cursing myself. Way to bring up the fact that yes, your boyfriend is indeed half demon and therefore technically shouldn't be able to say "God". Good going Lightwood.
Magnus snorted. "What, 'God'? I'm no newbie, it gets easier with the years." His expression turned teasing, "And don't you try and change the subject; I think we all know the important thing right now is your lack of fashion sense."
I snapped my fingers, looking disappointed. "You got me."
Magnus smiled a slow, sly grin. "We'll soon fix that my dear. Off we go!"
"Hang on!" I started, panicked. "We're not going now, are we?"
"No time like the present!" Magnus said brightly. His expression turned slightly sour. "Besides, the longer we wait, the longer you have to talk yourself out of it. You're not nearly so obliging!" He beamed. "Come dear Alec, let me introduce you to the world of fashion!"
Oh Magnus, how I love thee! Please review, because it's the most genuine way for a writer to learn that their work is being appreciated, plus it makes me really happy. First 5 reviewers will receive a snippet of the next chapter before it's posted - and every reviewer will get a 200 word ficlet Malec fluff piece. Am yet to decide on a title, but it will be a continuation of sorts of "What Alec Forgot". You don't need to read that to understand it, oh wait, I actually want people to read my other stories don't I. YOU DEFINITELY NEED TO READ "WHAT ALEC FORGOT". 'Kay? Hope you enjoyed!