So this takes set after the cabin scene. The fight never happened and it's now the day after Rose and Dimitri made love in the cabin.

Now I'll warn you know it can get a bit M rated.

I hope this works and I'll try to keep the story interesting and update as often as I can.

This is all in Rose's point of view unless I say otherwise.

Chapter 1: The Terrible Truth

I woke up in my own bed filled with happiness from the night before. Dimitri and I had really done it. I had lost my virginity to him and I could never be happier. His warm skin rubbing against my naked body. My mind aching for him more and more. When it was over we laid in bed in silence. We knew that we would finally have to get up and dressed before anyone had seen us. But I knew it wasn't over. Dimitri and I could finally be together. No more avoiding our love. We could tell everyone. Or could we?

I got out of my bed and went straight into the bathroom. I brushed my hair, got dressed and was about to head out the door to tell Lissa everything when someone knocked on my door. I opened it to find Adrian standing there.

"Good morning little dhampier."

I could tell he had very well had a good morning. Filled with cigarettes and alcohol.

"Adrian, Adrian. Had I not told you enough times that stalking me won't do the trick?"

"Oh. So you admit? I have a chance?" he retorted

"Oh Adrian. You'll never give up will you?" I said

"My love, I will never give up on you until the day I die."

"Well, I would love to stay and chat but I have someone to be." A.K.A get away from him and goss to Lissa

"Well, until then. Farwell." And finished off with a bow before turning away and heading out the dorm.

I waited for a bit before heading downstairs so it didn't look like I was following him. As I was walking towards Lissa's dorm I couldn't help but admire the trees and my surroundings. The leaves falling off the trees and the birds chirping. I saw the green grass and I walked across the open. The sun was out, yet there was still a cool wind flicking my hair into my face.

WAIT! I was not going to turn into some happy chappy girl like you see in the movies. I was not going to think the whole world is perfect because of what happened last night. I was just going to act like normal Rose that you pass every day. Except a bit happier and complete.

So I continued to walk to Lissa room when I heard footsteps behind me. My guardian's instincts kicked in and I immediately turned and lunged at the enemy behind me. Except it wasn't an enemy. And I didn't exactly lunge. He intercepted me and I was pushed back, almost falling to the ground but thankfully gaining my balance.

"Hey! Not fair. Can't you let me hit win at least once?"

"But where would the practise come in that?" Dimitri replied

I stood there smiling at him. His brown eyes hypnotising me into a stage where I couldn't concentrate on anything except him. His brown, shoulder-length hair dancing in the wind until he tucked it behind his ears –

"Rose. Rose. Are you alright?" he asked

"Oh...what? Sorry" how embarrassing "Did you say something?"

"I said we need to talk. About last night. Let's go somewhere more quiet and less...busy"

I looked around to finally take notice that we were not in fact alone. But I didn't care. I wanted to run right up to him and kiss him. I want him to take me to his room and make love to me like he did the night before. Maybe that's why he wanted to go somewhere quieter. 'To talk'.

So I followed him into the gym where no one was. Ok so exactly what I had in mind but it'll do. Something different and dangerous. I like it. He stopped in the corner and grabbed two chairs. He pulled one up for me and sat in his so we were opposite eachother. Oh so close. I almost got distracted by his beauty when he interrupted me.

"Rose." He didn't use my nickname. "We need to talk about last night. We probably shouldn't have done that. We both gave into our desires and I'm really sorry I put you through that – "

"Dimitri don't apolo – "

"No. Rose. Please let me finish. I am your mentor. I am your teacher. We could both get into a lot of trouble for this and I don't want this to affect your future." I could feel tears swelling up "Please. Don't be sad Roza." There it was. The nickname. My nickname. That did it for me.

" could you do this to me? What happened last night. That was real. That was with me. can' can't leave it like that. That was special and now you just want to leave me?"

"Roza – "

"Don't you dare call me Roza after just saying that to me. Don't you dare!"

"I'm sorry." And with saying that. He got up and walked out and left me crying on the chair.

After a few minuted of sitting in silence, I knew I had to leave the empty gym. Breakfast was almost over and classes would start here soon, meaning that the gym would fill with students. I had to get out so no one would see me. I decided to walk out and go straight to my room. I couldn't face anyone. Not know. Not after just what happened.

I ignored Lissa's message inside my head asking where I was for breakfast. I just ran straight to my room and dumped myself onto the bed and cried into the pillow. My day had just been ruined.

After not going to my first class, I wasn't surprised when Lissa knocked onto my door. I opened it, knowing I looked like a mess but didn't care.

"Oh my God Rose what happened?" she panicked

"Nothing. Don't worry. Why are you here? Shouldn't you be in class right now?"

"I could ask you the same question. Please Rose. I know something is up. Can you just tell me? We are friends."

"No Liss. Please. I just need to be alone." I felt worry build up inside of her but ignored it and focused my eyes to the floor.

"Rose. Look at me. Please." I look at her "You know I'm always here for you? But I don't want to keep pushing you alright? So please tell me when you're ready?"

"Ok Liss. But please. I just need to be alone right now"

She nodded and walked away. I felt sadness inside of her and slight feeling of anger of why I didn't trust her. But I couldn't tell her. I couldn't. Because the man I love just broke my heart and she would never understand that.