What Happens Now?

Chapter One

I walked into school.

"Holy Crap.'' Ezra slipped out off his mouth. I looked up to meet his gaze. "Oh no," I thought. "This isn't good!" Everyone was now looking at us, coming up with their own scenarios. My phone started to ring and then thought that was the problem. Thank god they didn't know the real problem at hand. "Sorry." I said. He regained his composure and began his introduction to the class. I looked at my phone and read the text.

Looks like Aria's boy-toy is now her teacher… like father like daughter! –A

"Alison?" I thought to myself. "It can't be her. She's dead… Or so I thought."

''I'm Mr. Fitz, your new English teacher.'' Throughout the class we looked at each other on and off. When the bell rang, I stayed in my seat and wrote the homework down. Everyone left the room, leaving for Ezra and me to be alone.

''Hi.'' He said.

"Hi.'' I walked to his desk. He tried hard not to make eye contact with me. I could see it was hard for him to now know that the girl he hooked up with in the girl's bathroom at the bar is now one of his students. We both know what this would mean. We couldn't go out. He could get arrested all due to our age difference. Why does age even matter anyway? I mean I get why they have it, but when it comes to love it shouldn't matter.

What Ezra and I have is so real, and to have it dictated because of him being older and me, unfortunately being his student, is just not fair. I could see in his eyes he was thinking the same thing. But there's not a whole lot we can do. "I thought you said you went to Hollis." The disappointment was easy to hear in his voice.

''I didn't say I was." He looked me in the eyes and looked like news was going to interject. "You asked what I major in. I told you I was thinking English. That's not me saying, 'Yes, I go to Hollis, so that means I'm not you're student.'"

"Well you could've just said-"He Stopped.

''What, that I'm actually in high school?'' I took a step closer towards him. "Maybe I should've said that. But if I did, would we be where we are now?"

"Technically, yes. But together, no." He said looking down. I grabbed his hand that was on the table.

"So what are we going to do? Are we still going to see each other and make this work?" I dropped his hand back onto the table and sighed. I looked at my bag on the ground and grabbed it. "Tell me what the answer is later. I have to get to class." I started walking away and closer to the door.

"Aria, wait." He said. I stopped and turned back to face him. He was walking closer to me. He finally got close to me and grabbed my hands. "I'm willing to give us a try." I smiled and so did he. "But we can't tell anyone. Alright?"

I nodded. "Alright." I kissed him quickly on the cheek. "But now I really have to go. I'm late for class."

"I wish you didn't have to go." He pouted.

"I'll see you later." I smiled and walked out the door.