HELL YEA! I am so excited! this is indeed my VERY first .hack fic! After being a fan of it for SO many years, I am kind of puzzled on why I never thought of writing one before now... *INHALES DEEPLY* Anyway, this story will be taking place right after the the third volume of .hack/G.U. This is going to be a HaseoAtoli fic and a *FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT LIKE SPOILERS, THIS IS YOUR WARNING! Skip to the story if you don't want it* KiteXBlackrose pairing. Perhaps if I feel like it, I will add some more, but for now, ON WITH THE STORY! *evil laugter*

"Wow the noobs are swarming in so fast!" Silibus scratched the back of his head. He had never seen so many noobs in one place. Someone chuckled at him "You know this is Mac Anu, but it should rightfully be called nooobland." Gaspard frowned and exclaimed "That's not fair to the noobs Haseo! We have to encurage them instead of put them down." The adept rouge looked down at the shadow warlock he had come to know as Gaspard, and explained "I am not putting them down, simply pointing out the obvius."

Silibus looked over at his two best friends bickering, scratched the back of his head, and sighed. The Terror or Death quit arguing enough to shrug his shoulders nonchlantly and exit Canards home leaving Gaspard and Silibus shouting after him, "DON'T MAKE US HANDLE ALL OF THIS OURSELVES!"

Haseo grumbled in anger, and stormed away from the home to cool down. "I would rather be out in a dungeon right now. But noooo I have to take guildmaster responsibilites for the pro-noob guild Canard." He wandered over to the chaos gate, choosing a random area and initiating the warp. To tell the truth, Haseo was having a really crappy day. He had to take his mothers steam, after having a fight with his father, then when he was at work, a customer spent several hours critizing his work, Atoli had been missing for 3 days now, and now he had to deal with new members.

He brought his blade clean through a goblins neck, and then activated the skill trigger just at the right moment for a rengeki. "RENGEKI! Gale blade!" Haseo's signiture combo had all but destroyed the level 9 opponents he was facing. Being a level 150 giant could do that. After he was finished with his overkill, he sat down in the grass and gazed to the horizon. The adept rouge recalled on how many times he and Atoli had been done this together. He sighed realizing he was thinking about her again. Haseo felt that he should be completly pissed off at her for going away for three days straight, but he knew that she had to put all the focus she had on her school work, seeming how finals were comming up. Through all of his thinking, he did not notice the girl walking up behind him.

"You know, Haseo, staring at the sun for too long will burn out your eyes." Startled, the PC looked behind him to see a girl dressed in black. "Damn it Shino! Whats with you and Atoli standing in my blindspot all the time huh?" She giggled and sang, "Sounds like somone needs a tampon." Haseo rolled his eyes at the girl, who simply sat down next to him. The pair sat there for a minute or two before he asked "How's Ovan?" Shino frowned and said "They found him in a coma, and they are doing all they can to improve his condition, but his brain activity isn't very high." He sighed and mumbled "Not exactly what I wanted to hear."

After about twenty minutes Shino stood, telling him she had to log out for tonight. He waved at her, not even bothering to look towards her, as she disappeared on a flash of blue light. Addmitingly, he thought it might be a good Idea to log off and rest for a while as well.

Ryou removed the M2D goggles from his head and leaned back in his chair. This day kept on getting worse, he decided scratching the top of his head. He glanced over at the clock sitting beside him. 9:29... no scratch that, 9:30. It was getting late, so Ryou decided he was going to take a shower and hit the hay. The teen walked into his bathroom, and turned on the shower, while proceeding to strip himself. He looked into the mirror, which was starting to fog up with steam. The shower seemed to erode all of Ryou's tension away. He finished up, and wraped a towel around his waist. Upon arriving back to his computer, he noticed two things.

One: He left it on

Two: He had two new Emails

Ryou opened the first Email from someone named A$r%

Subject: Wa#n*ng


T$ The Sa#*or of T#e Worl!, a gre^ n$w threa* has been bor. The W~rld wi_l not be s%#e for ve* much lo!g$r. Two o!d all($s wil* be r#!u(ing by the nam!s of *$e an? B(&~-\ose. Wh.n I f*n t+me, I w!}{ app#!r. Unti! th$n ke+} Sk!e^* (l0se.

What the hell was this? Ryou asked to himself. This had better not be one of those virus emails. The second one was from Atoli

Subject: Need to talk


Dear Haseo,

I really need to talk to you right now. Please meet me at Delta, Bursting Passed over Aqua Field.


Haseo smiled. About time Atoli returned.

AN: So how was it? the crappiest thing you have ever read right? And whats with this message? To anyone who can decode it, I wil be issuing special brownie points to ^^ Next chapter something drastic will happen I'm sure. Until then, click that pretty button and leave me a review. Thanks ^^