Chapter One
November 11 2536, New Harmony

It was a crisp Sunday afternoon, the air had a gentle breeze. Located on the edge of UNSC space, New Harmony was on the verge of war with the Covenant. They had been attacking outer colony worlds and destroying their populations, burning the surface of the planets. However, they weren't unstoppable.

William Ward knew that, however, his men seemed to think otherwise. Staff Sergeant Ward was in command of Delta Platoon, covering the West side of Monastir, one of the few large population cities on the colony. His men were half UNSC trained marines, all fresh from the Inner Colonies, and half local Militia, volunteers who wanted to defend their home.

They had gotten the call an hour ago to be on full alert, something was happening in orbit. Will, as his friends called him, was waiting for more reports from the surface at his small command center, an abandoned shop near the edge of the city. "Ward, still there?" The radio called out.

"Yes sir. Any news?"

The other end was connected to Sergeant Major Hansen, leader of Alpha Platoon, and in charge of the Marines on the planet. He was in charge of the ground defense of New Harmony, stationed in the other large city, Tyumen. "Two hostiles in orbit, cruiser and a frigate."

"A cruiser!" Ward had lucked out, he was on board a ship headed for reassignment when the Covenant attacked the world he had been on. Three cruisers got past the fleet in orbit, and burned the planet. This wasn't good.

There was a small burst of static, "Don't you worry, we've got four birds up there ourselves. We have gotten reports of hostile landing craft being launched. They're trying to take them out, but expect company tonight and tomorrow. I want your men at their best."

Will swore, and confirmed the order. "Yes sir. Ward out." He dropped the radio, and looked at the young radio operator sitting next to him. "Tell the men, 6 hour shifts all night. I want all weapons loaded at all times, and enforce a curfew with the civilians. 2100 Hours." The young marine jumped up, grabbing his weapon, and left to follow his orders. Hell was arriving.

That night, the city of Tyumen fell under Covenant attack. The off duty men would sit and listen to the radio chatter, both from Tyumen and from orbit. Both battles were going poorly, and it was lowering morale. Ward didn't want to kick them out from listening to the reports, especially not the militia men who might be tempted to leave their post to go help those in Tyumen. Many had friends and family there.

It wasn't till midday Monday that Sergeant Major Hansen returned to the radio. "Alpha to Delta, you read?"

Will had barely slept last night, between listening to the radio and patrolling the city limits looking for Covenant. "Yes sir, right here."

"Half of the attack force has broken off, headed for Monastir. Take charge of the defense of the city, don't let them push through the rural outskirts." There was gunfire and static for a few moments. "Even with their forces divided, they've taken Tyumen. We're doing our best to evacuate the population, but there's no where for them to go."

Will nervously looked at the group of men listening in, "Yes sir."

"Shit! Alpha out!" The radio cut out with another burst of gunfire.

The radio operator plugged his headset back in, and relayed messages to Gamma Platoon on the East side of the city, even thought they probably heard the transmission. Will turned to his men, "Spread the word, the Covenant are on their way."

"Sir, should we start evacuating the population?"

"To where soldier? Tyumen's gone. The ships in orbit have moved away from the planet in an attempt to preform minor repairs. We can't protect the entire city as they flee in panic from the oncoming storm." Will sighed. "I'll make an announcement over the city PA, letting them know what's happening. God save us all."

He stood, donned his helmet and grabbed his rifle. Ward was a marksman, and as such he carried his personal M392 Designated Marksman Rifle. The short walk to city hall was met with looks from passing civilians, some in fear, some in sadness, some even in pure hatred. However, everyone knew without the UNSC, the Covenant would just glass the entire planet and move on.

Ward walked in, and requested access to the PA system from the city AI. It was a "Dumb" A.I., which Will always thought was extremely insulting to the construct. He had never met a "Smart" A.I. to compare, but so far all the "Dumb" A.I.s he had met were all extremely intelligent, and rather pleasant people.

"Sergeant Ward, the City Council would like to know what your announcement is about before they allow you to use the system," The A.I. replied, in a pleasant tone. Will wondered briefly if anyone had told it about the Covenant's arrival.

He shifted his weight, and gently set his weapon down on the counter next to the computer terminal he was at. A nearby desk clerk looked at the weapon, and then up at the Marine, and tried to act like everything was fine. "I wish to inform the people of the city about the current situation, and the oncoming dangers. I wish to explain the UNSCs actions to them personally."

There was a pause as the A.I. relayed the information to the Council. "They wish to know if it is hopeless, if the city will be destroyed."

The damned A.I. still had that cheery persona it always had, even when discussing the demise of it's beloved occupants. Maybe that's what they meant by "Dumb" A.I. He collected himself, trying to answer calmly, "Not entirely. My men may be able to hold off the forces, however it is an extremely unlikely outcome. I would bet that they will kill us all, and burn the entire planet. Not unless our ships in orbit get their systems restored and manage to take out the Covenant ships."

A longer pause as the Council discussed the situation. "They have decided to let you make your announcement," the A.I. replied, and calmly opened the PA system for Will's use.

He muttered to himself, "Letting me take the blame than yourselves." The desk clerk next to him had stopped working, and was watching him as he started his speech. "Attention Monastir citizens. Everyone, stop what you're doing for a bit and listen up. This is Staff Sergeant William Ward, again. I wanted to personally brief you all on the current status of the defense of New Harmony. Straight, uncensored, and completely honest."

He paused, collecting his thoughts. His voice echoed through the entire city, every building, street corner and public restroom heard him. "As of 0540 hours this morning, the Navy fleet in orbit has retreated, attempting to get out of Covenant range, repair their weapons, and launch a new attack. That attack is scheduled for Thursday, 0900 hours. Until then, it is the duty of the Marines and your brave Militia to defend the planet from the ground force."

He let that sink in before continuing. "As some of you may be aware, last night Tyumen fell under attack. The attack was swift, and strong. The forces there did their best, but they were overrun. I fear we may not reestablish communications with them again. They were able to get some out of the city, but not all. Worst yet, is that the Covenant forces are moving toward us. They will be here tomorrow morning, we predict as early as 0500 hours."

The desk clerk beside him looked absolutely terrified. "However. My men are ready. We will hold the perimeter even if it costs us our lives. If you wish to flee the city, you may. Just know that there are no EVAC ships standing by, there are no reinforcements in other cities, there is just me, and the men under my command, standing at the city limits. Any able bodies willing to place their lives with my men are welcome to do so, however I will not force anyone, not even my own men, to be out there unless they want to."

He paused, "We will try to notify you when the Covenant are in visible range of the city, until then, I suggest you all prepare for the worst, and hope to god that we can hold until the fleet is ready. Thank you." He disconnected the line, and sighed, still standing at the terminal in front of him.

A sudden idea came to him, "You." He turned to clerk, who was on the verge of tears. "What's your name?"

"Julia..." She tried to regain her composure, "Julia Meyer."

"Julia," he smiled a bit. "Do you work closely with the A.I. here?" She nodded. "Do you know how to work the city mainframe?"

She looked a little confused, "Probably more than a normal person, but I'm nothing-"

"You'll do fine. Collect some gear, I need the A.I. to run the first line of defense in my plan." He quickly wrote down the location of his command center. "Bring the gear here, and I'll explain as you set it up."

"What about my work here?"

He turned to her, dead serious. She tensed up. "If you don't help me, it really won't matter if you did the work or not."

She nodded, "Right. Yes, got it. I'll be there in half an hour." She stood, grabbed her coat, and ran off in the opposite direction, headed deeper into City Hall.

Returning to his makeshift command center, William was greeted by Sergeant Stock, commander of Gamma Platoon. "Sir. I heard the broadcast, and figured I best be over here while we plan out our strategy."

Will nodded to him, "One moment Stock." He walked over to the radio operator, a Lance Corporal Edwards. "Corporal."


"Get some bodies, and clear out that room," he pointed to the back room, which was being used to store supplies. "I don't care where you put them, but we're moving all the vital systems back there. I want a large table set up, if we can outfit it with holographics. Leave space enough for several computer terminals, I'm having the Superintendent A.I. repurposed for tactical support by what passes for a specialist here. Be done in half an hour."

Edwards quickly ran off to follow his orders. Stock leaned against the wall, "Something planned sir?"

Will sighed. "We need every advantage we can get. I want your platoon to rewire as many security cameras as you can find to the perimeter of the city, focus mainly on the roads from Tyuman, but I want 360 degree coverage. Link them with A.I."

"Sir, if I may." Will waved him on. "Sir, even with cameras, spotting them sooner won't change the outcome."

Grabbing the Sergeant firmly, he answered. "You're right, however, it's only part one of the plan."


"All motorized vehicles have an A.I. uplink for remote driving in case of an accident." The sergeant still wasn't following. "The Covenant are about to get into an accident." It clicked. "She'll be able to see and drive the vehicles straight into them. Just like pins in a bowling alley."

Stock chucked, "Yes sir. I'll go radio my men, and start on the cameras." He left through the front door of the building, standing outside to get better reception on his short-range radio.

Will headed to the back to help Edwards with the set up. They finished just as Julia arrived, along with 5 men carrying boxes of computer equipment. "Julia, excellent, we have room in the command center, to the back."

She nodded, and led the men in. "These men are volunteers. Friends of mine."

Will nodded to each one, they all looked perfectly calm, but in their eyes he saw fear. "Excellent. We'll get them suited up as best we can."

It took Julia only a few minutes to set up her equipment, it was impressive compared to the technology the UNSC had given them. "All set up, the link with February is secure."

Will paused for a moment. "The A.I.'s name is February?"

Julia turned to him, "You didn't know?" He shrugged, looking innocent. "Well, now you know. February, you there?"

The terminal opened a new window, displaying an average looking (though somewhat pretty) human female, semi-transparent and blue. "Yes, I am here. What is it that Sergeant Ward needs?"

"Ask him yourself, Sergeant?"

Will approached the terminal, sitting next to Julia. "February, you have detected a number of security cameras going offline yes?"

"Affirmative. Members of UNSC Marine Gamma Platoon are moving them."

"Yes, I need you to relink them all up through here, and keep an eye out for any Covenant activity." He paused, "You can do that, right?"

She paused, her eyes moving as though she were looking at computer screens in front of her. "I believe so. It was not in my programming to preform military actions, I will do my best."

"Consider this basic training for A.I.s then. I also need you to shut down all motorized transportation in the city after 2100 hours tonight."

She nodded, "May I ask why."

"I'm repurposing the ground vehicles of this city into weapons. It is in your power to remote drive all the vehicles in the city, correct?"

"Of course, for emergency purposes only."

Will nodded, "This is an emergency. If the Covenant get here, it's your job to monitor their movements, and using the vehicles to hinder their efforts. Either by ramming them to death, or blocking up the streets."

February paused, her programming working double time in order to try and process the orders. "I do not know if I am capable of that particular task, Sergeant."

"Just, do the best you can do February. For all our sakes."

The A.I. nodded to him, "Very well. I will monitor the security perimeter." The connection closed, the monitor going back to a blank screen.

Julia raised an eyebrow, "You just managed to out talk a civilian A.I. into military service. I'm impressed."

"Julia, where ever you got this new found courage, mind sharing some with the rest of us?" Will said, giving her an equally surprised look.

She smiled, "If this is the end, and we're all going to die. I'm glad that I did my best to help out. I'm no soldier, but I'll do my part till the end."

He patted her shoulder as he stood, "If we survive, remind me to give you a medal or honorary commendation, Julia." He walked off, grabbing his short range radio. "Stock, progress report?"

There was a pause before the answer, "We have about three dozen cameras in place, and another two dozen being placed now. There are plenty more, if anything moves, we'll spot it."

"Make sure to leave some in the city limits, watching the roads, so the A.I. can see the city too."

"Way ahead of you sir, we have two cameras watching every street in the city already, we're only moving the extras and interiors cameras."

Will nodded, glad they thought of it. "Good work."

"Sir, I should also report we have about two dozen young men and women civilians helping out. They don't want to see combat, but they wish to help in some way."

"When you're finished, set them up as look outs, medics, and other such positions. Make sure they all get the chance to defend their city."

"Yes sir, Stock out."

Will sat in a chair at his new command table. Edwards was in the process of hooking up holographics to it, so for now it was nothing but a wooden table. He sighed, leaning back, watching the men and women come and go from the room, all busy preparing for the attack. The only constant was Julie, who was monitoring the camera feeds with February.

Author's Notes: New Halo fanfiction. I really love Halo, and I as much as I try I can't stay away from it for too long. Anyway, 'The Harmony of Species' is basically what resulted from thinking about 'The Story of Em' and what sort of things I would do if I were to continue working on it. This has nothing to do with that fic, so don't worry. You will find this will have several similarities with Em, but that is just because I happen to like those elements. Next chapter will be up a week from today (so next Tuesday).