A/N: If you are still a subscriber of my other story 'Nothing's Right', please unsubscribe NOW because I will never update it.

May I explain myself: I have talked to xXxIVYxXx and asked her if I could trade the story of hers I was doing for another one and she gratefully accepted (Thank You so much Ivy!). She gave me three amazing choices and I chose to do two of them by mixing them together. I've worked on this one for five days none stop and I'd appreciate if you wouldn't flame if it isn't good.

Don't forget most of the credits go to xXxIVYxXx (the idea, concept, heads up, and lots other) and she would like you leave a comment if possible.

Love to everyone :)

Ps: My new PenName is FeelingThePullCallYourName. I just got tired of the old one and the idea is from the amazing Canadian singer Carly Rae Johnson's song 'Tug of War' lyrics.

Disclaimer: According to the Canadian law, I am not legally authorized to tell you I am the owner of TDI/TDA/TDWT or FreshTV or other stuff like that if I of course don't. So I will just say that someday I am going to rule the world with few of my loyal friends and THEN I am gonna own it!

I don't own the lyrics either.

Found your letter on a full moon Sunday night. On a knee in ink you offered a ring, a real life.

~Vanessa Carlton, "Fair-weather Friends"

Before Everything Happened

Or if You Prefer,


A love story always starts basically with two people. Sometimes their encounter is just a simple coincidence like him bumping into her on the street nearby the cheapest coffee shop of the neighbourhood, her holding a double expresso with a lot of whipped cream on top and her brand new blue cardigan, him in a big hurry for his boss's four a.m. latté causing him to rush toward that previously introduced café, the two colliding into each other and staining her expensive piece of clothing and him offering her to pay for the damage... Or some other times, it's just the two introduced to each other by a close couple of friends. Yeah, originally love stories aren't always the classic of Romeo and Juliet but who really cares? Love is still love, no matter your gender, species, interest or sexuality and everyone truly dreams someday one white knight will climb on the brick wall of your bedroom, throw pebbles at your window and escape far away with you on his white horse, living happily ever after.

Courtney Harrington honestly never believed into those old ladies' fairy tales at least, not anymore. For her, love never had been and never would be, she was convinced of this. There was one boy she thought had felt this with, and he betrayed her. He killed half of her soul, telling her that was the right thing to do for both of them. She didn't want to listen to those empty apologies, she didn't want to believe them because she believed he didn't mean them. Since that day, that damned day she remembered she was sixteen, Courtney had kept telling herself the nearest thing to love is just happening when two people are attracted to each other, feeling lust, caring for each other, but nothing more. What she didn't know is that she actually was living that thing she pretended not to believe in.

Her heart throbbing, her hands shaking and her eyes full of expectations, Courtney just couldn't fully realize what was happening. Turtle eyes fearless and glowing, firmly opening a small box containing what she already knew was in, most of the customers of the café had stopped doing their activities just to be part of the scene, some of them on the verge of tears, instantly rejoicing for both of them. On a knee, he pulled up the velvet lid, flashing a beautiful diamond ring resting on a blue satin bed, her eyes started to water up as he recited the speech he had rehearsed for weeks now.

"Courtney Elisabeth Bethany Harrington, will you marry me?"

Her heart was beating faster and faster as the other indivuals were impatiently waiting for her answer. A smile was curled on her lipstick-ed lips, wondering how a little visit at a café turned into this, as tears kept running down her cheeks and probably ruining her light make-up. She giggled nervously, trying to wipe the big amount of water escaped from her eyes and concluded one of the most beautiful moments of her life.

"Yes I will!"

The musician and her future husband triumphantly got up, still a little shaky from that moment, and caught her fiancée into a warm and loving embrace, cheered by the touched crowd surrounding them, some of them sobbing and clapping their hands. Both couldn't realize what was happening but that was. It was now official; in a few weeks, Courtney Harrington was going to marry Trent Adams.


It was a Friday morning when he woke up, waiting for the day he never really planned. He was barely 21, his heart and body still basically young but wasn't really waiting for any letter, any slight expectations, anything of life. His punkish Mohawk messy because of the sleepy night he just passed, he stretched his arms and glanced to the right, catching the sight of the thing he would consider as the most beautiful in the world so far. Blue streaks and strands of hair covering the porcelain face of an angel still sleeping, he knew that was the right choice. He always did. When TDWT ended, Duncan was sure Gwen was the right girl for him. That is why he had chosen her over Courtney.

Gwen had anything a man would look in a woman. She was nice, sincere, authentic and incredibly beautiful. They both felt chemestry going between them, something he rarely felt with his ex-girlfriend. Yeah, Courtney was one real nice girl but him and her together just didn'twork out. The prep was competitive, bitchy and curiously always really jealous when he was talking to Gwen. At the start, Duncan found it a little cute and funny when she was overreacting just because he was flirting with the goth but that slowly changed into something more. More days were passing, more Courtney was getting annoying, and more Duncan was tempted to skip the 'friends' phase with Gwen. That wasn't close friendship anymore, it was attraction, or a crush in a more teenagerish way.

In the middle of TDWT, Duncan stopped trying to understand and broke up with the former C.I.T., saying it wasn't going to work out. That broke her heart, even shattered it or worse burned it but they both knew it was best. As far as he could remember, Courtney and he never really talked again since that. Every time he would see her, she would run in another side and start bawling. Even if she were his ex and honestly didn't give a damn about her life then, he had to admit that sort of broke his heart see her this way. But that was easily forgotten once Gwen was there.

Beside her, there was Trent who was still a little broken-hearted that Gwen just left him and now she was dating another guy. The nine obsesser wouldn't own it up but everyone could see in his eyes he was still damaged by this, hurt even. That was hard for the couple to live at a place where their ex's kept reminding how they broke their hearts. They then agreed on moving into an appartment far from them. Far from everything, welcoming a new life. It happened three years ago.

The punk rolled out of bed, managing to forget about those old memories. Doing his best not to wake his girlfriend up, he dressed up, putting on his usual faded jeans and red chucks. Tiptoeing out of the room, he walked out the room and toward the kitchen, looking for the thousandth time at the dark decoration covering the apartment walls. The kitchen close, he suddenly decided to first go to the first floor of the apartment building and get the mails, not as he would normally do. It was a little late in the morning so the mailman must have passed.

He took the elevator, waiting while the glassy doors were closing and the machine was moving down in a fast motion, a dizzy sensation escaping from this swift pace to invade his body. That quickly stopped when the small booth slowed on the ground floor, the first one you stepped on when you penetrate in the building. The mail boxes were near, just a few step and he was able to unlock his and snatch out a few enveloppes.

Bills, birthday party invitations from Gwen's cousins, useless catalogues... A few things he would normally find in that whole mess. Though he thought already know what was in, Duncan kept going through the enveloppes until his eyes stop as his body froze over one in particular. Golden italic letters carved in the soft white paper covering the important document in and a few doves twirled on top, the delinquent could recognize it was one of those stupid wedding invitations like he received when his older brother got married a year ago.

Normally, he wouldn't even bother unfolding those kinds of shit but today, he felt like giving this a try. After all, though Gwen was a goth, she still had to admit she loved to go to weddings. Just another one wouldn't kill. He ripped open the white delicate paper and pulled out a perfectly folded cream white card, indeed containing the name of the husband and wife-to-be. Again, in front was written some cheesy lovesick quoted message saying "There is only one happiness in life; to love and to be loved". Skipping this message, Duncan went straight to the point.

For a second, he felt his heart stop beating normally. He couldn't understand what he was seeing, he couldn't figure out how that could happen, he couldn't even know why that mattered so much. Duncan blinked twice, just to be sure. He felt his body weakening though the card was still strong held between his fingers. His mind started to roam, looking for answers half of them he already knew. So many emotions were going through his mind; rage, confusion, bitterness, sadness, hurt, wonder... The list was taking length. Like he didn't knew anymore how the world was going, what date we were, what his name was, who won TDI... All he could see was a few silver letters perfectly written on the thin cardboard.

"You are cordially invited to attend the union of Trenton Adams and Courtney Harrington."