Chapter One: New Life, New School

Author`s note: Here is a new fanfic again sorry for all the deleting of stories but am not happy with them, but to quell you over here is a nice M rate yaoi with lemon included. So don't get mad at me.

Disclaimer: I dunt own Kingdom Hearts or anything.

Summary (full): Roxas is an orphan who was adopted by Leon and Aerith after his real parents were murdered. The young teen was also separated from his brother Sora. Roxas isn't just any ordinary boy so he much watch not to let anyone unwanted know about his secret. He carried wings that gave him the ability to fly, but within him he holds an unknown power. The power of the dragons. Axel is a rich kid, his father Reno is one of the wealthiest men in the world. Axel is also unique; he wields the power of fire and can burn everything he touches without his gloves if he isn't careful. Can these two teens from very different universes come together?

Pairing: AkuRoku (main)

Warnings: Lemon in later chapters, rape, language. Don't like don't read it's that simple. Don't say I didn't warn you.


Roxas was a young orphan of the age of 16. He lived in the care of Aerith and Leon. They were very nice people, but weren`t exactly rich, middle class at most.

Roxas and his brother Sora had been separated when their parents were killed four years ago. The young blond hadn`t seen or heard from his brother ever since.

Roxas was a very unique boy with a secret. He had wings that gave him the ability to fly. Today was his first day in his new school and he was nervous, he had trust issues and with a very good reason for it. Roxas was a bit shy, but when pissed off he was lethal.

"Roxas! Are you ready? You`re going to miss the bus!" Roxas heard Aerith call from the kitchen. Of course he had to take the bus.

"In a minute!" Roxas called back as he put on a sleeveless grey shirt and a checkered hoodie over his wings. Only a few people knew about his uniqueness and he intended to keep it that way after what happened last time.

Roxas knew it was troublesome to keep his wings hidden beneath his clothing all the time, but it was necessary. Roxas put on the strap of his messenger style bag over his shoulder and headed to the kitchen where he grabbed some pop tarts.

"Bye Aerith! Bye Leon!" Roxas called as he headed to the door.

"Have a good day at school!" Aerith called after the blond.

When Roxas got to the bus stop there were already people there but Roxas didn't know them so he didn't talk to them.

There weren't any problems on the bus besides the fact that he learned that he couldn't sit in the back because it had been dubbed a non popular kids zone.


Roxas stood by the front office uneasily.

Boy I wish Sora was here. But I can't help having the feeling that I might see Sora again here. Call it twin intuition. Roxas thought.

Roxas went into the front office and went up to the long counter that cut the room in half. There was a lady behind the counter; Roxas didn't pay much attention to what she looked like.

"How may I help you?" The lady asked.

"My name is Roxas_. I am a new student here." Roxas said.

"Of course." The lady said and began shuffling through papers.

"Here`s your schedule, a map of the school and a paper that you need to get signed by the teachers and return it afterschool." The lady at the counter explained as she handed Roxas the papers. Roxas took them and went to one side of the room to look at his schedule which went as follows:

1st Period- English II Teacher: Saix

2nd Period- World History Honors Teacher: Luxord

3rd Period- Biology Teacher: Vexen

4th Period- P.E Teacher: Xigbar


5th Period- Home Ec. Teacher: Marluxia

6th Period- Art Teacher: Rikku

7th Period- Psychology Teacher: Saix

This seems pretty simple Roxas thought as he headed to his first period class following his map. The warning bell had already rung so he only had so much time and he didn't want to be late on his first day.

Finally he found the classroom and not a moment too soon. Roxas went up to the teacher who looked like he didn't want to be teaching a bunch of high schoolers. The teacher Saix had long electric blue hair, peculiar golden eyes and an `X´ shaped scar on his face.

"Um, excuse me?" Roxas said nervously. Saix whirled around with an obvious intent to harm making Roxas back away.

"What do you want?" Saix snapped.

"Uh…um …I am new here my name is Roxas_" Roxas said as he waved the paper and his schedule. Saix snatched the papers and after looking over them and signing the paper he briskly gave them back.

"Well Roxas why don't you introduce yourself to the class?" Saix said. Roxas turned around never taking his eyes off the floor.

"H-Hi, my name is Roxas_ and I am from Twilight Town." Roxas said stammering slightly.

Roxas was born in Twilight Town and he lived there up until he was 13 that was when the "incident" happened. After the events that happened later a year after the "incident" he landed in an orphanage back in Twilight Town, then a few weeks ago he'd moved to Hollow Bastion to live with his adoptive parents Aerith and Leon.

After the embarrassment of introducing himself to the whole class Roxas went and sat down in an empty seat near the back. Class soon started but Roxas paid little attention to the lecture taking notes robotically and writing down the homework for the day. As class ended something smacked him square in the face snapping the young blond out of his thoughts. Roxas looked down at his desk where a piece of folded paper lay.

Roxas frowned and picked up the piece of paper looking at it skeptically. The blond looked around to see who had thrown it but everyone had already left.

"Huh I wonder who gave me this" Roxas said t himself as he left to his locker. Once he put away his things he wouldn't need right then he opened the note.

Meet me in the courtyard after school

-You know Who

Roxas frowned. 'You know Who' Roxas re-read. He didn't know anyone in this place. The blond held high hopes that it might be someone he'd left behind when he'd moved to Hollow Bastion.


Currently Roxas was heading to the courtyard where he was to meet this mystery person. He stood in the middle of the courtyard where it was stone, the rest of the courtyard being grass and trees closed off by a metal wire fence. Roxas waited a while.

Roxas was about to give up when…

"Roxas!" A cheery voice said and he was suddenly glomped.

"Get off me!" Roxas hissed not knowing who it was.

"Tsk, Tsk still have that personal space issue I see, brother." The spiky brunette said letting go of Roxas. Roxas`s eyes widened in realization.

"S-Sora!" Roxas exclaimed.

"The one and only" Sora said with a grin.

"Sora! where the hell have you been? Why didn't you try to contact me, visit me or find me! You goddamn idiot." Roxas said angrily

"I`ve been busy and I didn't know whether you still were in Twilight Town. Obviously you aren't." Sora said.

"Busy? For four years? I don't think so Sora!" Roxas erupted in anger again.

"I am sorry alright Roxas." Sora apologized.

"I am not forgiving you that easily. You were the only real friend I had all my life Sora. When we were separated after our parents were killed by that psycho I didn't have anything anymore." Roxas said downcast.

"What can I do to make it up to you?" Sora asked.

"Well you can start by coming over to my house today for a while and catch up." Roxas said. "You get to see my nice new home."

Sora laughed softly. "How can I say no to that Sure little brother." Sora agreed. "Let me just clear it with the boss." Sora continued as he took out his phone.

"Boss?" Roxas said questioningly.

I'll explain later Sora mouthed.

Roxas watched his brother. Sora hadn't changed a bit, same chocolate brown hair, same goofy smile, and same carefree attitude. Then again Roxas doubted that So

Ra had gone through the hardships that he had gone through. It was Roxas who had changed.

"There all clear Roxie. I have to go back at 8:30. I told my boss the reason why and he gave me a good amount of time to spend with you." Sora piped up.

"That's a good thing. Then c'mon." Roxas said.

The brothers both left the courtyard and walked to Roxas's house. He didn't live that far away from the school but Aerith insisted for him to take the bus.

"So little brother do you still have your wings?" Sora asked as they walked.

"Yeah still do. The secret is still safe from unwanted ears." Roxas said.

"That's good." Sora smiled.

They finally got to Roxas's house. It wasn't much but it was a nice warm, cozy little one floored home.

"Here we are! My nice new home." Roxas said.

"Aww it's so cute. I wish I could live in such a warm homely place." Sora said.

"And where do you live now Sora?" Roxas asked as they made their way to the front door.

"I'll tell you in a bit. Don't be so impatient." Sora laughed.

Roxas made a 'humph' sound and opened the door. He wasn't surprised it was unlocked, that meant Leon was home. Aerith worked everyday until late evening.

"Leon am home!" Roxas called.

"In the living room." Leon called back. Roxas smiled at Sora and headed into the living room. Leon stood up from where he was sitting reading the newspaper when he saw Sora.

"Is this who I think it is Roxas?" Leon asked.

"Yup. Leon this is my long lost brother Sora. Sora this is my adoptive father Leon." Roxas introduced.

"About time." Leon chuckled.

"Excuse me?" Sora said.

"It's just that when we first brought Roxas home he wouldn't stop talking about you. It was driving me insane. I actually even had to threaten him by saying I was going to ground him the next time he mentioned you." Leon said running a hand through his hair.

"We'll be in my room if you need us Leon." Roxas said dragging his brother to his room in the little hallway where the bedrooms and the bathroom were just past the living room.

"Have fun kids" Leon said sitting back down and going back to reading his newspaper while smiling slightly and shaking his head a bit.


Sora sat upon Roxas's black and white checkered comforter.

"I see you've developed and obsession with checks Roxie." Sora said. Indeed there were several black and white checkered items throughout the room.

"Shut up." Roxas grumbled as he donned his hoodie and fitted his wings through the slits on the back of his sleeveless shirt. Roxas outstretched his ebony wings being careful to not knock something over. His wingspan was too big for his cozy little room.

"It must be annoying to hide them under your clothes all day." Sora thought out loud.

"Are you kidding? It's a pain in the ass Sora. What if your limbs were folded against your body for hours on end? Trapped. I cant even fly that often. Only when Aerith and Leon take me to deserted places once or twice a week." Roxas ranted.

"I understand it must be hard on you." Sora said. Roxas sighed and sat down besides Sora.

"You bet your ass it is." Roxas grumbled. "What about you Sora? What have you been up to all these years?"

Sora looked down at his shoes for a moment.

"When we were separated I was later found in the streets by a man named Reno Flare. He let me live with him for a reason I don't yet understand, but I don't live there for free I have to work in his mansion in return for shelter, food and luxuries." Sora told Roxas. Roxas was silent for a moment.

"Is this Reno rich? What do you do for him? Who else lives in the mansion?"Roxas asked curiously. Sora had to laugh at his brother´s curiosity.

"What's so funny?" Roxas demanded.

"Nothing, nothing." Sora replied.

"So? Tell me." Roxas tried again.

"Well, yeah Reno is filthy rich. As for what I do, well I do mostly anything and let me tell ya some of those jobs aren't pleasant." Sora said.

"I almost feel bad for you." Roxas said sarcastically. Sora just rolled his eyes.

"So does anyone else live in that mansion?" Roxas asked.

"Yeah. There are the servants. Reno of course, Reno's son Axel. Axel's two sisters Kairi and Namine, Axel's two orphan friends Demyx and Zexion and obviously myself. That's about it." Sora explained

Roxas 'hm-ed' and lay down on the bed.

"So Sora wil I see you in school tomorrow?" Roxas asked his brother.

"Hmm, sure I'll take you to school in the limo." Sora said.

"L-Limo?" Roxas exclaimed sitting up.

"Ha-ha yeah. Some of us cant drive yet so we get our own limo." Sora said.

"That's awesome. Am I going to see you at lunch?" Roxas asked.

"Uhm I don't know, I hang out with people that wouldn't be a good influence on you. And Axel's coming back to school tomorrow. He inst exactly what I call a good influence, he can go from calm to dangerous in a few seconds flat and I don't want you to get hurt." Sora said truthfully.

"Sora I am not as helpless as I used to be when our parents Cloud and Tifa use to be alive. Somethings have happened sicne Sephiroth separated us that changed me. I am very capable of defending myself." Roxas said angrily.

" I can tell Roxas. Sorry if I upset you." Sora said apologetically. Roxas smiled weakly at Sora.

"Don't worry about it." Roxas said. They spent a good amounth of time working on homework and chatting until Aerith came home about at 7:50pm.

"Roxas dinner time!" The brother's heard Aerith's call about at 8pm.

"Can you stay?" Roxas asked. Sora looked at the time and nodded.

"Sure I got 30 minutes left." Sora said. The two headed out of roxas's room and into the kitchen.

"Oh hello there Sora, nice to see your face around here." Aerith greeted.

Roxas and Sora looked at each other puzzled and slightly confused.

"Of course I know who you are. Cloud was a very close friend of mine that's part of the reason why we took you in Roxas." Aerith said.

Roxas nodded and sat down at the dinning table making room for Sora. Dinner went very well, but the in was time for Sora to go. Roxas and Sora currently stood on Roxas's porch.

"Do you have a cellphone Roxie?" Sora asked.

"Yeah its fairly recent. I had to get a job to help pay for it. I pay half and Aerith pays the rest." Roxas said.

"Where do you work?" Sora asked.

"You know that smoothie shop Crazy Smoothies?" Roxas asked.

"Yeah ha-ha. That's cool." Sora laughed.

"Shut up." Roxas laughed as he handed Sora his phone. Roxas's background was of himself, Cloud,Tifa and Sora at a picnic the day before their parents were murdered.

"Hey I remember this day. You still havee that photo?" Sora asked.

"Yeah." Roxas answered solemnly.

"I'll call you tomorrow bright and early." Sora said handing Roxas back his phone after putting in his number. Roxas in turn put his cell number in Sora's blackberry.

"See ya tomorrow then bro." Roxas said.

"Yeah." Sora replied hugging the young blond before her left. Roxas watched his brother leave before he sighed and went back inside.

"Leon, Aerith am going to finish up my homework." Roxas said heading into his room. He didn't wait for a response before he locked himself up in his room.

" I cant believe Sora's really here." Roxas said as he went into his closet and grabbed a box out of the corner that was labeled `Memories From Twilight Town`and put it on his bed.

Roxas opened the box and sighed sadly as he looked in it. The winged blond retrieved several pictur frames and placed them on his bedside table. Seeing Sora again had stirred up feelings inside him that he'd locked away. Roxas placed the box in a corner of his room. After a moment of staring at the pictures he'd dug out he rummaged in his desk for sticky notes and a pen then he made a note

Go To Twilight Town With Sora

And stuck it on the wall above his bed. Roxas then finished up his homework, took a bath and went to bed.

"Goodnight Mom, Dad." Roxas spoke to the heavens and went to sleep snuggling up in his checkered comforter.

A/N: How'd ya like that? I admit it didn't quite come out how I had imagined but it is still to my liking.

~Reviews = music to my soul~