Hehe I updated booya yay

This one's in the Akatsuki base.

I don't own Naruto

Warning: A failed attempt at humour

Sasori POV

I couldn't help but feel weird something wasn't right. Well nothings ever right here but still.

"Danna Tobi won't stop harassing me un. He's being such a pain un." Deidara my brat of a partner complained.

"And why do you think I care" I replied getting annoyed

The idiot just pouted like a three year old

"Hey danna where's Zetsu un I wanna make him eat the mailman" Deidara asked looking around. Short attention span what can I say.

Deidara ran into the night in search for the plant guy.

Making my way to my beautiful marionette I set to work.

About ten minutes in though I heard Konan calling from the lounge. Ugh what now so many distractions looking from my new puppet Set, to the door and back to Set I was pondering whether to go or not. It's probably important… I decided on going to the lounge with a sigh I sat up and went to the door.


Upon entering the room I was greeted with the scene of a hand sticking out of Zetsu's mouth, Deidara telling him to "eat it, eat it", one of Hidan's rituals and Itachi; quietly reading a book. Then leader-sama entered the room and all went quiet.

"As all of you may not know our efforts on capturing the jinchuruki seem to be in vain" he explained "now Zetsu has discovered a book, an encyclopaedia in fact that has infinite knowledge upon everything" he paused probably to make it dramatic tch drama king "So I want ALL of you to bring me the book, I don't care what you have to do; BRING IT TO ME" he said all high and mighty.

"Leader-sama" I asked "where is said book anyway?"

Pein looked at us a smirk played on his lips "Actually Sasori-san it's in another dimension"

Upon hearing that the room went silent

Hidan was the first to speak "What the FUCK are you talking about!" he said in his usual loud voice. Geez will that man ever stop cussing or living for that matter the world would be such a better place without him.

"Shut up Hidan lets get packing" Kakuzu said pulling his partner away.

""This is going to be a very interesting mission" Itachi mused darkly silencing us again. With that we all went to pack

Wow chickens this really was a humour fail ah well sorry it's so short

Review if ya want I don't care anymore although I guess it would be nice

And don't worry I'm GOING to finish this story Dattebayo