



A youth wiped his forehead as he hid among the foliage, again he found himself in enemy territory, him and his pokemon versus a hoard of crazed Trainers and their pokemon.

He silently cursed as the group failed to pick up on his false tracks and diversions. They caught up to him pretty quickly despite the obstacles that barricade their way, they were like a force of nature.

"I don't see him!?"

"How did we lose him!?"

"Find him!?"

He carefully reached for his pokeball, his team took a heavy beating on top of that he was sure the supplies were smashed around too inside his backpack when he fled the PokeCenter he was scavenging.

He gritted his teeth, his pokemon were top-notch in battles, contests and most situations, but the trainers he encountered…

They were positively murderous.

When it happened, he could hardly believe his eyes and ears with what he was witnessing. He quickly got his friends to defend their homes, but he found them already up to their necks with insane trainers and pokemon. Gym Leaders and police forces were doing their best to stem the overflow of insanity sweeping through Hoenn.

"Need to get to the open…Latios is waiting for me…" he inched closer to his chosen avenue of escape, he watched the snarling trainers and pokemon…

Come on…

They argued, the pokemon hissed at each other…

Come on…

The pointed from where they came…

Come on…!

They all turned their backs, the pokemon following as well, the youth quickly crept out and silently stepped away, he could see a nice open place for Latios to grab him. His muscles ached from all the running, but he kept quiet, it was important he got back quickly and safely.

Almost there…ah, I can see Latios!

The youth grinned only to have it fall as the wind swept through, his scent carried on…

The leaving Mad pokemon froze and immediately turned around, snarling and drooling, their madden eyes locked on their sneaky target, the trainers mirroring them as well.

"Oh, fuck."

Brendan reached to his belt and released his Gardevoir and Absol, "Slow them down!"

The two immediately lashed out with Moonblast and Dark Pulse, staggering the leading Miltank, Breloom and Luxio, but they screamed in anger and rushed the trainer.

Latios nose dived as Brendan and his pokemon were forced back, the dragon pokemon spiral, dodging tree branches and swept up the trainer and his pokemon before shooting upwards again.

Brendan quickly withdrew his pokemon, "Oh, thank you, Latios, a second later and we would be Mightyena and Ursaring chow."

Let's avoid talking about that now, let's just get back before Latias gets worried.

Brendan grinned as he readied to Mega Evolve Latios, "Alright, let's speed up this-!"

Latios suddenly spun on his sides, Brendan only latching on by his fingers, "Wha-!?" Brendan's eyes widen as a masked trainer flew ahead of them on a Pidgeot, it quickly swerved and speeded up to collide into them.

"Damn, these guys never quit!"

Well, so do we!

Brendan raised his arm and the two were encased in an orb only to shatter and reveal Mega Latios, "Alright, let's blow this guy out of the sky!"

The trainer and Pidgeot reaction was only to speed up, the masked trainer raised up an arm as well and the two were also encased in an orb only to be broken apart as a Mega Pidgeot streaked towards them.

Brendan grabbed hold as the two tried to outpace each other, they raced over Hoenn, plumes of smoke and areas of ruin were abundant as of late. The Pidgeot slammed into Latios trying to veer it into trees, Latios retaliated by using Luster Purge forcing it back.

Brendan glared at the masked Pidgeot rider as they raced across Hoenn again, we can't go back with this guy on our tail and they need these now!

Suddenly Pidgeot began to flap hard and the winds around Latios began to go against it, Latios twisted itself in the nick of time as Pidgeot suddenly flew past them like a bullet.

"It used Tailwind!"

The Pidgeot swerved and pelt straight for them again, the masked Trainer pointed at him before Pidgeot sent several flying arcs at the both of them, "Damn, its Air Slash!"

Brendan yelled as Latios rolled and twisted, expertly dodging the deadly arcs as Pidgeot chased them all over the landscape, the arcs shearing whatever it came into contact with.

Latios swerved upwards to the sun, the Pidgeot followed only to have the sunlight blinded momentarily before getting smacked silly by Latios as it came crashing down with a mouth full of bluish fire right in the bird's face,

Dragon Breath!

Pidgeot feebly flapped it to keep itself aloft as the two sped away, the masked Trainer pointed at it and Pidgeot raced after it. Brendan looked back, "Alright, let's take them out with this next one, they think we're fleeing but they are in for a surprise."

Latios made a sharp U-turn and raced back, Brendan desperately held on as Latios started to reach finger-peeling speed. Seeing determine looks of its opponents, the Pidgeot unleashed its most powerful attack,


Ice Beam!

The winds ripped apart at Latios as the frigid beam caused the Pidgeot plummet after being struck, Brendan tried to hold on but the winds last effort finally detach him from Latios. He fell too fast even as Latios raced towards its rider, Brendan braced himself seeing the ground looked very solid.

Latios streamline itself and caught Brendan before he could make friends with the ground, but before the two could sigh in relief, the momentum carried sent to two crashing into some brush then into a nearby house. They broke right through the window and crashed into the sofa, Brendan was launched and nearly broke the kitchen table when he landed on it.

"Oh, Arceus, that hurt…"

He groaned, it hurt everywhere, he turned himself enough to see Latios unconscious on the broken sofa. He tried to pull himself up but he gave up as his vision swam with dark spots, "I have…to…" Instead he reached and tapped on one of his Pokeball, releasing Gardevior, it cried at the sight of him and Latios.

"Don't…don't move me…check on…" he gestured to the sleeping dragon and it immediately nodded. He waited for his pain to subside, but it seemed waiting only made it worse for him, he rolled himself over and staggered to his feet nearly blacking out. He looked around the kitchen the best his vision could provide, with all the ruckus the crash made he was sure the occupants would be investigating, I guess…we lucked out…no one's home…

He painfully limped to the kitchen area and opened the cabinets, most were empty of food and utensils, though some wash clothes and cut towels were neatly folded. He slowly went over to the refrigerator and found it still running, though there were hardly any food inside except condiments and empty containers.

"Please…let there be…" he rubbed his eyes and peered at the containers again, there was something pushed to the back. He groaned as he knelt before he reached in, shoving the empty containers before pulling free a heavy juice carton. He squinted at the label before opening and drinking his fill before he limped to Latios and Gardevoir, the dragon was still asleep but Gardevoir was busy picking up the glass shards and tossing them outside.

Brendan looked at himself, he took a beating from landing on the table, but thanks to Latios he avoided a lot more injuries he should have gotten. He limped closer to Latios and stroke its head, it opened its eyes and looked at Brendan before sleeping again, Gardevoir finished its chore and immediately went and fussed over him.

"I'll be…fine." He whispered, the Psychic Fairy Pokemon gave him a meaningful look, he gave a half grin trying to convince her, "I'm fine…really."

It slowly nodded and began to tend to the dragon again, Brendan looked out the window and saw the path the two had taken, he cringed at the sight of it all. He looked over the sofa and found his pack, he unzipped and sighed seeing the supplies nearly flatten. He took out the ruined supplies and began to separate what he could salvage and what was no longer usable.

Once that was done he limped to the kitchen and took the containers from the fridge, he poured juice inside them and gave one to Gardevoir and the other to Latios, the latter he had to held feed.

"We'll have to camp it here for the night until your better."

I don't think I'm in any shape to fly anytime soon...

Brendan looked sadly at the dragon, but it merely closed its eyes and slept, Gardevoir patted Latios on the head; the trainer limped to a vacant armchair and without much effort, he fell asleep too.


Brendan yawned and looked around sleepily, Latios was still resting on the sofa however a deep orange light spilled into the room. He felt his body protest as he left the armchair and walked to the broken window, he could see the sun setting.

"Oh, that's not good…" Brendan whispered suddenly awake, he stiffly walked to the kitchen to see his Gardevoir staring outside the curtain window, "What's the matter?"

It looked back at him before gesturing, Brendan walked over puzzled before looking outside: there was a lot of scampering and shadows passing. The trainer looked at the door and bolt it shut, "We have lock this place down."

He went to the front door and bolt it shut before looking at the massive hole they made entering the house, he glanced at some bookshelves, "I guess those will have to do…"

Brendan tapped one of his pokeballs before Blaziken leapt out of the ball, it was still beaten up fighting a Mad Slaking and Breloom. Brendan directed the Fighting/Fire pokemon and together they moved the furniture they needed to blockade openings such as windows and doors.

"I hope this will hold…" Brendan panted as they moved the last shelf, he glanced at the second floor stairs, he didn't explore there yet. Something felt off to him.

He motion Blaziken to follow him and the two started up the stairs, the trainer looked at the four doors, "Must be bedrooms…" He tentatively walked towards each of them and quietly open each one, Blaziken stood behind him, flames crackling at the ready.

It turned out of be two bedrooms, one bathroom and one storage room. The bedroom were stripped down of its belongings leaving only the bed and random assortment of clothes in the drawers and closet, if he had to guess it must of belonged to siblings. He got Blaziken to move whatever furniture left in the rooms to barricade the windows before moving on.

The bathroom has miniscule supplies left, some Potions and one packet of painkillers. Water was still running and he took the time to at least wash his face clean, Blaziken helped itself to some water. The storage room had more promising things inside, Brendan took whatever he could use inside a duffel bag: a battery-powered lantern, a first aid tin, a rain coat, canteen and a can of Repel.

By the time he went downstairs with Blaziken, the sun had finally set and rooms were dark and silent. Blaziken flared up its wrists lighting it enough for Brendan to see his Gardevoir and Latios still safe, he smiled at them before he heard something ominous.

Scampering and sniffing.

Gardevoir and Latios tensed as did Blaziken, it was drawing closer towards the house. Brendan quickly and quietly reached the two, trying to calm them down, the Mad Pokemon were considerably more active at night, although they don't slow down either in broad daylight.

They waited in tense minutes even as the pokemon began to snarl and bump into the house. Blaziken tighten its fist and electricity began to run as Gardevoir began to glow, the trainer immediately stopped them,

"You can't! If you fight now we'll be overrun! Latios can't fly us to safety!"

He is right, you know.

The two pokemon traded glances and grudgingly behaved themselves, they were often in harms way when the Mad Pokemon struck and hardly left unscathed. Brendan sighed as the scratching started, they began to sniff loudly underneath the doors and cracks in the window.

Latios eyed the barricades before adjusting itself to face it, if they do break through I want to fight to the end.

Brendan gave a grim nod and the four of them hunkered down, hoping the hoard of Mad Pokemon would pass. The minutes dwindle away slowly as they stayed alert to the outside activities, Brendan took a sharp intake of breath when a howl pierce the night air.

Latios readied a Dragon Breath as the shelf that blocked the window they broke through creaked; something on the other side was pushing against it. Blaziken and Brendan crept quietly and held the shelf, stopping it from creaking.

Latios and Gardevoir nearly lashed out as did the other two as the shelf rocked violently, Brendan and Blaziken grunted feeling an impressive force began to push the shelf.

Brendan felt the shelf begin to skid more and more, the chilly night air entered the room, Blaziken turned and glanced at the crack of the window before it shoved the shelf to the side causing Brendan to fall to the side

A crazed Hariyama fell forward as Blaziken cocked an arm back,

Aerial Ace!

The Arm Thrust Pokemon took it right in the face before it fell back, Blaziken grabbed the shelf and yanked it back into place. Within moments, loud scampering came to investigate before something large was dragged away, the sound of jaws snapping was apparent.

Brendan rubbed his side where he fell as Blaziken helped him up, "Thanks, a bit of warning next time though."

The pokemon shrugged.

The four of them listened intently for minutes, the scampering and snarling had faded away into blissful silence. Brendan sighed, grateful the danger had passed, before he walked over to the pokemon, "Let's get you back in your pokeballs." Blaziken nodded and returned however Gardevoir refused despite Brendan's insisting.

"Why not? You're still hurt."

Gardevoir didn't meet his eye and he eventually left the pokemon be, he went over to the armchair and flopped, tired from the scare of being overrun by crazed pokemon. He was asleep in no time.

Latios gave the trainer a glance before falling asleep too. Gardevoir glanced at the dragon pokemon before it walked over to the sleeping Brendan, it gently cooed as it brushed his bangs from his face before finding a comfortable spot to rest as well. Its watchful eye on its trainer.


Brendan yawned awake again, he blinked sleepily before he could make out Latios hovering above the sofa it crashed on. The dragon pokemon gave him what he assumed was a smirk,

I'm feeling a lot better now, we best move on.

Brendan felt his sleepiness drain away and he got out of the armchair, he wince feeling his sore muscle ache in protest from his sudden action. Gardevoir made itself known with a gently hum, Brendan happily greeted the pokemon and it smiled at him.

The trainer began to pack up their belongings including the salvageable supplies into the duffel bag. Gardevoir wandered around the house bringing Brendan objects, hoping he would find it useful, most he shook his head except a wall clock, he popped out the batteries before handing it back.

Brendan went back upstairs and did another look around for things he could have missed, his diligence worked out as he found another can of Repel in a drawer in the bathroom.

Latios hovered up to him as he made his way down from the second floor, are you ready to leave?

"Yes, sorry it took so long."

It's fine as long as we can get something back.

Brendan nodded before he began to move the shelf from the window to let Latios out, Gardevoir then used Psychic and helped Brendan out of the house before the Psychic Fairy was returned to its ball.

"Wow, look at all these footprints, there must be 30 sets!"

Yes, very insightful and awful at the same time.

Brendan hopped on the dragon and with some effort they were airborne, Latios sailed through the sky but not at the usual break neck pace, I'm still a bit sore, I'll get us closest to the city before I give out.

"That's fine, I know you're tired!"

The dragon grunted as the two continue to ride the wind to Petalburg City, when the incident had started a few cities and towns were caught unaware, the ones that pulled through without too much damage were places with Gym leaders the rest was not so fortunate.

Littleroot and Oldale Town had to be abandon once they could no longer defend it properly, the trek to Petalburg was odious with Mad Trainers and Pokemon nipping at them as they traveled.

The two kept flying until Latios began to descend, sorry, I can't stay aloft any longer. I have to land.

"You can still hover on ground level right?"

Yeah, that much I can do for now.

The two reached the ground safely just as Latios panted, exhausted from all the flying, Brendan patted it on the wings, "We're on the home stretch, let's go!"

The dragon didn't reply but merely wobbled in the air, Brendan grinned and held on the wing and the two began to make their way to Petalburg.

"Do you think Lisia is doing alright? Zinnia?"

They both have Dragon pokemon in their care, they are fine.

"So long as they have Dragon Pokemon?" Brendan smirked, Latios rolled its eyes at him and he chuckled, don't act smart with me-!

Brendan and Latios whipped their heads as a scream rang in their ears,

"No! Stay back! Numel use Flame Burst!"

The trainer and dragon immediately ran in the direction of the scream as the sound of battle reached their ears, crashing and snarling echoed as another screamed pierced the winds,

"Numel, no!"

Brendan leapt through the foliage as Latios cleared a path for itself with Dragon Breath, there!

Brendan grabbed his Pokeballs and unleashed Absol and Golurk, the trainer got a better look at the victim and he blinked in surprise. It was a Team Magma Grunt cradling a Numel, tears dripped down her face as she was surrounded by crazed Spinda, Volbeat, Skitty, Brelooms, Lotad and Lombre.

Brendan paused for a moment as the Magma Grunt made eye contact with him before he issued out his commands.

Absol hissed, Golurk pounded its fists and Latios gave shrill battle cry before rushing the Mad Pokemon.


Whew, I'm back avid readers! I took a sort of administrative leave to get some things squared away. Now why I chose this direction…

I've been playing a lot of Omega Ruby and reading the manga for a while now and it just seemed to appeal to me at this point in time. Ash and company are still gonna have the show along with Lightning Guard Cloud and his friends, but I wanted to step away from them for even a moment to let you know how the pokemon world is taking to this Madness.

In the other continents as well. So here we have Brendan's story and for the sake of convenience and modern understanding, I'm going to use the ORAS-verse.

Shot in the dark and my conjecture, there will be dual type attacks in the following pokemon game, its just a given by now. And now for Brendan's Pokemon:

Blaziken [SpeedBoost]

- Aerial Ace

- Sky Uppercut

- Flame Charge

- Thunder Punch

Absol [SuperLuck]

- Night Slash

- Psycho Cut

- Dark Pulse

- Shadow Claw

Gardevoir [Trace]

- Moonblast

- Energy Ball

- Psychic

- Protect

Sharpedo [RoughSkin]

- Crunch

- Ice Fang

- Night Slash

- Scald

Leafeon [LeafGuard]

- Leaf Blade

- Synthesis

- Iron Tail

- X-Scissor

Golurk [IronFist]

- Phantom Force

- Shadow Punch

- Drain Punch

- Ice Punch

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and as always your feedback is greatly appreciated. I do apologize for the long hiatus you had to all endure for this update.


I am NRG

See You Again

"I'm sorry, but there's no way I can forgive you.
I just can't forgive this crime at all."

-Nagito Komaeda