Remake of "Mixed Emotions: The Stupid and Sucky Original" my very first Sylaire and FanFic story. Hope it's better than the original. :3

Reason why I remade a new Sylaire fanfic under the same name and plot:

'Cos I might be makin' lots and lots and lots of changes, so yeah. Getting tired rechecking a chapter for the umpteenth time and ending up getting new and, frankly, better ideas for it afterwards. =3=

Yeah. I know. I suck. I've been telling myself that ever since I posted "Mixed Emotions: The Stupid and Sucky Original" and have been beating myself up for it.

So yeah.

Okay, stopping ramble.

2014 Edit: Never really warned for this before, oops. WARNING FOR LANGUAGE THROUGHOUT THE STORY.

On with chapter 1! R&R please! :D


The perfect opportunity has finally come... A female thought to herself, a wide, malicious grin stretched on her shadow-hidden face. She peered through the leaves of the tree she was on again, and her grin only widened.

One of her subjects was already leaving, and the other just stood there, shell-shocked.

Her soon-to-be-"victims" will have their worlds turned unexpectedly. And they'll never see it coming!

At least... she hopes not.


Claire tossed and turned in her bed. She couldn't sleep. This was yet another sleepless night, the thirtieth time actually. But she couldn't help it... she couldn't stop thinking of him.

She lay on her back and tried to focus on sleeping. But every time she closes her eyes... all she could see was his beaming face. And when she does, she always opens her eyes to stop the dream from continuing.

It was since she had run into him when the sleepless nights started...


He had been walking out of a bookstore, reading his newly-bought book, and she almost dropped all her groceries when they almost collided, but he had fortunately held up a hand to stop her. She had looked around her bags to apologize then felt the words get stuck in her open mouth when she saw who it was. She had thought that she was seeing things and thinking, He can't be alive... He should be dead! I shoved that shard of glass into the back of his head back in Prima— She stopped her thoughts there. Meredith was dead because of him. And now he's alive and standing right in front of her. "Oh, crap," she had muttered and he had smirked, "Hello, Claire. Didn't expect to run into you like this..."

She had glared at him, "Why are you here? Alive?"

"Well, that's not a very nice greeting after not seeing each other for months." She kept glaring at him, so he said,"To answer your questions, I just wanted to buy a book and I'm alive thanks to the Primatech fire that melted the glass shard from my head before all of me could get burnt."

She flinched. It was thanks to her bio-mom that the son-of-a-bitch was alive! His smirk grew, "See you, Claire-bear." And left her there, shocked at the sudden realization.


The dreams had started a few days later...

Claire was sitting on a bench, waiting for someone. Then, that somebody came out of the corner. When he saw her, he smiled and waved at her. She caught his glance and returned his gesture. He sat down just a few inches from her.

"Hey," he said, smiling.

"Hey," she smiled back. They locked eyes for a brief moment. "So...?" She raised an eyebrow at him, still smiling.

"I don't know," he replied, smiling still.

Claire giggled, keeping her eyes locked on his. They were still smiling brightly at each other, their eyes twinkling. After another minute, Claire felt her face turn hot as he leaned closer to her. She hesitated for a moment before leaning closer to him as well.

They closed their eyes as their lips met.

That's when she would wake up, sitting up with a shudder. Her dreams went on somewhat like that, and with them always kissing in the end. She didn't know why she had those dreams; a part of her tells her that someone must be messing with her head, but another part of her says that these dreams are telling her something.

'Maybe you like him,' a little voice in her head had said.

"Eww! No way!" She would reply to the little voice.

'But you might,' the little voice would tell her afterwards. 'And you just don't know it yet.'

Claire would shudder at the thought and shrug it off. Then, she would force herself to go back to sleep.

This night however, she would open and close her eyes every time his image appears in her head. But, after all that opening and closing, she gave up, for she was dreadfully tired and planned to think of something else to keep the thought of the dream away.

She slowly closed her eyes and started drifting away to sleep, the thought of Sylar still nagging her thoughts.


Twenty minutes later, a dream started once more.

She saw his face appear in her thoughts. So she took the time to study his features: the ever-present stubble on his jaw; his soft lips, with its corners turning up to form that smirk that she used to hate and which now makes her smile mischievously back; his long, dark hair which she just wants to run her fingers through... She saved his ice-cold, stone-hard, dark-brown pools for last. Just thinking about his eyes makes her remember the first time she locked eyes with him at her former high school in Texas; it had made her stomach churn, but now, heat attacks her face. He saw him lift a brow as he gave her a warm smile, and his eyes turned soft and warm.

At that, she woke up. Unlike what she always did every time she opens her eyes after a dream, her face turned red and she started breathing heavily as her whole body shook. "Oh man." She put her palm on her forehead to check if she were having a fever—this was the first time she had ever thought that she might just be sick—but got disappointed when she found her temperature to be normal-ish. Of course I can never get sick! Damn ability...

She finally sat up and tucked a few strands of her hair behind her ear, examining her whole peach-and-pink-wallpapered wall. She sighed, and thought of how she could stop the dreams. Seconds later, she absently grabbed her cell phone and called him.

He picked up on the fourth ring.

"Hello?" His voice was a bit muffled by cotton, but it obviously sounded weary and groggy. With the very sound of his voice, her heart skipped a beat.

She hesitated before greeting. "Um... hello," she finally said as she moved to a more comfortable position.

"Claire?" His voice instantly became clearer, more alert, shocked, and amused.

"Yeah," she replied, trying to hide her nervousness. "It's me."

He chuckled, "Wow. The Indestructible Cheerleader actually called The Boogeyman. Is there anything wrong, Claire-bear?" His voice said into her ear teasingly.

She silently glared at him, or rather, pretending that he was there to be glared at. "Stop kidding around, Sylar. I'm serious over here!" She couldn't believe that she said something like that to him. "And, apparently, I could say there is." She sighed.

"Oh-kaay," he replied. "And with all the other people, why call me? Why not call Peter, your hero, to solve your problem, huh?"

"W-ell..." she stopped and thought about it herself. "I don't know actually."

"Ohh... this is new." She knew that he was smirking.

"Cut it out!" She was getting more and more irritated and annoyed by the second.

"Okay, fine," he sighed. "Get to the point, Claire-bear."

She tried to swallow the lump in her throat but lost. "C-Could you... come over?"

He was quiet for a moment. "Are you seriously asking the guy who threw you against a wall, carved your head open, and dug into your brain to come over?" He chuckled.

She sighed exasperatedly. "Just... come over." Pause. "And don't use the door, use my window, or else Mom, Dad, and Lyle would wake up, okay?"

"Okay," he said, and she knew that he was getting even more curious. "See you," then he hung up.

"See you," she whispered to the dead phone, hung up, and put it back on the desk near her bed.

She threw off the covers, arranged it, and sat down on the side of the bed that faced the window.

She sighed and buried her face in her hands and started sobbing. What the hell did I just do? I'm so stupid!