Jazz yelped as a blast grazed his shoulder as he was leaping behind a boulder.

The Con were worse than usual today.

: Prowl, this is Jazz, come in Prowl. :

: Prowl here. What is it Jazz :

: How are we gunna win this? :

: I don't know Jazz but- AH! :

: Prowl? Prowl, are ya hurt? : The TIC was met with static.

"Slag." He jumped out from behind the boulder and quickly shot the Cons aiming for him.

He spotted Prowl across the battle field. Ravage had torn into his doorwings and was now latched onto his sides, dragging his claws down slowly.

Jazz shot at Ravage who growled, let go and ran back to Soundwave.

The cat was so proud that he had brought the great Autobot SIC to his knees.

Jazz's rage consumed him and before long, Megatron was calling a retreat.

The saboteur ran over to Prowl, almost slipping in the pool of energon his best friend was lying in.

"Prowl?" He shook his friend as gently as possible, wanting to wake him up but not wanting to hurt him any more.

Prowl let out a groan before coughing up some energon.

"Easy Prowler. RATCHET!" Jazz yelled. The medic soon came running.

"Oh, Primus. We're going to need Prime's trailer. Prime!" Optimus transformed and they placed Prowl in the trailer, wincing at his groan of pain when they lifted him and placed him down.

They rushed back to the base, breaking almost, if not all, of the human's driving rules and regulations.

When they got to the base, they got the now unconscious Prowl out of the trailer and Ironhide carried him to the med-bay.

Ironhide gently laid Prowl on his front on a berth and was quickly kicked out by Ratchet to the wash-racks to clean off Prowl's energon which was now covering his front.

Three hours later, Prowl was stable and the Energon had been cleared off.

Jazz walked into the med bay. "How is he Doc?"

"He's stable, enough to go back to his quarters. But he isn't going to be working anytime soon."

"He won't be happy about that."

"Hm. And his cuts need to be sterilized every day." Jazz winced.

"That bad huh?"

"Yeah, the cuts were so deep they were in the protoform. I've repaired his doorwings but they need to be sterilized too."

"Okay, that'll probably sting more than the first one." Ratchet grunted in agreement..

"Hey Ratchet. I could do all of that, take care of him, if ya want." The medic paused, considering it.

"Yeah, I guess. Here's the sterilizer and the cloths." He said, handing over the bottle and cloths. "It's every day it needs to be done Jazz. Remember. It has to be done or those cuts are going to get badly infected."

"Ya done it today yet?"

"No, not yet, you'll have to do it." Jazz nodded, subspaced the items and picked up Prowl, walking out of the med-bay and to his quarters.

He entered the code for his door and walked in, placing Prowl on the berth. He looked down at the tactician.

"Ya sure are cute when you recharge Prowler." He smiled before taking out the bottle and cloths.

"Okay Prowler, this might sting."

He covered the cloth in the liquid and gently ran the cloth over one of the cuts on the SIC's sides. He groaned in pain and tried to get away from the cloth.

Jazz grabbed his other arm to keep him still.

"Sorry Prowl. It's gotta be done."

He rubbed the over the cut again and strengthened his hold when Prowl tried to jerk away from him.

He switched positions and went behind his friend, wrapping an arm around his front, holding him to his chest and started cleaning the cuts again.

Prowl's optics flared online and he tried to untangle himself from the saboteur, but then stopped, hissing in pain.

"Sorry Prowler, Ratchet said I had to stabilize these cuts, its gunna sting." He ran the cloth over the gash on his right said again and winced at the wail of pain from Prowl.

He stopped for a minute. Prowl dropped his head back, leaning on Jazz's shoulder, panting, his face contorted in pain.

"Sorry Prowl." He cleaned the left gash and then hesitated before moving to the doorwings. Prowl screamed as Jazz ran the cloth over the cuts.

Damn Ravage to the pit. Prowl thought before he was taken over by the pain again.

Jazz finished cleaning the gashes and wrapped the shivering Prowl in his arms. After a few minutes of being held, Prowl stopped shivering and Jazz carefully sat him back.

He gently wiped the tears off of his friend's faceplates.

"There. Done now. Thought...it's gotta be done everyday." Prowl groaned. Jazz watched the tactician in concern.

"Do you want me to go get some painkillers from Ratchet?" He said when he saw Prowl flinch in pain from his doorwing touching the wall.

Prowl shook his head. He turned over onto his front, hissing in pain as he moved, and rested his head on his arms.

Jazz carefully lay beside him and they both fell into a peaceful recharge.