AN: So this is the last part, and I seriously thought of writing an alternative end, but in the end decided against it. I will write a sequel though, and well now that I have tested out this universe as an author, I guess I just got a little bolder, and it won't be carrying a T rating like this. And basically the end is like it is to keep within the T rating. Thank you for reading.

I can't get

Any lower

I can't find

All the pieces of my broken life

But I try..

I still try


Nick knew that yelling out was a real bad idea, he quickly checked his pocket, scanning the shotgun shells inside, about twenty, it would just have to do, even if he knew he was fooling himself. He idly killed a mosquito that had lodged itself in his neck. "I hate this place." He growled to himself. He had been searching for Coach for what seemed the most of the day, he could tell that the sun would set soon, and he had to backtrack to the safe house right about now, if he didn't want to get caught in the dark.

Looking around, he made a decision, and stood up on a bench where people had once eaten their lunch. Not that Nick had the slightest clue who the fuck would wanna eat their lunch in this place, and screamed from the top of his lungs, "COACH!"

He listened to the silence, hoping for a reply, but none came, just the increased growling of Zombies who had heard him. He shook his head, there was nothing more he could do, he had tried to find Coach, he knew he had. Knowing that he would want the same from Coach if he had been the one laying injured somewhere, waiting for aid that never came. "COACH GODDAMIT!" He yelled, but no reply but growling.

Nick jumped down from the bench, and started to walk back the way he had come, making a mental note not to come back to the swamp, as in ever, this place was putrid, zombies or no zombies. He had made it half way back, counting his blessings for only meeting regular zombies on his way, none of the special, mutated infected. His eyes scanned the floor of an abandoned house, where nothing was left but the frame. Something was there, and curiosity got the better of him as he walked closer. He could see a hunting rifle, and made a quick decision to check how many bullets that had, and if it was more than.. He counted inwardly, ten, then he would take it. But as he arrived at the house, he saw something else, something purple and yellow. "Shit," He groaned, realising that it was Coach's hunting rifle he had seen. He studied the scenario for a little while, it seemed like something had knocked him over, and he had lost his gun, the outstretched arm reaching for the weapon, churned his stomach. It had to be a smoker, it just had to! What else would have knocked the gun out of Coach's hand, and rendered him from yelling out? Nick looked up in alarm, what if it was still around? He listened intensely, but heard nothing.

Kneeling down, he ran a hand over Coach's head, "Rest in peace, buddy." He mumbled, not sure if he should say something more, but since he was not exactly a avid user of the church, he had no clue what to say, and therefore it just had to do. Frowning he looked at Coach, blisters on his skin, and a fine layer of slime on his skin. Oh my God! Coach was turning into one of them! Nick quickly stood up as had he seen a viper. Was nothing sacred? He aimed the shotgun at Coach's head, "Sorry dude." He whispered, pulling the trigger, getting Coach's blood on his pants. This was some fucked up shit indeed!

Making it otherwise event less to the safe house, Nick called through the little window, "Ellis!" He looked over his shoulder out on the wet, grassy knolls, but saw no flesh eaters. "Ellis man, open the door!"

Ellis opened his eyes, and his first thought was that he had dreamed that Nick had called out for him, but when he heard it again, knowing he was awake, he realised that Nick was actually back. He rolled out of his cot with great care, and limped to the door, seeing Nick's pale, tired face on the other side. "You made it back." Ellis stated, hoisting the metal rod so he could open the thick door.

"Of course I did." Nick said as he tried to casually walk into the safe room.

Ellis looked outside for a long moment, "Coach? You didn't find him?" He asked softly.

"No." Nick lied, smiling sadly, "I'm sorry kiddo, I tried."

"It's okay." Ellis mumbled, closing the door shot, bolting it again. "We couldn't expect him to be alive." He turned to Nick, "The important thing is that you tried."

Nick nodded, not really wanting to talk about it, because honestly it had rattled Nick quite a lot seeing Coach like that. He had thought that all those zombies were the direct result of the green flu, he had not for a second thought about them transferring the infection to people who was supposedly immune. Or maybe Coach had never been immune in the first place? He knew that was bollocks, but he had to tell himself that, knowing that Ellis had received several bites from those fuckers.

Three days later Ellis was well enough to leave the swamp safe house, and they slowly, and cautiously made their way towards New Orleans, a part of Nick was happy that he at least was left alive with someone who apparently had been like a bloody bear cub or something, since Ellis showed remarkable abilities as a ranger.

Walking down a mind-numbingly boring road, blocked with cars, Nick cleared his throat, "So what about you sailor? Have a girlfriend or something to look for once we make it to CEDA?"

Ellis shook his head, "Nah,"

"Okay," Nick said sighing, he couldn't take more of Ellis' new silence, he was tired of just heading the zombies growl in a distance. "What about a boyfriend? A sheep? Anything?"

Ellis turned and looked at Nick, "A sheep?"

"Hey man, it's what you hicks do, innit?" He grinned disarming.

"Pfft" Ellis spat, turning around walking a little faster than before.

"Uncle!" Nick yelled, throwing his hands up in the air, "Uncle dammit!"

Ellis turned and looked at Nick, clearly confused.

"I can't stand more of the silent treatment," Nick admitted, "It's fucking starting to creep me out." When Ellis just stood and stared at him, Nick tried to read his expression, and he could tell that the kid was waiting for something, he wondered what that something was. And then it hit him. "You're still wearing the ring I gave you." He pointed out, "So you can't be as pissed off at me as you'd like me to think." He tilted his head waiting for Ellis to reply.

"I'm plenty mad with you." Ellis responded, fixing his cap so Nick couldn't see his eyes for the shadow.

"I don't think so." Nick stated, and with long, firm, strides made his way to where Ellis stood, staring at him for a little while, bending his knees slightly tilting his head and planting a kiss on the baffled Ellis' lips.

"I told you.." Ellis started, while he angrily wiped his lips with the back of his grimy hand.

"I know." Nick said calmly, purposely pushing Ellis up against a car, but before he could kiss Ellis again, they heard a loud screech in the forest that surrounded the road. And they both stepped back, grabbing a hold of their guns, and in complete silence trying to figure out where the feral zombie would attack.

Back in the safe room, Ellis stood leaned over the table studying a map, while Nick aimlessly looked around for anything to eat, but it seems like they was not the first ones to land here and get that idea. "There's crackers." Nick sighed. Everything had been cleaned out.

"We can be in New Orleans tomorrow." Ellis said, "If we follow the water."

"A boat would be neat then, I don't feel like killing zombies waist deep in water." Nick huffed, opening the box of crackers.

"We will just have to make it up as we go along." Ellis said, taking off his cap placing it on the table next to his rifle. "They better be there." he mumbled.

Nick abandoned the crackers, and picked up what little medical supplies was left, "We need to change your bandages, so.. take off your shirt." Nick couldn't help but to smirk at the last statement.

Ellis swiftly pulled the shirt off, and turned to watch Nick, his hands grabbed the edge of the table. "What about you?" He asked softly.

"Relax man, I am not that hurt." Nick said with a smile and stepped closer, amused to learn that Ellis held his breath as his fingers touched his skin. He had read the kid right. Carefully he unwrapped the bandages, "Looks better." He stated, "He did dig into you something fierce though." He placed a flat hand on Ellis' chest. "Close your eyes." He said softly, and as Ellis complied, he ran his hand down over the healing scars, and the soft skin of Ellis' chest. Feeling the younger man tremble as he leaned in and kissed him again, this time longer and more insisting, making it quite clear what he had in mind.

Ellis had turned out an attentive and talented lover, nothing like Nick had imagined, but then again, he hadn't imagined much. And for a while, Ellis little moans had shut out the never ending sound of zombies searching for something to kill. The insanity of it all never registered in Nick's brain, it just wasn't important, but what was important was that right this moment, he felt more alive than he had for months.

They had fought their way to and through New Orleans, aiming for the CEDA evac centre, and as they had reached the last helicopter out of there, no one was more relieved and surprised than them. "We fucking did it overalls!" Nick laughed manic as he lay on his back in the helicopter, trying to catch his breath, holding on to his arm which he reckoned was broken.

"Hell yeah!" Ellis laughed back, and then to Nick surprise he started to cry.

"Whoa." Nick turned his head, still panting, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing at all." Ellis smiled through his tears, "We made it, Christ, Nick, we made it!"

"Like I knew we would," Nick said with a little secretive smile, knowing he was lying though his teeth.

Ellis shot him a mockery of a serious glare, knowing that Nick was lying, but that didn't change the fact that Ellis had never been more relieved and happy in his life, he was alive. They were alive, and they were gonna be alright.

The end.